My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2499: Mysterious vibration

The beautiful shrine garden.

The woman in front of the stone bed was barefoot, dressed in blue and white clothes, and even the **** bird of Nanli was full of respect. She was dignified and had a golden Buddha mole on the center of her eyebrows. She was able to skillfully use the truth of Buddhism by raising her hand, which secretly surprised her. Dharma attainments.

"The mist, the sea of ​​flowers, the end is--" The woman lifted her head slightly, her Zhu lips moved slightly, and immediately her dignified face was shocked, and she took two steps backwards.

"Jalan Bodhisattva..." The beauty in white shirt was suddenly surprised when she saw the woman being startled.

Xia Yuyan slowly fell down on the stone bed. She was a little curious about this female bodhisattva, but whether her seal could be solved or not depends on what she said.

The three fairies and the Jincheng princess are all peeping at each other. This Jalan Bodhisattva has an amazing origin, and was invited by Guan Zizai to come to Nanlitian——

Yesterday, the north and the south were opposed to each other. It was this Jalan Bodhisattva who appeared in the south and stunned the Master Xinghe who was in the plane of God.

Jialan Bodhisattva looked at Xia Yuyan and said to the beauty in white shirt: "I can't see clearly, but she is a predestined person. Then there will be destiny to unlock the seal. If I calculate well, there should be someone to enter. The powerhouses of the heavens will help her open the dusty brand—"

"Well, okay." The beauty in white shirt has nothing to do, because she also tried and failed, but she never thought that even Jalan Bodhisattva could not do it.

The lord of Nanli, "Oz", watched from the side. She couldn't speak at all before. Now that she has the opportunity, she directly asked: "Bodhisattva Jalan, can you calculate where Lord Yedi is currently?"

"In the cave." Jialan Bodhisattva nodded.


There were several exclamations, including the beauty in white shirt!

Cave sky?

Su Jin just defeated King Heiyuan not long ago, and all the people brought by King Heiyuan came from the ‘Plane of God’s Capital.’ The Plane of God Capital exists within a cave—

The lightly white Buddha's finger pinched two segments, Jialan Bodhisattva's face was slightly wrong, and he smiled: "He should be fine, just rest assured--"


Darkness was shrouded, and more than 20 bonfires were lit on a circular continent. For some unknown reason, it was getting colder and colder. I wonder if it was the night around the plane of God.

Two hours have passed since the crack on the plane of God entered the plane of Senluo.

In the bonfire, one by one spar was vomiting hot flames, Xiao Jia Longzun, Xiao Zi'er, Tong An Ji Tiannv, sitting around a pile of bonfires—

Su Jin's treatment of fainting is almost complete, everyone else is sitting...

He sleeps!

Beauty's lap!

Dark Ji Tiannv was still a little uncomfortable at first, but Su Jin's state at that time was too scary and thought she was going to die, but she couldn't let Xiao Zi'er take care of Young Master Su.

"Siluo Plane, I can tear it apart, but if I do it carelessly, I'm afraid I will re-enter the Goddu Plane——" Xiao Jialongzun's face was solemn, he looked at Su Jin, and simply explained clearly to the Dark Jitian.

"Senior Xiao doesn't need to be like this. When he wakes up, he has the power of Senluo Dao, can find the direction to go to the south, and wait for the power to converge with the same view." The Dark Ji Tiannv said slowly.

"But when can he wake up?" Xiao Zi'er asked in a dazed manner, sitting in a squat position, clenching the purple sleeves with both hands, and putting it on his face.

"Guan Zizai Da Neng is really helping Ye Di?" Xiao Jia Longzun suddenly gained confidence.

"Of course. Senior Guan Zizai went to find Li Hentian's traitor to the heavens. Yesterday, there was already a corpse scavenger from Li Hentian."

"That's great! I'll go to set up the formation to prevent the beasts of the Sunluo plane from coming and harass." Xiao Jia Longzun stood up, clasped his fists, and started walking towards the south of the circular continent.

It didn't take long.

Su Jin sniffed and smelled a familiar fragrance. Although he didn't open his eyes, he knew whose lap he was sleeping on——

His eyes opened a gap, the endless pitch black, very familiar, the scene gradually became clear, he looked at the upper part, that part could block the face of the goddess of darkness!


Xiao Zi'er looked embarrassed and asked softly: "Wake up, wake up!"

Su Jin was very disappointed. He wanted to watch it for a while, but the Dark Ji Tiannv directly pushed him to sit up.

"Silk--" Su Jin couldn't help gasping in pain.

Does this woman understand gentleness?

Do you care for the wounded or murder the wounded?

Even if it wasn't intentional, what if you missed it and killed it?

"You, are you okay?" Dark Ji Tiannv knew that her movements were a bit big, and asked quickly.

"It's okay." Su Jin found that it was extremely difficult for him to move. His body seemed to be unwilling, only his right arm could be slightly raised.

Afterwards, with the help of Xiao Zi'er and the two daughters, Su Jin was sweating profusely and barely sat up cross-legged——

Lifting his right arm, Su Jin, who was seriously injured and dying at that moment, seemed to have changed his aura, his fingers seemed to be performing a kind of art, and the golden marks changed with the technique!

Tianfo Aquarius Handprint!

When Su Jin succeeded in making the seal, a golden Buddha vase appeared and began to express the Buddha's will and began to gather strength for him——

At this time, Su Jin entered the state of introspection. If he hadn't watched it, he would not even be able to imagine that his injury was so severe!

The bones of the gods and Buddhas were densely packed with cracks, and the bodhicitta almost wilted. Under his inner vision, there were injuries everywhere in his body, and many meridians were broken. However, it was a blessing to survive that one strike!

Su Jin didn't use the power of Senluo Dao rashly. Although it was the best choice here, the injury was so serious that it would take some time to repair it gradually with gentle Dharma.

A trace of Buddha's glory began to faintly appear from Su Jin's body——

Xiao Zi'er stared at Su Jin, her mouth slightly opened, as if she wanted to say something, but she seemed to find it untimely.

Without interrupting him, Xiao Zi'er and An Ji Tiannv got up, walked not far away, and began to whisper.

"Sister Tiannv, you enter the Shendu with him, can you tell me whether he really went to my Xiaojia Longbao to propose marriage?" Xiao Zier asked in a low voice.

"I don't know whether to propose marriage or not, but he did say that there is something to go to the Xiao family--" An Ji Tiannv was a little disappointed in her heart. For some reason, she felt a little irritable when she thought of Su Jin's so-called proposal to the Xiao family.

"Yesterday, he moved his hands to me twice, the first time he hurt my dragon body, and the second time he was merciful. He definitely fell in love with me——" Xiao Zier couldn't help but didn't notice it. To the strangeness of the dark sacrifice goddess.


The entire circular continent trembled suddenly and violently within the pitch-black Sunluo plane——

The Xiao Family Dragon Clan, An Ji Tiannv, and even Senior Xiao's expressions all changed wildly, and the strength of this tremor was visible!

At this moment, Su Jin also opened his eyes, and a sharp flash of sharpness flashed in his eyes~~~

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