My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2543: Write off

Yongzhen Jiuhua!

The sound of the Buddha lingers, the Jialan Bodhisattva far away on the coast of the fierce water, the breeze protects the quality, and the body of the Bodhisattva is shaking when he hears it, as if a Buddha's heart is trembling in an incredible way——

"Eight arms...King Buddha Ming." Jialan Bodhisattva moved forward piously, his eyes seemed to understand, especially not.

Jialan Bodhisattva remembered that when he first met Yedi not long ago, when he asked what is free, Yedi's short answer of ‘put down’ made her feel satisfied.

Now, with the help of the'Mingwang Buchi', Su Jin's shock to Jalan Bodhisattva is more vigorous in the past. If this person is not for the nine ways of cultivating against the sky, and cultivating the Buddhist way alone, I am afraid that he would have completed the road long ago and stepped higher. Level up.

"What is Tongfoming King?" Anji Tiannu asked anxiously.

Xiao Zi'er was also puzzled, let alone Xiao Zier's younger generation, even senior Xiao had never heard of the origin of this Buddha.

"Tongfo Ming Wang, referred to as the Eight-armed Ming Wang, was one of the people who first pioneered the Buddhist path." Jialan Bodhisattva gave a brief introduction at this time.

The Silver Price Clay Grandmaster slapped his thigh, and said excitedly: "Big brother is a great performer, Dark Clay is convinced!"

What can make Jalan Bodhisattva shocked? Just be happy! However, all of them are taking a long time. Naturally, they can see that the evolution of the "Tongfo Mingwang" Buddha relic is all based on the work of the "Mingwang Buchi".


At this moment, Master Tianyu had already let go of his strength. As he approached Su Jin's golden body of the King of Life and Death, his eyes shrank slightly, and his heart became more confident!

Who dares to let himself close like this? There used to be, but now few! After all, Du Tianyu knows how strong he is, the closer he gets, if a blow hits, everything will be wiped out by him!

Between the lightning and flint, Master Tianyu seemed to hear Xu Mingli, someone calling his name——

Dare not answer!

He didn't dare to listen to it really! That is the destiny of the gourd. Under the power of the Eight-armed King Foming, if it answers, the gourd is afraid that it will directly kill him and completely defeat him here!

Su Jin’s deity’s golden body has both arms, plus the six condensed golden arms that directly change movements. He holds three beads in his right hand. The magnificent Buddha's intent is easily swept towards Du Tianyu~~


What a terrifying speed is that? !

Du Tianyu didn't react at all. His star power, transformed into a fierce wolf, was almost like paper, the horizontal scene of Buddha light, as if indestructible, directly penetrated his neck in that instant...

Formidable stars, the bluish stars turn into spots, disappearing~~

The tidal wave of the giant moon also gradually receded in the distance, slowly calming down, but Du Tianyu's eyes were full of disbelief, he was startled back, his hand was already on his throat...

The neat line of circular wounds made him speechless, and his divine power brilliance burst out with the gushing blood!

"Ye Di, I hate it!"

Although he couldn't speak his mouth, the power of the soul and primordial spirit condensed an incomparable voice of resentment, resounding throughout the world!

Master Tianyu is stopping the bleeding. With his strength, he can be replaced by someone else hurting him like this. His head can be taken off, and he can even recover instantly. But this is the Buddha power of the'Eight Armed Buddha King'. He can't heal now. It can stop the blood from gushing out!

In the end, Du Tianyu simply raised his arm, took off his decapitated head, and placed it on his palm. At that moment, the grievance disappeared. He actually held his head in his hand and quickly disappeared into the void——

This, this is not dead?

Public opinion simply pushed the voice to the highest level!

Nan Litian, the first stop of Ye Di’s prestige, now countless monks are all terrified, and the powerful Du Tianyu, who is as strong as Xiaoxingchentian, hasn’t been beheaded under Ye Di’s circumstances?

"Ye Di is too strong, but what's the situation with Master Tianyu this time? Hold your head and leave?" Someone asked his companion with a dumbfounded expression in the voice.

"Du Tianyu is indeed amazing, but the eight-armed **** and Buddha cut off its head. I guess there should be a Buddhist aspiration. Otherwise, how to explain the situation that Lord Tianyu cannot recover his head and body?"

