My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2523: Juyin


What baby--

The dark blue lips painted by Guiying Kuanglan moved, her eyes full of doubts, she was still defensive in her heart, watching Su Jin raise her right arm, and directly tossed something handsomely to the big hunting god.


The big hunting **** slowly opened, although the overflowing light was not dazzling, but her face turned red, and she quickly threw it away!

It's hard to guard against!

This scroll hunter has never heard of it, but it has a resounding name: Acacia Picture!

Just glanced at--

A drunken voice, accompanied by a series of misty lights and shadows, appeared in the depths of the pupils, feeling like a ghost, the skin all over his body was hot! The entire body has stayed in place. Immediately, she threw out the acacia picture fiercely!

The entire treasure map, the brilliance is getting stronger and stronger, although it is thrown away by the ghosts, it still unfolds, floating around, has the ghosts ever experienced such a posture?

"You mean!" In Guiying's eyes, people kept appearing, and he scolded in shame.

Hehuantu has been with Su Jin for so long, during which he practiced more than once. Although in terms of value, it is not comparable to dragon swords, giant ques and other magical soldiers, but it often has an unexpected effect on female cultivators!

"Despicable? Great Hunter, if you follow me sincerely, I wouldn't do that. In your heart, you actually have a very low evaluation of me, and you even look down on the traitors, disdain to be with me, and just moved me even more. Murderous--" Su Jin sneered.

Feel this, this?

The Great Hunting God just closed his eyes and sat down on the spot, but closed his eyes, as if there were phantom shadows, manifesting in the surroundings, constantly turning into light and shadow into her divine body——

In this way, it is almost like a ghost possessed!

"Ye Di! You can't die..." Guiying raged all over her body, trying to resist the inexplicable power of Acacia, she finally trembled, and a crimson ghost king curse began to condense on her forehead.

The more Su Jin looked, the more satisfied he became. This big hunting **** was indeed tyrannical. With the addition of the Ghost King Curse, the other side could contend temporarily. How firm should this female sister be?


The ghost screamed up to the sky and drank it, a red glowing masterpiece, she opened her eyes suddenly, gave Su Jin a fierce look, directly smashed the void and swept into it——

The strange thing is that she originally thought Yedi would stop, but instead of preventing her from leaving, Su Jin looked at her with a strange look!

Su Jin smiled faintly, raised his hand to put away the acacia picture, silently looked at the void that gradually closed, and said to himself: "You will come to me..."

Having said that, Su Jin disappeared from the ice cliff and officially set foot on that piece of land.



A portal opened in the void, and a woman staggered and fell down. Her short hair, a high-beamed pony tail, her eyes like a phoenix, and a hunting bow on her back!

The Ghost King Curse was just shaken off by her, but fortunately, this was only the power of the Eternal Ghost King, not as powerful as Yedi’s Candle Dragon Avenue and Senluo Avenue, otherwise she would be truly controlled by Ye Di!

The cold wind swept through a dead leaf, and the ghost fell in panic. She didn't want to sit down again. She was flustered and looked at her collar from time to time. Terrible thoughts kept growing again. She pressed her hand, no Let yourself untie your belt.

After licking his dry lips, Guiying Kuanglan realized that whether he closed his eyes or not, he seemed to have a drunken voice, resounding in his mind!

"Damn it, I can't get rid of it!"

Guiying Kuanglan did everything he could, and even chose to forget this memory scene for a short time. After opening his eyes, the strange feelings came like a tide.

This night emperor has all kinds of divine treasures!

The big hunting **** is very angry-

After all, he was not careful, Guiying frantically gritted his silver teeth and became annoyed.

The most depressing thing is that there is always the figure of Ye Di in his mind, and even want to find him, he is constantly ingrained, as if that figure is branded in his mind.

Soon half a stick of incense time passed by.

Su Jin didn't walk fast all the way to the north. Although the continent under his feet was not like the ice sheet, it was still extremely cold.

An ice-colored plant grows on gravel, hills, and everywhere. So far, besides the dragon tree that I first saw, these ice-colored knee-length plants are the second creature Su Jin has seen— —

"That's..." Su Jin was startled and saw an ice lake in the north of the lonely continent.

The ice lake is less than a hundred miles in radius, and it is covered with dense rectangular ice blocks. He glanced at it and his face became more shocked.

On the edge, Su Jin saw stone men surrounding the entire ice lake.

Neatly, there is a stone man every 100 meters. The stone man is carved vividly, but these carvings are not good-looking. Each expression is exaggerated and a little sinister——

Su Jin didn't see the traces of the formation, he thought for a while, his feet lightly applied force, turned into a stream of light, and stepped onto the ice lake.

On the left hand, a corpse was frozen in a block of ice growing on the ice lake.

Wearing a stone hairpin on her head, she was only twenty years old, and the whole young female corpse was lying in the ice, with her legs close together, wearing white clothes, her hands on her abdomen, but her eyes that had lost her brilliance were open!

Two bloodstains can be clearly seen in the corners of both eyes!

Open eyes and tears--

There was no wave in Su Jin's heart, and he looked at an ice cube in the direction of his right hand. He was also a beautiful corpse, with tears and blood open!

The ice cube is waist-height, the passage is nine vertical and nine horizontal, and the swing is very elegant. The ice corpses here are all women, and there are more than 10,000! Su Jin observed that these female cultivators died because of soul extraction. This method of death was too painful, so there were tears.

The bone ring trembled slightly.

On the picture of the goddess holding the lotus, Liu Changjia, who had been silent for a period of time, recovered and exclaimed softly: "This is Juyin——"

"What is Juyin?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Look at those ice blocks, they are actually engraved with patterns. These patterns keep the yin qi from dispersing, and the stone figures surrounding the ice lake are stone formations, allowing yin qi to gather to the center..." Liu Changjia said in a tone. It's getting scarier.

"and then?"

"Gathering Yin Shen Formation is an array that damages Yin's virtue. It is intolerable in the world. The world has long been extinct. I never thought I could see it here. There is only one situation in this way."

"what's the situation?"

"Someone wants to live."

After Liu Changjia’s reminder, Su Jin had a deeper understanding of this heavenly tomb. At the top of the dragon tree to the south, there was a corpse lying on it. The moment he wanted to use the dragon tree to prove his way, he would resurrect by chance. And this'Juyin Lake', obviously someone wants to live too!

Su Jin's eyes were red, and he looked towards the center of a hundred miles, only to see the elliptical ice lake, there was a faint vortex coiling around, but unfortunately his "Maha Town Prison Eye" could not be displayed, otherwise it might break through. Mystery.

"Don't go down anymore, gather the yin spirit to hurt the heavens and reason, ordinary people stray into it, the light ones become seizure, the infection is unknown, the heavy ones are difficult to live--" Liu Changjia stopped.

Su Jin frowned and raised his head slightly, he felt...

Someone behind!

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