My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2533: Black Guqin (3/5)


Accompanied by Su Jin's arrogant words, Tianhao Shengjun was kicked out! When he was kicked away, his face quickly became red and swollen, and one of his teeth was cut off, and as the blood of the gods spurted down, several of them fell!

There was Hongjun first and then there was a day, and his Ye Di was still in front of him!

The two women, Kuanglan and Xianxuanyi, were extremely excited. Who can interpret the words perfectly?

There is no doubt that Ye Di can fully demonstrate!

This? !

This night the emperor even dared to fight against the ‘Young Master’ of the God Cult of the Wild Ancestor! Immediately make the remaining eleven people discolored--

"To the effect, Tianhao Shengjun was too careless. This Yedi looked like the three-step strength of the Heavenly Dao, but it was rumored that he was against the heavens, and the nine-gong Dao map formed by the nine kinds of auras was his confidence." The great power spoke.

"The short-term burst of power just now, can you and I deal with it alone, can you take it?"

"I don't know, but Tianhao Shengjun..."


It's miserable!

Tianhao Shengjun is now disheveled, his face is swollen more than double the size of the other side, his eyes are extremely small, he covered his face and looked at Su Jin——

"Don't provoke me, this king is an existence you can't provoke, you want to play mad with me, this madness of this king can refresh your knowledge!" Su Jin stood with his hand in his hand, without even looking at Hao Shengjun that day.

"Ye Di, wait," Tian Hao Shengjun couldn't speak clearly, but he suffered a great loss so he couldn't help but speak, it was too useless.

It can be seen that although the people of the five major planes form an alliance, the hearts of the people are not uniform.

"Holy Monarch Tianhao, bear with me, if you speak again, we can't keep you." The sword-backed youth of Supreme Jiange couldn't help but speak.

Tianhao Shengjun was about to respond, and he suddenly felt a little bit in his heart——

The coldness of killing filled Su Jin's surroundings!

Clang clang~~

The two small divine bells on Su Jin's waist shook, and made a sound when they touched each other, and he gently brushed his hands, and the bronze barren bell and the'Eastern Emperor Bell' were directly turned into two streams of light to control them!

See the wind!

The bronze barren bell and the eastern emperor bell seemed to rise in comparison, and in a blink of an eye, they grew like two hills!

A quaint Bronze Age heavy weapon, Wenluo appealed to a kind of ominousness, a gust of wind began to blow between the heavens and the earth, and countless pieces of ashes fell like snow--

Many scenes of an era began to manifest in the void. Bronze warships, bronze figurines, and a bleak breath of death everywhere, but when people see it with their own eyes, they seem to have a terrible taste that cannot be concealed. , Come to mind.


The huge Donghuang Bell, the coldness of the void seemed to be dissipated, and when a wave of transparent ripples appeared, the word ‘Taiyi’ in front of it began to turn red and fiery red——

The entire ‘Eastern Emperor’s Bell’ is as red as a sacred iron smelt in a furnace. With the scream of the burning golden crow, the three-legged golden crow spirit flies up the clock face!

Tianhao Shengjun felt that his breathing was suppressed, and his beating heart was three beats slower than usual. The pressure of the two divine bells seemed to turn the world into a shackle, and his shoulders seemed to be as heavy as a continent!

"Since you are looking for death! I will fulfill you!"

As Su Jin's voice fell, Tianhao Shengjun, who was firmly suppressed between the two divine bells, felt all fear!

Under the suppression of the two divine bells, Saint Monarch Tianhao felt that it was very difficult to push even his strength, but his imperial spirit was still forced out!


Tianhao Shengjun was hit hard, the power was beyond his ability, cracks began to appear on the skull, and the blood flowed down one by one. In a short time, Tianhao Shengjun had become a blood man!


The divine body was torn to pieces at that moment, and even the divine soul was annihilated in terrifying power!


Su Jin’s face was calm, as if he had done a trivial thing. He was still satisfied with the power of the two divine bells. This'Eastern Emperor Bell' was only a preliminary practice. In the future, he can control these two bells, even if they step forward. The step out of the heavens should also be fine.

With a light sweep, the two gods' clocks turned into streamers, re-turned into the size of a palm, and hung around his waist——

Five plane alliances, more than ten people! At this moment, just like seeing a ghost, they didn't expect that Su Jin could easily slay the sage Tianhao!

They knew in advance that Su Jin had obtained the Eastern Emperor Bell. It was this bell that made the Five Dimensional Alliance not dare to act rashly. Looking at it now, fortunately, he didn't help Tianhao Sage!

"Mr. Ye Di, what you cut is the heir to the sacred ancestors..." As a tall beauty and the identity of the'Great Hunting God', Guiying Kuanglan looked at Su Jin now, but it was full of stars.

Even if it is a great hunting god, when facing the ancestor gods, he must consider the price...

"If Huang Ancestor God Sect is all this kind of uselessness, I will kill as many as I come." Su Jin said lightly, and glanced at the dozen or so people.

That's how it is said, but when people hear...however, it feels like Ye Di is talking to them, is this a warning? Or Liwei?

There was a little strangeness in the depths of Xian Xuanyi's eyes--

After all, who would dare to be so arrogant and say that the gods of the ancestors are useless?

"The courage of Ye Difujun is really unmatched by others, Tianhao Shengjun cannot be compared, Xinghe is not worthy of comparison!" Gui Ying Kuanglan was naturally happy.

Ambition, ambition, what do women expect from their own men? Isn’t that these two points?

One person succumbed to the five major leagues! Unforgettable! This is the power of the emperor!

Not long after, Su Jin waved his hand. After seeing more than a dozen people showing jealous expressions at him, he became disinterested and slowly said, "Go, go down to Beidi!"

Rumble rumbling--

Su Jin pointed to the void, and four big blood-red characters suddenly condensed in the sky not far away: "Wolf Whale Domination!"

The wolf whale mark in his hand flashed directly, and the divine power condensed a wolf whale phantom all over his body in an instant, wrapped the other two women, and jumped into Beidi's fierce water!

"This night emperor is terrible! Even this magical technique..." In the five major alliances, the silent power stared wide, watching the wolf whale disappear on the surface of the fierce water~~~


To the east of the fierce water, there is an ancient black road, and the poison ivy and thorns make this ancient road extremely difficult to follow——

There are red light fruits on the poison ivy, and if you look carefully, bloodshot is spread in each poisonous fruit.

Grey animal leather boots left a footprint on the ground. The shaft of the boot is not high, about three inches high on the ankle, and the snow-like complexion appears on it...

The pure blue silk veil covers the face of the fox, and there are women walking alone on this black ancient road! She is about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a light red gauze skirt, and her deep footprints are due to a black guqin on her back——

The black guqin is heavy, with lettering on the edges.

Right now...

It's all "positive" characters!

"You said that I will reincarnate for thousands of generations, you will be resurrected in the burial ground, the heavenly tomb will be opened, where are you in the fierce water..."

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