My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2541: Maintaining the status quo!

Xian Xuanyi's careful thought, naturally only she knew.

Although she gave Su Jin's oath of blood like Guiying Kuanglan, it is impossible to surrender completely. She is not a delicate woman, plus the identity of an illegitimate daughter, her personality is the same as that of most female cultivators. different.

Now, inside and outside the tomb, don't be too surprised by Du Tianyu's strength!

"Master Yedi has never disappointed people. I hate to be injured by the'Taishang Taoist God' with a fateful secret not long ago, and now he can't give out his peak strength." Speak out of indignation.

The ancient city is lively, four or sixty-two monks, all outside the street or on the roof, watching the scenes of manifestation. The beautiful ancient city is hard to resist the battle in the sky tomb at this moment.

"Don't worry, Ye Di will not let us down! Those self-proclaimed righteous guys threatened to kill Ye Di in name, but in fact they made a sneak attack and slander, which is what our monks are not ashamed of!"

"Yedi really can't escape this time—"

"The evil Fa Tuo who dominated the side unexpectedly made a move and helped Ye Di. Its humanity has long since been annihilated. Why did it make such an action?"

"I'm afraid he has taken a fancy to the body of the nine realms of Ye Di, and he wants to use the moment of chance in the tomb of the sky to resurrect Lord Ye Emperor. This is too bad!"


Crisis is pervasive, Du Tianyu's prosperity is seen by everyone, and Su Jin is not even more concerned!

The strongest Buddhism!

The wheel of the secret of heaven stands on the Buddha cloud, so sacred that people dare not look directly at it. In addition, this is the golden body of Su Jin's King of Life and Death, and it seems to reflect a heaven into the sacred land of Buddha!

On the remaining Eight Gate Avenue, the colors gradually receded, and everyone could clearly see that in the wheel of the secret of the sky behind Su Jin, the glow of various colors, like fish, began to evolve into dazzling golden glow——

"Not enough, far from enough!" Su Jin felt that the speed of transformation, Du Tianyu was afraid that before the other Eight Gate Avenues were completely transformed into Buddha power!

Master Tianyu is very excited now!

It is extremely disappointing to not see Galaxy today, unable to compete! However, there is Lord Yedi who defeated Xinghe! And Ye Di is about to die under his hands, I have to say it is very happy!

With the blessing of the natal star field and the fierce wolf constellation, his entire body seems to be filled with a power to annihilate the gods and buddhas. No matter how strong Su Jin is, he has the confidence to smash down at this moment!

"Huh? Is Tian Mi going to resort to it?" Master Tianyu was excited. Although he was excited, he was rational.

Tian Mi is terrible.

The Supreme Taoist God possesses the ‘Fate and Heaven’s Secret’, this secret can cross one side, and Master Tianyu has been looking for a strong person, but he has found nothing——

Su Jin has three kinds of secrets. Du Tianyu said that he is not jealous. It is absolutely impossible, but none of these are important anymore. He wants to take away Su Jin’s nine Dao Dao fruits, seize his chance, and pick his three-day secrets. !

The pupils of the eyes quickly diffuse into the three colors——

Three unique moods popped out, gray blue, azure blue, and blood blue turned into "three-color pupils", which were reflected in Su Jin's eyes!

The huge Heavenly Secret Wheel, the Buddha and the fish are reckless, as if a round of the supreme Buddha Sea manifested behind Su Jin, and the transformation time of the other Eight Gate Avenues has increased several times!

Su Jin secretly called it a pity.

This Du Tianyu from "Little Stars and Heavens" is really vigilant. If he is attacking now, with the temporary strength blessed by Tian Secret, he is 50% sure to cut him back.

And now, Su Jin had no choice but to bless the power of the sky secret to the speed of transforming the Buddha wheel!

Guiying Kuanglan was nervous.

Lord Yedi always gives people a feeling of inability to see through, and each one is shocking. This huge vertical wheel really gives people a sense of incomparable magnificence——

"If I don't get hurt, I will kill you in the blink of an eye!" Su Jin said to Du Tianyu looking at Du Tianyu, with the magnificent Buddha's voice and the strong Buddhist intent of truth.

"Jokes, they are all clever people. Are you still thinking about irritating me? Really, I am stupid, I don't know that Tian Mi has a time limit?" Du Tianyu replied vigilantly, not attacking.

"You are smarter than that idiot Xinghe..." When Su Jin said, he simply closed his tricolor pupils.

The opponent refuses to attack again, Su Jin is injured, can't attack and kill first, right?

