My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2506: Shocked back

Twilight, groggy.

Coming out of the plane of Senluo is extremely simple. You don’t need Su Jin to take action. Senior Xiao can do it. He just uses Senluo’s supernatural power to mark a place to be broken, and directly brings out the Xiao family, who is migrating. —

Su Jin is getting relaxed now.

Nearly a hundred dragon kings of the **** king level, immersed in the gods, prepared to move to the "Five Elements Heaven" in one fell swoop, while Su Jin said that he was severely injured, and his whole body was painful, and there was no pain in every place——

So, Su Jin put his hands on the back of his head, lying on the dragon bed, An Ji Tiannv looked helplessly, this guy was really dishonest.

The legs of Anji Tiannv were used as pillows by him. Are his hands real pillows, or should they be used at the expense of her?

The hand-picked Xiao Zi'er and another female dragon king in Xiayi, kneading legs and squeezing arms are as cool as they are.

"Fortunately, it is very far away from the plane of the gods, otherwise the movement of the gods will start later, and Master Xinghe must be seen." You Longwang said privately.

"What are you afraid of! Lord Yedi is here—"

"Hey, Ye Di is really strong, how arrogant the girl in Zi'er is, none of the young talents in the clan look down on her, even the golden dragon in Xishan Dragon Cave is not in her eyes. Now~~" Some people shook their heads and sighed. Glanced in the direction of Longchuang.

"Now I am serving Lord Yedi."


Su Jin is indeed very at ease, closing her eyes and thinking about things. When An Ji Tiannv looked at Su Jin who was holding her head and resting her legs, she sighed in her heart, grabbed a fairy fruit in a nearby fruit tray, peeled it and put it in his mouth. before--


It is the same as grapes, but with a different taste. It has a unique fruity aroma and a lot of juice.

"What are you thinking about?" An Ji Tiannv finally couldn't help it, and asked softly.

"I'm missing home." Su Jin casually said.

"Ha ha."

An Ji Tiannv chuckled her mouth, but didn't mean to laugh at all, and then said: "You enjoy it so much now, even the noble dragon girl helps you pinch your legs, can you still miss home?"

"Yeah, what do you think is the reason for this? I guess you must say that it is because this king is too strong." Su Jin simply even guessed to help the Dark Ji Tiannv speak out.

"Is not it?"

The Dark Ji Tiannv started rolling her eyes as she spoke.

"No, this is the charm of personality, the extraordinary temperament, and the stunning appearance." Su Jin opened a gap in his eyes.

My God, lying on the lap of An Ji Tiannv, still can't see her face!

Obviously, it's not always a good thing to have a good figure--

Dark Ji Tiannv opened her mouth, and immediately swallowed what she wanted to say. Su Jin's self-confidence was indeed attractive, but she had to say that her strength was greater than anything else.

After about half of the incense was arranged, Su Jin was almost waiting to fall asleep before seeing Senior Xiao coming. This magical formation was extremely mysterious, with a radius of a hundred miles.

"Master Yedi, the sacred formation has been carved, when will we leave?" Xiao Jialongzun asked with a smile.

"Go! Go to Nanli——" Su Jin immediately regained his energy and got off the dragon bed.


Each position was illuminated, and many dragon kings began to accumulate their strength, minimizing the risk of the collapse of the gods.

At the last moment, with a loud noise in the void, the divine formation began to crack, and there was steaming dragon energy everywhere, and the figures in the divine formation gradually became hazy until they disappeared~~

Nan Litian.

The evening breeze of the setting sun was still hot, and the sky above the shrine, like a sea thrown into stones, began to ripple, and many powerful expressions changed wildly.

Xia Yuyan, the three fairies, and even Princess Jincheng all walked out, looking up at the terrifying scene.

With a green skirt and dress, the girl magic sound stuck her head out in the corner of the garden, her face was a little excited, Su Jin returned in shock!

"Jialan Bodhisattva, according to you--" Next to him, the beauty in white shirt asked a female Bodhisattva wearing a silk skirt.

"It's a big battle, huh? Xiao Family Dragon?" Jialan Bodhisattva was a little surprised, but a smile appeared on her face immediately.

Su Jin has already brought the Xiao Jialong clan and others, all descended at Nanli Shrine!

Xia Yuyan's face was joyful, and the guy who remembered, really, just like Jalan Bodhisattva said, came back strong!

"The son is back, but, but I'm worried about those who arrived in the morning with Li Hentian and mighty--" Fairy Xiaoxiang frowned.

"Those people are traitors to the sky, they are a little disobedient, Xiao Dongling and the others are better." Princess Jincheng nodded and said.


Xia Yuyan didn't think so much, just come back!

Stepping on the solid ground, Su Jin first looked at Xia Yuyan, and after giving her a reassuring look, he did not rush to talk to her, but looked at the beauty in white shirt instead.

What is the sacred Bodhisattva in Jinlan's dress beside the Nanli Divine Bird? I feel better than Master Xinghe——

Of course, this is just feeling!

Since she can stand with Nanli Divine Bird, this woman must be her own!

"Beauty, you look at me with a smile, do you know me?" Su Jin asked Jalan Bodhisattva.

Regardless of status or status, if you see a woman, just call a beauty, and 80% will be happy!

"Guan Zizai has manifested your appearance with me. After all, he is the person he values, so I naturally have to take a good look." Jialan Bodhisattva is constantly emanating from Buddhism, and has a fascinating sense of sacredness.

"Oh~~~" Su Jin suddenly.

Jialan Bodhisattva seems to be getting more and more weird. After all, Su Jin’s manifestation to her is a genuine Heavenly Dao monk. She hesitated and asked: "Guan Zizai said, you know better than him what freedom is——"

"He understands, but he doesn't want it." Su Jin shrugged.

"Oh? It sounds simple..." Jalan Bodhisattva was puzzled.

"Simple, just two words."

"What word?"

"lay down--"


I admire it, and everyone who hears it admires it. Even the beauty in the white shirt silently agrees when I think about it. If you are uncomfortable, you can't let go, you can't let go, let go of all your concerns, go your own way, and perfectly interpret the word'freedom'.

The white-shirted beauty was about to introduce Jalan Bodhisattva to Su Jin so as not to make him too much, but when she just wanted to speak, her face suddenly became hard to look.

Nanli Shrine is shaking--

"The bald donkey in Guan Zizai is a big liar! He deceived us from'Li Hentian', and said that he would attack and destroy the'Plane of God' and march towards the heavens! Now we have to rely on this heavenly realm to attack? What a joke!"

In the trembling of Nanli Shrine, a giant man covered in silver steel armor, holding a heavy hammer in his hand, was unable to suppress his anger.

One of the traitors of "Li Heng Tian"!

Su Jin's expression became more and more weird, and he dared to speak like this in front of the white-shirted beauty and Jalan Bodhisattva. This traitor is likely to be a leader with extraordinary strength!

Then, without waiting for others to speak, Su Jin's words directly stunned the audience. He asked the beauty in white shirt:

"Does he resist beating? Besides...who is the beating?"

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