My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2522: What a ghost!

The dead are not terrible--

The scary thing is that the dead move!

Su Jin didn't dare, but he was afraid that if there was a big movement here, it would attract great enemies such as the Supreme Taoist, and beside the root of the dragon tree, there was a young corpse standing and holding the hilt.

"If the dragon tree can transform the dragon, the **** corpse on it can take the opportunity to resurrect against the sky. If I move forward, this young corpse puppet who guards the dragon tree will escape from the ice." Su Jin left. , Go north.

The road ahead is unknown.

Banzhuxiang passed, Su Jin walked over an ice cliff and over a vast land. The fierce battle erupted in the direction of Dragon Tree made him stay and watch.

The eyes are fiery red, and the fiery eyes look at the southern dragon tree--

Dao Shentai is carrying four deacons, and is breaking out to fight the young corpse puppet!

Within a moment, the three deputy deacons hung color on their bodies, and one of them had one arm cut off and almost died, and the Taoist priest issued an order to retreat, not dare to provoke the young corpse puppet where the dragon tree was.

The Great Hunting God is worthy of being famous for concealed hunting. Her speed, Su Jin felt that she would be able to catch up when she was in full bloom. The Taoist priest had already led people to the west, but this woman traced him back very accurately. The way-


Su Jin's robe was hunting, he stepped to the highest ice cliff next to the land and sat down calmly.

The Taoist is too powerful enough to evolve the path he walks. This is also caused by his care. When he walks, even the traces of the void are erased. This big hunting **** can indeed do it, I am afraid that she has her on his body. means--

Since you are here, let's accompany you to the end!

With blood constantly tumbling all over, Su Jin closed his eyes. Even with the work of these people, he was unwilling to give up the opportunity to heal his eyebrows——

The strands of green vitality, turning into lines, continuously converge from the meridians, and gather on the center of the eyebrows. This is Su Jin's last method. If it fails, it is hard to say whether he can repair his eyes in the future.

Great pain--

The pain in the brain was so terrible, Su Jin tried to endure the inhuman pain and kept the damage to life, but the more so, the more the crack could not close...

After a while, Su Jin was silent.

A blood flow down his head, wiped away by him indifferently, and recovered quietly.

Once again failed, Su Jin's heart was not moved like a bell. He relied too much on the Maha Town Prison Eye and the Great Wisdom Buddha Eye. If the Buddha Eyes are no longer, the three Buddhist temples cannot be manifested, and the Maha Town Prison Eye cannot bear it. Once broken, this is a very hurtful thing.

Sitting cross-legged with closed eyes quietly, the aurora shining brilliantly in the sky, and the cold wind everywhere, until the great hunting **** and ghost rushed quietly on the top of the cliff and stuck out his head.

The Taoist **** in the sky, before chasing and killing Yedi, said before entering the tomb that Yedi was seriously injured!

Indeed, from the eyes of the Great Hunter, the same is true—

Su Jin was on the verge of military solution before, and was hurt by Fate and Heaven's Secret, and his eyebrows were still bleeding.

But even so, Guiying Kuanglan still hesitated.

When Su Jin is in his heyday, Guiying Kuanglan is not an opponent, but she believes that the gap between herself and him is not big, and now the opponent is extremely weak!

"As the most handsome man in the world, he was chased by beauties 10,393 times. I sit still and make you obsessed--" Su Jin said, even his eyes Did not open.

The big hunting **** and ghost raging:...

What if you find it?

So narcissistic indifferent, isn't it used to conceal inner fear?

In the eyes of Guiying Kuanglan, Su Jin is too weak, she is 90% sure to kill Su Jin, even if it is not an assassination——

"Ye Di, I have decided to join you among the traitors to the sky." A cold light flashed in the depths of Gui Ying's eyes, but his face was well covered, and he said with a smile.

"Oh?" Su Jin opened his eyes suddenly, pretending to be a strong joy, and looked at the hunting god.

This woman is smart.

If Su Jinruo changed to another person, he was afraid that he really believed her evil!

Just now when the Great Hunter Ghost was hiding, when he looked at him, he revealed a trace of murderous aura. Although it was very subtle, Su Jin didn't feel wrong!

"Even the Taoist priests can't help you. What reason do I have to refuse Ye Di's solicitation!" Guiying Kuanglan chuckled.

"This shouldn't be your reason." Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.



Gui Zhen Kuanglan was secretly muffled, his eyes blinked slowly, not to mention that he was really charming, his tone changed, and he slowly said: "A handsome man, he is always easy to attract attention. Is there a good reason? "

Most of the ears-short hair, the high-tied ponytail, especially the dark blue lips, really made Su Jin look at it several times.


The one-meter tall beauty is not easy to control! He was almost as tall as Su Jin, and in that gray shirt, with a black-string hunting bow and quiver on his back, Su Jin sat on the spot, supporting his chin.


Gui Ying swears that when he succeeds, he must kick the night emperor a few feet to vent his anger, and practice to the point of her. "Lust" is simply a fart, and how can I say such disgusting things?

She is called steady hand.

Until now, apart from seeing that Ye Di was very weak, she was afraid of this guy's divine treasure.

There are even divine treasures against fate and secrets, this guy is no less than a mobile treasure! Must be careful...

Su Jin opened his mouth, nodded lightly, and said with a chuckle: "Since the great hunter is loyal to me, I naturally welcome it. You will definitely feel that in the future, loyal to a handsome and powerful man like me must be the ancestor who has burned high incense. , Accumulating a hundred lifetime virtues——"

Really enough!

The corners of Guiying Kuanglan's mouth twitched slightly. She regretted that she shouldn't hold her hand firmly. It's better to kill this guy directly. In just a few words of communication, how much advantage did he take to herself?


Really speechless.

"Emperor Ye was injured by the Supreme Taoist before, what's going on now?" Guiying Kuanglan asked softly.

"It has been completely recovered." Su Jin pretended to be indifferent, looking at the madness of the ghost.


He's still pretending--

Guiying Kuanglan looked in his eyes, and the other party did not completely recover.

With such determination, Gui Ying Kuanglan felt even more sure that she was sure to kill this guy.

"It's best if this is the case. I just saw that the Taoist priest has already come here. We'd better leave here soon." Gui Ying Kuanglan said with a solemn expression.

Fart, it's clearly going west--

The smile on Su Jin's face was very sunny, how could his wisdom be compared to this woman, and then he simply calculated it, and his legs trembled slightly when he got up.

This was seen by the big hunting god, so it was worth it? She even wanted to cut Su Jin directly...

Once, the most widely circulated sentence in the world was: Don't show your back in the eyes of the hunter god, even teammates!

Guiying Kuanglan's eyes flickered, and he was about to do it, but when Su Jin suddenly turned around, she frightened her grand hunting god——

exaggeration! Su Jin had a strange expression and said in an extremely exaggerated tone:

"Hey? Guiyang! This king shows you a baby..."

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