And, really think he has no means? Since he is not attacking, then it is Su Jin's opportunity at this time——

Immediately, Su Jin flipped his hand, and a terrifying Buddha ruler appeared on the huge Buddha arm.

The "Mingwang Buddha Ruler" with green tears!

Master Tianyu was extremely shocked in his heart, and the jealousy in his heart was rising tenfold a hundredfold! This guy has too many treasures, which is really enviable, and this Buddha treasure seems to be extraordinarily different.

Xian Xuanyi and Daxie Shen looked from a distance, and began to communicate.

"Ms. Ye Difu and Master Tianyu, which one is stronger and weaker?" Xian Xuanyi lowered his head slightly and spoke to the Great Hunter God inquiring.

"It's hard to say, Lord Ye Di has been severely injured after all -" Guiying Kuanglan said this, which seemed a bit contrary to Xian Xuanyi's intention.

"Even at the peak of no injuries, the husband of Ye Di will face this Lord Tianyu, and I am afraid that they are all four or six, and they are all sensible. Why should Sister Kuanglan comfort Xuanyi..." Xian Xuanyi said.

Guiying stunned, nodded and said: "Indeed, there are unlimited possibilities for Emperor Buwang. Under heavy pressure, it is difficult to guarantee that he does not have a hole card in his hand."

The hole card?

Xianxuanyi didn’t understand, what Su Jin’s trump card had, even the ‘prayer wheel’ Buddhist technique of the revolver of life and death was instantly broken by Lord Tianyu, and now he took out the ruler of King Ming——

Is the king of Ming Dynasty the trump card?

Those three kinds of Heavenly Secrets are overdrawing the power of Lord Ye Di, and when the effect of Heaven Secret is lost, he is just fish on the chopping board, and it is even more impossible to compete with Du Tianyu.

Both Xian Xuanyi and Daxie Shen knew that this Ye Di was in a catastrophe, and neither of them could be saved!

Su Jin closed the Buddha's eyes, and the blood on his brows was so clear that it was puzzling...

Faintly, strange things happened——

Before the King of Chan Wu and other hundred people stood, some people looked closely, and their faces began to be puzzled.

"Beidi fierce water, as Master Tianyu drew the tide of the giant moon, it should have flowed in one direction, but you see~~~" There was a purple-robed youth who pointed to the fierce water surface that gradually became turbulent, somewhat surprised indefinite.

The waves are returning! And wave after wave is superimposed, it seems to be rising!

"Du Tianyu was shocked by the Buddha's ruler and wanted to delay the time of Tian's secret, but the Lord Ye Di was actually holding the Buddha's ruler in the arms of the Buddha and was enlightening the Buddha. Is it too late in this case?" Someone was shocked.

"What is the origin of the Buddha's ruler, it makes me feel shocked!"

"It's ridiculous. I want to take this time to realize the supreme true meaning. How can it be so easy? With this time, it is better not to lose strength and fully contend against Master Tianyu."

"Master Tianyu told me before that he wanted to see Master Xinghe’s pseudo-celestial secret magic "Doomsday Galaxy", but if Xinghe is not there, the emperor of the night is a strong man who has defeated Xinghe. He is so powerful. It's time!"


The discussion was endless, and Du Tianyu's expression gradually became serious. He was originally on the offensive side, but now he faces a dilemma!

It’s hard because Su Jin’s Nine Ways to the Buddha were blessed by the three-day secret, and the blood-blue color just now was the daunting word ‘fight’, which has the power to bless half of the power!

And there is the mysterious Buddha ruler--

In this way, Du Tianyu felt that if he attacked hard and his divine power was exhausted, the Water God City would soon open its doors. No matter how he tried, he was afraid that it would be difficult to fight for treasure.

Another reason that makes Du Tianyu solemn is to wait! It's okay if Su Jin is in a stalemate, but now he doesn't know how much Buddhism he is enlightened, and the powerful pressure is directly on Master Tianyu's heart!

The weird situation makes people laugh and laugh!

Su Jin has never changed in response to ever-changing things, but instead has taken the initiative!

The surface of the fierce water seemed to be affected by the mysterious Buddha's will, and the water surface rose faster and faster. In that scene, Su Jin's "king of life and death Buddha golden body" seemed to be in the apocalyptic tsunami!

There are dozens of miles of waves all around, rolling up!



The twists and turns of the thunder, descending from high altitude, the surging Beidi fierce water, plus the golden Buddha with closed eyes, made the situation on the scene become confused and bewildered——

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