My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2535: Yedi has a set!


The twelve cyan long-footed idols seem to have vivid expressions under the reflection of the evil light of the three colors. Although there are only twelve faces, they seem to contain hundreds of millions of living beings. Their eyes are kind but evil, which makes people feel uncomfortable. .

The arms of the long-footed idols all lifted up, and they suddenly turned into dragons and snakes while bathing in the evil light, drawing towards the three Su Jin!

The hunting **** and Xianxuanyi have never felt such a strong Buddha's will. The place where they stand is full of dazzling Buddha light!

Twenty-four arms were stabbed by the Buddha's light, and there was green smoke everywhere, and the twelve long-footed idols could not attack Su Jin at all--

And on the stone platform on which the copper evil statue sits cross-legged, strands of tri-color scriptures rustle up, and the stern voice is more than ten thousand, as if the dead soul cannot find peace!

The situation is deadlocked.

Su Jin was thinking of a way, the red copper evil statue had not opened its eyes, if there was a ray of evil spirits pinned on it, their hope of leaving would be very slim!

"Zheng Zheng Zheng--"

The slow melody seemed to be emitted from a piano. Although it was not pleasant to the ears, it seemed to have a strange magical power. Xian Xuanyi and the Great Hunter became nervous at the same time, and wanted to close their eyes and sleep!

"Requiem, this is the predecessor of Misty Star Palace!" Xian Xuanyi was shocked, trying to keep himself awake.

"Mission Star Palace?! They created an era of existence, aren't they in search of the world? I haven't heard the name for a long, long time!" Gui Zhen Kuanglan looked hard.

Hiddenly, there is a female sitting in the air, light red gauze and wide sleeves. There is a black guqin in front of her, and her delicate white arms swing on the strings, playing a strange and magical music. ——

The blue veil covers the face, and the ink hair is flying, which makes people feel a rare temperament!

More than two women are curious, and even Su Jin is puzzled. For no reason, why come to help?

At the end of the Requiem, the arms of the twelve idols retracted, as if the requiem had comforted the evil spirits, and restored to their original condition.

"This is the evil method of the "Evil Spirit Dao". It has already given birth to the "Popular Phase". Please withdraw!" Long white fingers pressed on a string, the Requiem stop, she seemed to be in harmony Su Jin was as worried, worried about the bronze statue of the evil Fa Tuo, and opened his eyes.

Su Jin sighed.

Waved his hand, intending to go and ask why he shot.

"Mr. Ye Di, you should be low-key in the sky tomb. Don't be so mad. If it weren't for the predecessors of Misty Star Palace, let's--" said the ghost, calming the nervous heart.

Xian Xuanyi was silent, but nodded in agreement.

"I said I have a way to deal with it, do you believe it?" Su Jin glanced at the two women and asked.

"I don't believe it, or why are you so strenuous?" Gui Ying rolled his eyes and said.

"You have to please, if you work hard—"

Su Jin didn't rush, pointing to the bronze statue, and said to the Great Hunter: "It's too poor~~~ I don't even have a good thing. Why do you spend so much effort?"

Great Hunter:...


This is the first time I have seen someone give such a sufficient reason, and my face is not red and heartbeat!

Su Jin quickly walked out of the range that the evil Fa Tuo can influence, watching the woman's toe boots hit the ground, the three of them walked in front of her.

"Sister..." Su Jin opened his mouth and said a word, but was directly surprised by the girl's actions! He originally wanted to ask: sister paper, why is all this?

However, sister paper directly hugged the black guqin, knelt down slowly on her knees, and said in a pious tone: "The king and Buddha are up! Little girl Hua Shengfu, she has the destiny to see my Buddha, and I also ask the Buddha to show me!

"Huh?" Guiying Kuanglan's expression suddenly became wonderful, and Xian Xuanyi was even more unbearable, he was stunned and at a loss.

"What do you want me to point out?" Su Jin's face was full of embarrassment.

Lao Tzu feels bitter, but I don't say it!

"Shengfu still has an unfinished marriage beyond a thousand generations. Since the first reincarnation, every time the year of the'Jihua', there will be scattered memories of that life. He was buried in the heavenly tomb and told me to wait for a thousand generations. I can return, I want to ask Wang Fo for a result--" Hua Shengfu asked nervously.

"Plant good causes and get good fruits. Good people do good, understand and understand." Su Jin thought for a while, said slowly: "Evil people do evil, from suffering, from suffering, from darkness to darkness. As long as your heart is still beating , He is still alive..."

Guiying Kuanglan wanted to hold back his smile, but knew that this was not the time to make trouble.


what! Yedi has a set! This is flickering, don't just chant too much!

However, I believe your evil! The Great Hunter looked at a serious Su Jin and occasionally rolled his eyes——

When Hua Shengfu was nervous, he seemed to get some insights from it. He raised his head and looked at Su Jin with those big watery eyes, and said, "Wang Buddha meant him, he..."

Su Jin nodded, and lightly scratched with one hand, and he caught a stone on the ground.

Gently grind, a handful of lime will fall down...

Hua Shengfu's heart seemed to shatter like the stone at this moment, and her tears fell straight. She didn't understand everything just now, but now she knows the result.

Gods can live forever, but Gods can't live forever. Any existence, for the whole life, no matter what causes death, cannot be reversed.

That one grain of stone, a handful of ashes, you can see without talking about Hua Shengfu, people end up being nothing but a cup of loess.

"He is very powerful, he can live!" Hua Shengfu couldn't accept this fact, and sat on the ground, looking at Su Jin, his voice questioning!

"Well, he is very powerful, such a powerful existence, why not find you?"

"I will go find him now!"

"Where is he? You have all appeared, how about him?" Su Jin squinted his eyes, his voice was a little cold, is there such a stupid woman in the world? Obviously knowing the result, I have to ask the Buddha and lie to myself!


Su Jin’s words drew out Hua Shengfu’s whole body strength. She found it hard, not wanting to face cruel despair, and the hope in her heart seemed to be gone~~

For more than a quarter of an hour, Hua Shengfu stood up and nodded slightly to Su Jin. Without saying a word, he put a black guqin on his back, and continued to search from memory...

"Catch up? Or shall we go the other way?" Guiying asked Kuanglan.

Su Jin gently lifted his hand, a small strand of black death hovered between his fingers, with doubts in his eyes.

This breath of death is so mysterious, even Hua Shengfu didn’t even feel it—

There must be something strange!

Su Jin's eyes began to red, and he stared at the direction Hua Shengfu was heading, as if a scene flashed in his mind...

"This woman has a good temperament. She was helped by her just now. This king has saved a lot of energy..." Su Jin did not directly respond to the question of the hunting god, but said to her two thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" Guiying asked wildly curiously.

Xian Xuanyi was also puzzled.

Su Jin opened his hand and the wisp of death revolved faster, condensing several death words on his own.

"The'Dead Man Sutra' I practiced just turned out of the ordinary and was touched by a ray of lifelessness. I had an instinct at the time that she couldn't get out of Beidi's fierce water--" Su Jin sighed.

The two women's faces were shocked and they couldn't get out. Naturally, they would die here...

In what way would the piano girl Hua Shengfu die?

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