My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2507: The legendary Buddha

Beaten to death?

Whose counts——

Nanli Divine Bird was dumb for a while, and the others were left aside. The name of the great silver-clad'Kray' alone is enough to make people famous, and he is also the key figure of'Li Hentian' , Guan Zizai attaches great importance to it.

Jalan Bodhisattva had been suspicious of Su Jin and his wife, especially Su Jin in front of him, even she could not see through.

Nine Taoist cultivation, three kinds of secrets.

With so many unimaginable divine visions, who would not be curious about him after seeing them?

"Hahaha, crazy boy, your little heavenly realm, you are not qualified for pouring tea and water to this uncle, Guan Zizai is confused, and bet the treasure on you?"

The giant Hankley lightly carried the horrible heavy hammer, his rough tone became less and less affectionate, and then gradually stared at his eyes like round copper bells, and continued: "It doesn't matter if you are not here today, I want Hammer this little heavenly liar into flesh, you Nan Litian dare to intervene and smash your shrine first!"

Heavenly Realm?

Little liar!

These words are the words that are open and closed. To be honest, the Xiao family and Senior Xiao all secretly wiped the fine sweat from their foreheads.

Sure enough, another person who miscalculated Su Jin's strength! Xiao Zier glanced at Tiannv Sister.

An Ji Tiannv gave Xiao Zi'er a helpless look, and whispered: "Cover your eyes~~~"

Of course the Xiao Jialong clan had confidence in Su Jin.

At this moment, Senior Xiao finally couldn't stand it anymore, frowned and walked out, softly shouting: "Is the person here, Li Hate the Great Silver Armor?"

"Not bad!"

The Great Silver Armor turned his eyes and looked intently, and his anger suddenly increased, "Tsk! Very good, the Xiao family dragon clan of the plane of the gods seems to have something to do with this kid. If the deity guessed well, this kid After using the trick, he is already a person of the same faction on the plane of God!"

The imagination is so rich.

Su Jin didn't even want to listen to his bullshit. He had been warming up in place as early as before a boxing match, twisting his neck constantly, and jogging in place.

"I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding inside, Lord Yedi..." Before Xiao Jia Longzun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Great Silver Armor.

"Shut up to me! Tell me quickly, what are you fooling me into the power of Li Hentian!" The Great Silver Armor glared at Xiao Jia Longzun and shouted.

"You can't just listen to someone finish it!" Xiao Jialongzun was the most angry in this situation.

The beautiful garden, the atmosphere is very hot now, and there may be a big contest at any time. Not far away, Xiao Dongling is wearing a small skirt, lying on the edge of the jade flower stand, his eyes narrowed into crescents——

"Uncle Cree, don't kill your elder brother. Just hit him under the neck and can't move. Dong Ling wants to catch him--" Little Dong Ling raised the cloth bag in his hand as soon as he saw the silver armor .

Hearing the sound, Su Jin's face suddenly had a few black lines with Sichuan characters~~~

Hearing this, the silver armour Great Lord suddenly became weak by eight points, and said to Xiao Dongling: "Hole little princess! I won't kill him, I want to scrap him and leave it to Guan Zizai for questioning!"

"Uncle Clay, come on!"


Jialan Bodhisattva looked at it and felt something was wrong.

The dragons of the Xiao family are very luxurious, but these people seem to respect Su Jin, even the Dragon Venerable of the Xiao family, and everyone's eyes when they look at the Great Silver Armor are full of sympathy?

Could it be that the "Nine Ways of Repair" took another path? Can you really compete with the Silver Armor? To be honest, if Jaran Bodhisattva did not see it with his own eyes, he would never believe it.

The Eternal Goddess walked to the side of Xiao Dongling, and in her puzzled face, she whispered directly: "Bloody, close your eyes—"

Warm up is complete!

Su Jin's posture just now was seen by everyone, eh! The posture is very ostentatious and arrogant, which simply interprets the style he has always continued——

"Listen to what you just said, you want to scrap me?" Su Jin looked at the silver armor and asked.

"That's right! Although you are a strange liar, if you want to compete with this great deity, it is a idiotic dream--"

"Uncultured, terrible. Fool! That's idiotic dreams!"

"Yes! Foolish dreams!"

"Come and come, what the king wants is not to contend, but to crush! Let's take you as a model today and kill the monkeys. If this is not the case, how will the king discipline his subordinates and move toward the heavens in the future!" Su Jin began to earnestly. .

"What kind of chicken or monkey! Do you dare to scold me and die for me!" The Great Silver Armor immediately became mad, even so, he still plans to start lightly, after all, it is Xiao Dongling's prey.

Although the Great Silver Armor is sturdy in size, his speed is not slow at all, and he is about to lift a heavy hammer—

A faint trace of Buddha blossom came out of Su Jin's body, and the mark of the prayer wheel on the right hand of the Buddha King of Life and Death gleamed slightly!

Immediately afterwards, a Buddha ruler with a height and a width of a ruler gradually appeared!

Jialan Bodhisattva's sacred and beautiful face was shocked and exclaimed: "Ming Wang's footsteps! This artistic conception...this is the legendary Buddha secret!"

As we all know, Gu Tian Mi is a magical technique for the manifestation of heaven and earth, and some of the created artistic conceptions are all ‘false secrets’, but there are other ‘secrets’ in this world that are not created artificially!

For example, Buddhism, as a kind of the Three Thousand Ways of the Heavens, its origin can be traced back to the most ancient way of heaven. The secret of the Buddha is not created by humans, but is a derived Buddhist technique from natural Buddhism.

The "One Sand One World" created by Guan Zizai is actually based on a kind of false heavenly secrets. The two are incomparable at all. Therefore, as soon as the King of Ming Dynasty came out, it caused Jalan Bodhisattva's shock.

The ruler of the king of the Ming Dynasty rose in the blink of an eye!

Two meters.

Five meters.

Almost between people and gods, it has reached a height of one hundred meters, the golden essence, with transparent green tears, and different Buddha characters, densely packed, ups and downs!

Really very quickly, Su Jin showed the ruler of the King of Ming Dynasty, and it quickly expanded to a height of 100 meters, which made people unable to keep up with the rhythm!

Most of the Xiaojialong clan closed their eyes or concealed their eyes, as if they had already expected the result.

"Master Yedi won't give a chance--"

"More than not giving opportunities, what he wants is crushing, what he wants is to convince the crowd! Li Heng Tianlai people are all unreasonable and difficult to discipline. He wants to establish a model and establish prestige!"

"It's really miserable, this silver armoured master threatened to blow up Lord Yedi, it's really ridiculous..."


How could a foolish man in silver armor distinguish treasures? He just felt that Su Jin was pretending to be handsome. He always felt that the three steps of the heavenly path were always the heavenly path, nothing remarkable!

At this moment, Su Jin used both hands to control the hundred-meter-high ‘Ming King’s Ruler’, and directly drew it towards the Great Silver Armor like a mountain of golden tears—

The speed is too fast to blink! When the Great Silver Armor cried out in his heart, it was too late!


The face of the Great Silver Armor was drawn directly by the corners of one side. At that moment, a mouthful of old blood sprayed into the void~~~

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