My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2521: Chuangtian Tomb

Not allowing Su Jin to think about it, he hurried to the north—

The bitter cold wind is not worth mentioning to him as the **** of fire.

"The world in the sky tomb is actually an extremely distant starry sky. Those stars are by no means an illusion." Su Jin looked at the aurora that appeared on the starry sky to the northwest and figured out one thing.

These aurora can only appear in places with harsh weather!

Su Jin kept paying attention to the rear, but the Supreme Taoist did not chase them. Obviously, they were also the first time to enter the tomb. They did not expect such a vast world inside——

"That's..." Su Jin's pupils shrank sharply, and his heart jumped.

In the hilly ice field in the distance, there are many ice crystal mountains growing on the ground. The highest ice crystal mountain is no more than a hundred meters tall, and the lowest is waist-length. And just under the ice crystal mountain that reflects the'yellow-green aurora', there is a terrible scene. Su Jin's eyes!

The ice crystal mountain was coiled by a dragon tree--

What is Dragon Tree!

Dragon shape, scale leaves, foot roots! Ice!

This dragon tree is not simple. It has an innate dragon air gifted by God. Su Jin is strange. This dragon tree has matured a long time ago, but it has been inexplicably sealed here——

Su Jin stopped moving, and even retreated. On the dragon tree's dragon head canopy, an ice corpse was clearly traversed. Looking up from his direction, you could see the snow-white feet!

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