My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2532: Who do you think you are! (2/5)

So arrogant--

Su Jin is least afraid of being arrogant. When he was about to speak, Xiao Dongling stood up at this moment and said with a smile: "Big Brother Yedi, don't be afraid, you let me pretend to be you when it is critical, but they dare not move. your."


The two women were stunned.

Five planes, more than a dozen strong, only then did he pay attention to Xiao Dongling, and laughed at the words——

"What a laugh! Then laugh and eat it all..." Xiao Dongling wrinkled Qiong's nose tightly, making a threatening expression.

That threatening look is not joking!

The laughter stopped abruptly. Among a dozen people, a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe suddenly trembled. His eyes showed the color of golden pupils, but his mouth could no longer be closed. He pointed to Xiao Dongling: " you you--"

The ridiculous scene actually appeared in the eyes of Daxie Shen and Xian Xuanyi.

I saw more than a dozen people retreat together a few steps-

"That's right? She's from Li Hentian!" The old man in Illusory Palace asked with a trembling voice.

"The location is correct, we must never hurt her!"

"Damn it, this little girl must not provoke, it's really troublesome..."

"Once'Qingmu Dongtian' was because of her words, the whole cave was wiped out and there was no grass! All died strangely, her power seemed to be sealed, right?"

"No risk!"


A dozen people whispered, Xiao Dongling put his hand on his waist, pointed at a dozen strong men in the five dimensions, and said with a childish face: "Grandpa said, as long as I see who is not pleasing to my eyes, let me draw a circle. Who is the curse of the circle, get out of here, roll to a place where I can't see—"


Is it so strong?

Su Jinnao made up that picture. Xiao Dongling seemed to be squatting in a corner in his mind, drawing circles, directly cursing people to death?

There is a little witch by his side!

Xian Xuanyi and Gui Ying looked at each other with a bitter smile. If it hadn't been reminded by the powerhouses of the five planes, they really couldn't figure out the identity of this little winter spirit.

"Stay away from her in the future, anyway, I don't want to see her." Guiying Kuanglan transmitted to Su Jin, his tone full of fear and caution.

"Who is she?" Su Jin responded, very curious.

"You better don't know, anyway, whoever she wants to die will die, but her power seems to be sealed." Guiying Kuanglan said.

"How powerful is--" Su Jin's scalp was tingling.

"Hey, I don't dare to offend the ancient immortal plane of the hunting **** clan and Xianxuanyi. How powerful do you think?"

Guiying Kuanglan continued: "If you offend her, bad things will always happen. When she is in full strength, she will let you die for the third watch, and you will not survive the fifth watch! Fortunately, you just wanted to lie to her--"

Su Jin:...

"I'm covering this person. How far do you roll? Whoever dares to touch his finger, I will break the seal and just draw a circle!" Xiao Dongling waved his small fist.

The people coming from the five major planes were all nervous, looking around at a loss.

But the accident came at this time!

Under the black cliff, a vortex suddenly condensed in Beidi's fierce water——

In an instant, a terrible aura filled the world, and everyone's eyes were on the vortex!

The whirlpool turned faster and faster, and the faintly headed beast came up and down. Although not all of its incarnation was shown, the head and most of its body had been seen by everyone!

"Alligator Head Demon!" Guiying Kuanglan exclaimed.

When all the huge beasts emerged, the toad-like body, but the skin was as terrible as crocodile skin, showing a greenish color. The crocodile head was even more frightening. The spirit is caught!

"Oh! Why did you call an ugly monster! Forget it, Brother Ye Di, do you want to go down?" Xiao Dongling asked again and again.

As soon as he finished speaking, the crocodile-head demon rolled Xiao Dongling down, and vaguely saw it holding Xiao Dongling in his mouth, sinking into the whirlpool and disappearing.

Don't go down--

The crocodile head demon exudes an unbearable stench, especially when the crocodile's mouth is open, the smell is even stronger.

As soon as the little witch disappeared, the people of the five major planes looked at Su Jin and three people, as if they didn't care what little Dongling said just now.

"It seems that her power has been completely sealed, otherwise how could the crocodile-head demon take her away so easily. We are still afraid to die!" The person of the Taiyin Xuanzong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes! You, Ye Di?" A young man suddenly asked Su Jin.

For a long time, Su Jin didn't like people pointing fingers at him.

"How is it?" Su Jin wanted to hear what he wanted to say.

"I'm Cheng Tianhao, the young master of the ‘Wild Ancestor God’s Sect’, and I’m called the Holy King Tianhao. You should have heard my name--" Cheng Tianhao said with a high stern.

"Is there this person?" Su Jin was not afraid of offending people, pretending to turn his head and glanced at the big hunting **** next to him.

Really numb scalp!

Xianxuanyi is like that.

The same goes for Guiying Kuanglan——

Desolate ancestor god, young master! The reputation is extremely prominent, the Great Hunting God doesn't know if Su Jin is deliberate or really doesn't know, anyway, they all understand that he is a famous person.

"I don't know." Guiying Kuanglan said something against his will.

Not knowing is not knowing, but it doesn't mean that you haven't heard of it. Anyway, Mrs. Ye Di will do whatever he wants her to do, for fear of offending others? nonexistent!

"You, you guys!" Cheng Tianhao had a bad temper because of his family education. Now he deliberately displays power, but he is fought back like this, and he loses a lot of face!

"This king is Tangtang Yedi, why don't you know who a small person is? Don't say it is the five planes, that is, I am not afraid of all the people of the planes!" Su Jin's indifferent tone was full of majesty.

"Do you think that with that little witch as a backer, you can really do whatever you want?" One of the Supreme Sword Pavilion suddenly stared and stood up directly.

Cheng Tianhao still wants to talk--

Immediately after a flower, only a 42-yard shoe sole was printed!

"Looking for death!" Cheng Tianhao glared, clenched his fists, and wisps of golden imperial aura rose up all over his body.

Strands of golden imperial aura, like a dragon, underwent an imperial restraint!

Su Jin's foot seemed to be stepping on the cotton, and was blocked before Cheng Tianhao's face was kicked!

"This kid doesn't seem to be great!" Someone's eyes were cold.

"As famous as Master Xinghe? I don't think he deserves—"

"With this strength, Holy Monarch Tianhao can shake him to death with just one arm, only Tiandao kid."


The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised, his posture did not change, but the nine auras all over his body were quickly pressed together by the ‘Nine Palaces Bagua Dao Tu’, his fierce and powerful skyrocketed, and the imperial ban was directly broken!

Cheng Tianhao panicked, and the forty-two size shoe soles perfectly touched his face!

Su Jin's voice sounded at the same time: "First there is Hongjun and then there is the sky, the ghost king Yedi is still in front of you! You...what a thing!"

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