My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2536: If there are red shoes, it's just for Jun Wu!

Ask the Buddha.

Ask for unwanted results-

Hua Sheng Fuhao raised his wrist, his snow-white catkin's hands, holding the dazzling water bead, and the black guqin on his back, were deeply imprinted in the hearts of Su Jin and the three.

"I will come to this evil method to sit and transform!"

Su Jin's heart was extremely quiet. After learning about Hua Shengfu's fate, he looked at the two Xianxuanyi and said softly: "Go! This king never owes favors. If this woman can be saved, it will be saved. It all depends on her good fortune—"

"The Misty Star Palace is indeed worthy of a good bond." Guiying nodded violently.

Xian Xuanyi completely obeyed Su Jin's instructions, and now even the Great Hunting God admired Ye Di, whether it was right or wrong, it was good to ask for peace of mind.

Seeing Hua Shengfu's path, the three of them followed far away without delay.

And the "evil Fa Tuo" who was left behind was sitting in the metamorphosis field. Around the stone platform where the bronze evil statue was sitting, the three-color evil light was rolled up, and the bronze colossus' eyes were slightly opened, revealing the red glow. , Faintly looked at the backs of Su Jin three people, weird and evil.


On the bank of the fierce water, the ‘dark’ tide was raging, and someone laid a divine formation, and the radiance lasted for a long time. The light seemed to break through the dome, passing the scene near Beidi’s fierce water to the outside——

The heavenly tomb is trembling, as if there is a supreme power who wants to shake the heavenly tomb, and wants to live!

The weird and cold tomb passage, the wind is even bigger...

The five-element universe and many distant planes all saw that dazzling array of light, and even reflected on the ‘God’s Plane’ far away!

Ye Di is in danger, and Brother Nan Litian is most worried! At this moment, the scene of the fierce waterfront appeared, and for a while there was a big disturbance——

"Bei Di Xiong Shui, there is Bei Di Xiong Shui in the Tian Tomb!" At the foot of Nanli Shrine, a maid formed an array, pointing to the reflected scene and exclaimed.

"It is rumored that only one person was buried in the Tian Tomb at first. Later, many strong men who were nearing their lives or were unable to recover from misfortune had to be contaminated with the vague trace of resurrection opportunities before they moved in one after another, creating the current situation..."

"Did Ye Di enter the water?"

"Just now, there are no less than a hundred clans of great power and genius to enter. These latecomers, who did not see the fighting power of the Yedi when he was standing, threatened to kill the ghost king in the sky tomb~~~"

"Ah, look at the Beidi Disaster Water Center--"


Countless pairs of eyes, all staring at the past!

In the sight, there is a waver!

And it's a waver that many people in Wuxingtian are familiar with!

Little Dongling, the traitor from the hatred of heaven--

At this moment, the little girl is standing on a long strip of Daozhou. Daozhou is big sauce-colored, and there is a cloud and wave pattern covering the Daozhou. She is rushing to Beidi's bad water center!

There is a half-full cloth bag on the big sauce-colored long road boat. Xiao Dongling is not honest on the road boat. He keeps kicking the cloth bag, and the faint human figure appears inside, constantly twisting in the cloth bag...

"You are not good~~"

On the fierce water, Xiao Dongling narrowed his big eyes into crescents, and then pretended to be fierce and threatened: "If you move again, if you move again, I will eat you—"

The human figure became prominent, immediately stopped twisting in the cloth bag, and faintly shuddered.

The five elements are alarming! Far and near planes, but all the areas that are reflected by the scene are crazy, and everyone can see what the prominent human form represents!

Magic medicine-

Humanoid magic drug!

Oh my God, this little girl's chances are so terrifying. Whose doll dares to let her go to the tomb alone, and she also caught a humanoid magic drug in Beidi's fierce water!

Xiao Dongling is like rushing to the market. She has gained a lot. She is definitely the one who has benefited the most in the tomb so far.

Eat five iron peach magic medicine, catch a magical bird chick, what is in the half bag? Although no one knows, it is known that a personal magic drug has been caught——

In the field of vision, the long Daozhou boat is extremely small, but the more you go to the center, the terrifying scene of Beidi's fierce water is truly understood.

A series of undercurrent vortices, it is impossible to predict, suddenly appearing or disappearing suddenly, but the "Daozhou" does not know what kind of divine treasure, it can perfectly solve those undercurrent forces!


The black cloud came, and the bright blue flashing thunder smashed down in the cloud, and the calm fierce water surface turned toss with the thunder flashing rain!

"I hate—" Xiao Dongling raised her head unrelentingly. She squatted on the edge of Daozhou. Her petite body was pitiful. This scene was too cruel for a little girl.

Xiao Dongling squatted in the edge corner, but there was a smirk on her face, as if a little demon was about to be born, she stretched out her finger and gently drew a circle.

It's amazing!

The tender fingertips seemed to breed an indescribable trail, and the depths of Xiao Dongling's eyes were like stars, shining with stars——

Click, click.

The dark clouds all over the sky gradually faded, and the thunder instantly weakened by eight points. When the dark clouds faded, a black tower appeared in the fierce water, but the black tower was cracking, and the thunderstones were broken into stones, smashing. La fell in the water.

"My God! That little girl from Li Hentian, got rid of the first level of restriction! She was so greedy, she went straight to the biggest secret--" Nan Litian's monk exclaimed wildly.

"I don't know if the'Eastern Emperor Bell' before Lord Yedi flew out from here!"

"Look! The first layer of thunder tower collapsed, and a piece of God City appeared on the fierce water!"

"Water God City! Wow!"


On the fierce water, show the city of God! This scene is beyond everyone's expectations, and Xiao Dongling is definitely the most dazzling focus at the moment!

what happened?

Under the water, Su Jin felt a terrible vibration. The ‘East Emperor’s Bell’ on his waist was clanging, and his eyes were on the place of vibration!

But now I can't tolerate Su Jin's thinking. During this period of time, I chased all the way and walked thousands of miles away, while the Yiren with the black guqin was still there, but the pace became more stiff.

"Don't go hunting for treasures?" Guiying Kuanglan felt a little pity, and asked Su Jin.

"Where is the divine treasure easy to find? Anyway, don't you see the lifeless spirit around Hua Shengfu?" Su Jin felt more and more uncomfortable.

The hunter shook his head.

The same goes for Xian Xuanyi. The sights that the two women saw were extremely normal, except that Hua Shengfu with a black guqin on his back seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Hua Shengfu's face was very pale, and she fell in front of a deep jet black stream. She remembered that that year, she pushed a mouthful of the coffin of the eternal life into this deep stream——

And the coffin of the God of Longevity is very abnormal now, it was held down by two black boulders!

Coffin, Chengkong!

Hua Shengfu gave a sorrowful laugh, and once pushed the divine coffin deep into the river. After leaving, the coffin floated back. He lied to her, and the lettering on the stone could make her understand everything!

"The shadow comes in the pool, the flower falls in the skirt. First acquaintance with Qing, like an old friend. In the morning and evening, I hide my love."

Two lines of vertical characters on the stone, heartbroken!

At a loss, she was at a loss for a thousand years, as if she couldn't see Su Jin and the three standing in the distance, quietly touching the two lines with her fingers.

After a while, Hua Shengfu laughed and wept, and wrote deeply on the stone with his fingers:

"Evening candle placket, Yi Zui eyebrows. If there are red shoes, it's just... Jun Wu!"

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