My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2520: Extremely desperate


Su Jin's aura moved the sky, and that roar, accompanied by the constantly collapsing void, seemed to roar open the sky!

Eyes, tricolor pupils!

The blood blue, gray blue, and clear blue sky secretly bless the Dao body. Su Jin opened his arms as if he had become the master of the scene. His high-fledged hands were receiving the blue line Senluo's supernatural power——

The lead-in speed is too fast!

The dark blue sunluo's supernatural power hovered around Su Jin, as if condensed into a nebula as magnificent!

"Tian Mi!" Guiying lost his voice in shock in the distance.

As a well-known great hunter god, Guiying Kuanglan had hunted Tian Mi several times in her early years, but all of them missed the ‘Tian Secret’. She didn’t even think about it. There were three kinds of things in Su Jin alone--

There were nearly a hundred people in the Tiandao Arbitration Institute, and four of them were lost. Now, including the Supreme Taoist, only 89 people remain. Except for a limited number of people, the faces of all the others have changed drastically, horrified by the power of the emperor!


A **** king of the arbitration house of heaven, unprepared, a void collapsed behind him, he panicked and exclaimed, the whole person was sucked by the collapsed void, after pulling in, a dark red blood mist appeared——

The collapsed void was torn apart...

Su Jin raised his arms, and the dark blue brilliance went all the way!

It's hard to guard against!

Except for the five strongest members of the Tiandao Arbitration Institute, all of them were entangled by the dark blue Senluo power——

Everyone stopped resisting at that moment, and even the divine power was imprisoned. The sight that appeared in their eyes seemed to be not a scene from the scene. They did not have any struggle, as if they had returned to the year with the most precious memories and fell into that illusion. Can't extricate themselves from it——

Eighty-four groups of blood mist burst out in an instant, and the Dao soul floating on the scene could be ecstatic, sad, or tearful!

"Shen Luo Wanxiang is so amazing!" The beauty in white shirt gasped.

"I can't feel the pain at all, even the body is destroyed, the soul floats out, and I am still trapped in the deepest illusion. It is impossible to break free forever. The key blow is almost annihilating the group of people in the Arbitration Institute of Heaven!"

King Jiaoya was sluggish, and his throat was constantly trembling. After it reflected it, he smiled bitterly and said to himself: "I really want to thank Yedi boss for raising his hand."

Taishang Daoist and the other four people in the arbitration of the heavens are dumbfounded-

Guiying Kuanglan looked stupidly, Xian Xuanyi couldn't bear to look straight.


Eighty-four places collapsed, directly crushing all those spirits!

"I killed you!" The Taoist Taoist swung his sleeves fiercely.

That robe sleeve is bulging, as if it can accommodate a Tianchen, and the big hands condensed on that robe sleeve are even more terrifying, and directly point to Su Jin!

The cultivator of the Five Elements Heaven realised just then, with anxiety in his ecstasy!

"One blow to destroy the 84 people of the Tiandao Arbitration Institute! It only took a long time to come to the mighty Tiandao Arbitration Institute, and now there are only five people left!"

"These are the five strongest people, and the great Taoist person is very terrifying. It is said that he is the'God of Tao', capable of exerting 100% of his own Dao's strength, and his divine power is endless--"

"It's really boosting morale. No matter whether Yedi can compete with the Taoist, but at least he is the most terrifying right now!"


That claw, as if he could trace his fate, Su Jin found that he could not dodge at all, and his eyes were full of real claw shadows——

The Taoist Taoist was so angry that he caught Su Jin directly!

Do not!

To be precise, it should be the use of Dao palm to catch the condensed shadow of the Donghuang Bell overflowing——

"What?" The Taoist man became angry, but then his old face changed. He found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break the Donghuang Zhongying!

"Old Piff!" Su Jin's voice was powerful, and he directly raised his arms and slammed on the'East Emperor Bell'.

The Taoist priest shrank his pupils and quickly retracted his arm. The origin of the Eastern Emperor Bell was terrible. This night the emperor hit him with the'Eastern Emperor Bell'. If he hit him, the consequences would be disastrous!

"Haotianding, get up!"

The Taoist Supreme shook with one hand, and a jade-white four-legged divine cauldron floated out. The divine cauldron grew bigger and bigger. Around the white cauldron, celestial fires clustered around, "brown dragon", "bifang" and even one side appeared. Yingzhao' mythical beast!

That ‘great move’ is the appearance of a young man with a head, a tiger body, and an eagle wings!


The East Emperor Bell hits, Haotianding hurriedly responded!

Shenxia rushes into the sky! Only saw fragments flying around, the heavy treasure "Haotianding", which is as powerful as the Supreme Taoist, was smashed to pieces, and the "Eastern Emperor Bell" was still intact and flew back!


The big hunting **** Guiying suffocated the madness. She understood that Su Jinqiang is one aspect, but the real strength may not be too strong for being called the ‘Tao God’. This guy’s **** treasure is too powerful—

The key is still there. If you use this point to spray, you will not be choked: You are amazing, you also take out the gods!

Although Jialan Bodhisattva was surprised at Su Jin's extraordinary combat power at this time, a faint strangeness began to appear in her heart. She raised her finger and gently pinched it, and slowly shook her head.

The unpleasant feeling comes from the Taoist too...

At this moment, the Supreme Taoist calmed down, looked at Su Jin, kept clapping his hands, and slowly said, "I have to say, you surprised me very much—"


Su Jin's eyes were startled, and he found that his bodhicitta was beating rapidly, and the beat was surpassing usual! You must know that he has a ‘natural’ way of heaven, and rarely has his heartbeat speeded up during a fight.

"Although your Nine Dao cultivation bases are very strong and my gods are beyond my comparison, the heavens are mighty and cannot be desecrated! The rules of the heavens are the rules of the heavens, and all creatures must abide by them. You are not the first monk against the heavens. The defenders end up, and all die—"

Too high Taoist seems to be very confident, confident to deal with Su Jin, his tone is also very uncomfortable to listen to, as if he is going to be a head of others, high above others, and despise others...

"It's up to people to plan, and it's up to get things done! I don't believe in the so-called shit, you have the rules, and I have the rules! Whoever violates my night emperor, Zhu!" Su Jin said coldly.

"Your death has already begun..." The Taoist Taoist said even more strangely.

Su Jin felt a little in his heart.

Everyone's hearts trembled!

The eyes of the Taoist priest gradually began to change color——

The blue eyes, this is a very strange situation that is indescribable. In those blue eyes, it seems that people can see Su Jin’s life road breaking, and there is a lifeless darkness and silence ahead...

This is a secret!

Taishang Taoist, the secret of heaven, is simply unstoppable!

Su Jin's face changed drastically, he felt that his eyebrows were closing, his eyes closed irresistibly!

And then, a blood-colored crack appeared in the center of the eyebrow——

"This is the'fate' secret!" The beauty in white shirt had despair in her eyes.

Su Jin's whole body began to tremble, and Donghuang Zhongdu Town did not live with the power of the secret life! He looked up to heaven! The bloodstain on the center of the eyebrows sprayed out nine gods!


Nanli Shrine.

"The soldiers are resolved, or the soldiers are resolved--" Fairy Xiaoxiang raised her eyes and watched the manifestation, covering her small mouth, and shedding tears.

"My son, my son..." Princess Jincheng's face was pale.

Xia Yuyan wore a light yellow skirt that Su Jin liked, looked up, tears streaming down.

But unlike the other women, Xia Yuyan has confidence in Su Jin!

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