My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2540: Horrible evil

Damn it!

If it hadn’t been for the opening of the tomb, the Taoist Supreme had wounded himself with the "Fate and Heavenly Secret", how could it have caused such a big disadvantage, Su Jin's complexion became solemn——

He pressed his mouth tightly, but a line of blood was still difficult to restrain, flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Su Jinsuo's heart is horizontal, his left hand moves forward, blessing the nine powers, while his right hand turns fists into palms and merges his hands!

On the backs of the left and right hands, there are three Bodhi beads shining, and a sacred Buddha cloud suddenly spread around Su Jin! This is his most powerful way of life and death!

"The Lord of the Wheel of Life and Death?" Du Tianyu trembled slightly in his heart.

Although these predecessors are dead, the mantle is still there. I don’t know how many people have been defeated by this supreme Buddhist technique, the prayer wheel. If it weren’t for this, how could it be so prestigious that people can recognize it at a glance Out?

The Buddha cloud exudes a strong Buddha light, and the golden body of Su Jin's King of Life and Death Buddha, as if rising in the wind, the whole golden body seems to be transformed into a great mountain!

Jin Guangcancan——

"Star Territory power! Fierce wolf!" Du Tianyu snorted coldly. The entire azure fierce wolf, with a fierce complexion, enveloped him. Su Jin's strength of the nine Dao Xiu Xiu was directly shattered, but a Buddha , Under the peak operation, can actually stop a moment!

Du Tianyu opened his arms, his hands seemed to have turned into the front claws of a blue fierce wolf. The sharp claws seemed to grow out of nowhere, as sharp as a **** of iron, glowing with luster——

"Not good!" Du Tianyu was about to launch a fierce attack, but he felt cold in the back of his head.

There was a special artistic conception all around, and many people were shocked, looking directly in the direction of the dominating "evil dharma tuo"!

The tri-color rainbows of'black','red' and'green' rose up, and there was a faint sound of evil sutras resounding in everyone's ears. That kind of sound, even if the hearing is blocked, can be affected... …

Pain, headache!

Xian Xuanyi's face was instantly bloodless, and she was pale and retreated ten steps away. When she looked at the big hunting god, she found that Guiying Kuanglan also had an expression of horror.

Evil Fa Tuo! They and Su Jin had crossed its territory by mistake not long ago! At that time, apart from the more than a dozen fan-shaped stone statues, this evil Fa Tuo deity had not opened his eyes, and they all felt strange at the time!

The scene, the scene is too terrifying——

Su Jin's life and death king Buddha's golden body, surrounded by Buddha clouds, dominates with golden light! On the other side, the power of the star field, the brilliance of the wolf constellation, is Du Tianyu's method!

But these two powers and colors are simply not worth mentioning under the power of the evil spirit!

The tri-color iridescent is extremely strong, and Zeng Tengxia has filled the battlefield in an instant!

"I'm waiting here to kill the traitor, who dares to do it? It's almost a death!" The Taoist was annoyed. He saw Su Jin's state, and he would be beheaded by Du Tianyu in all likelihood. This kind of good thing he was naturally happy with. See, who ever wanted to kill a "evil magic tuo"!

The cowhide is not blowing.

Taoism is not built!

The Taishang Taoist is known as the'Tao God', and his methods are not limited to the'Fate and Heaven's Secret'. With a gloomy old face, he swept his hand forward, and squeezed the palm of his hand to dust out.

The handle of the whisk was made of God's bones. Millions of snow-white Daosi, he held the whisk and gently swept it, and the void suddenly showed a blossoming ‘black and white yin and yang’!

The black and white yin and yang fish seem to fit the road very well, chasing each other round and round, and the yin and yang fish manifested as many as thousands of seats, and his feet shook the void severely, and the black and white phantoms flickered darkly, and the whole person was already facing the evil Fa Tuo rushed away--

The area that was originally illuminated by several divine glows can almost be ignored under the thick iridescence of the three colors of the "Evil Fa Tuo" at this moment.

Su Jin had no time to think about it, and even Du Tianyu was frightened, looking sideways at the evil bronze statue~~


Not an illusion?

The people present can no longer see the water **** city, and everything they look at is pitch black. This is a color that is a hundred times thicker than the night. Put your fingers on your eyes, and I am afraid that they will not see the color!

Gradually, the evil red and blue colors were rendered like a cloud of smoke, and the scene in it made people seem to have fallen into a world of disaster.

There are various evil corpses hanging on a torture frame. Among them, the evil corpses are mostly hooked with claws, hooking their jaws, throat, and scenes of tragic scenes, like the desperate eyes of the evil corpse, which makes people deep Branded in the heart.

The Supreme Taoist collected the ‘whisks’, brushed the dust, and landed in the arms. When he rushed towards Xie Fa Tuo, his **** clicked viciously.

The two yin and yang fish suddenly condensed and floated out, like a disk, grinding past!


The voice increased from small to loud, and the Taoist priest's pupils were red, and he looked down at his arm slightly, startled!

My arms are growing a kind of red hair that is not like human beings, even in the corner of my eyes, my face is also growing? !

The evil voices from all directions seemed to be heard by him alone, and in the place where he could see, it seemed that thousands of corpse arms were slowly stretching towards him!

Su Jin used Buddha's power for the last fight, and wanted to use the strongest king of life and death to heal the eyebrows and the eyes, but it quickly changed to the same as before. It was useless. On the contrary, it would aggravate the injury——

In the end Su Jin reluctantly gave up.

"Why did the evil Fa Tuo choose to help me?" Su Jin's face fell dark, and the Taoist Taoist was dancing and screaming all by himself. Who knows what evil has happened?

And the bronze statue, staring at him all the time in his eyes—

Su Jin was very sure, that was definitely not a kind look!

"It's now!" Du Tianyu went out, and his whole person was wrapped in the blue fierce wolf, and he seemed to be a fierce wolf!

Ruthlessly rushed towards Su Jin...

Turning the prayer wheel, at this moment, the power has been catalyzed to the extreme. Each Bodhi Buddha Bead has been turned into a size of twenty miles, and it rumblingly revolves around Su Jin!

Su Jin's Buddha arm raised, and the first of the six Buddhist beads rushed towards Master Tianyu!

Chi Chi -

Three claw marks appeared in the void, and the first condensed Buddha beads were suddenly caught into a few pieces, and when they burst, they turned into golden light and disappeared!

So strong?

Six claws, the Buddhist ‘prayer wheel’ is broken!

Du Tianyu seemed to be gaining power and not forgiving, roaring and roaring a terrifying wolf roar. The fierce wolf it turned into was very strong, and it did not lose much to Su Jin in terms of size!

The terrifying wolf roars and jumps high~~~

Su Jin knew that this was the last chance to contend, he chose not to spare any energy, and the wheel of heavenly secrets rose! Standing on a large cloud of Buddha, the other eight avenues are transforming crazily, transforming into the strongest Buddhist power!

Xian Xuanyi watched closely, if Su Jin could defeat Du Tianyu upright, she would have no reservations, a pious servant!

All this requires Su Jin to defeat Lord Tianyu!

Of course, from the current point of view, this possibility is very small, and it can even be said that it almost does not exist—

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