"Living is also a miserable life. This kind of injury will never be completely restored to the full divine body unless it is reincarnated and reincarnated as a divine fetus!"


"Ye Di!"

"Ye Di!"

A wave of sounds, converging first-rate, one is louder than one! It can be said that Su Jin's performance has conquered many people! The geniuses who are as strong as Xiaoxingchentian are all cut in their hands, which shows that Lord Yedi is not so powerful!

The six arms that had condensed turned into golden light and were taken back. Su Jinbao was sacred, but he slightly lowered his head and looked at the palms of his own hands, and there was a trace of cracks.

In the past, Guan Zi was in the Buddha's power, admonishing him not to let the Buddha's way go first and not to break through. Just now he rashly assembled the other eight ways to transform the Buddha's power and realize the ‘Ming Wang’s ruler’. Now, there are mottled cracks in the Buddha's palm...

Is it a warning?

Still, the reason is against the sky——

Su Jin didn't know that he kept his expression like a bell, and no one had guessed what he was thinking at the moment. He closed his eyes, and his heart became heavier when he looked inside.

That one of the gods and Buddha bones has cracked more than a dozen cracks. Walking along the way like him, the pain has long become commonplace. The pain of the cracked bone just now has already made him numb.

"Opportunity, in that water **** city!" Su Jin had a thought in his heart. He glanced at the giant ‘Evil Fa Tu’ idol standing in the distance, always feeling that this bronze statue had a purpose.

The Million Buddha Caves slowly disappeared as Su Jin put away the other divine treasures, and his golden body began to fade, returning to his normal physical state.

"Wang Wang Lao Pifu, Tai Shang Lao Dog, if you two are willing to fight, but you can shoot together, I can pinch you to death with one palm, and now the God City is about to open, this king has no intention to care about with you, and afterwards... Can't run away!" Su Jin snorted heavily and strode to the side of the two daughters.

Who dares to stop?

Although King Chan Wu is angry, by himself, he is not sure that he is better than Su Jin——

No matter how self-confident you are, don't blindly play sideways in front of the emperor!

Du Tianyu, who is as confident as the little star and strong in the sky, now holds his head and leaves, whether his injury will be better or not, the king of Zen Wu feels that if he goes up, he will not end up better than Master Tianyu!

The Taoist priest frowned. He looked at Su Jin, then faintly looked sideways at the bronze statue, and finally waved his sleeve fiercely, giving up temporarily!

However, many people at the scene planned in their hearts. If you are in the Water God City and are fighting for treasure, you must first kill Su Jin if you have the opportunity to avoid future troubles!

"It's okay--" Xian Xuanyi looked at Su Jin. She had an illusion. She saw Su Jin's arms trembling twice, but when she looked closely, there was no such situation.

Su Jin shook his head.

As Guiying Kuanglan breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at Xian Xuan Yi strangely. When this sister Xuan Yi had little caring, it seemed that after the battle between Ye Di Fujun and Du Tianyu, there had been some slight changes~~

The weird atmosphere spread in everyone's heart.

Except for a small number of people who looked at Su Jin and cast their dreadful gazes, whether it was the power that appeared or was hidden under the water, all focused on the'Little Winter Spirit'.

The little girl seems to be a professional treasure hunter. Standing in front of Dao Zhou, her little finger keeps tapping. She squats down from time to time, as if she is'calculating' something?


In the distance, under the fierce water, in the deep stream——

With the black guqin on her back, Hua Shengfu was desperate. She cut out 835 swords in this neutral position, with all her sword and sword, but the fierce beast did not know where it came from, and its defense was amazing! She can hurt those cyan scales, but it's just skin injuries!

Hua Shengfu was exhausted, she chopped it, her heart gradually cooled, and the coolness became thorough! Is this murderer laughing at her or something? Since the small half of the body was stuck out of the cave, I have been staring at her, and I didn't mean to hurt her at all!

She is about to give up.

I can’t find it, I can’t even find the bones, I can’t find it--

Cry, cry, there is no place to cry.

After a while, Hua Shengfu was lost in a sense of loss, she took off the black guqin she was carrying, and she was dumbfounded by what she saw.

There are five strokes of the word ‘Zheng’. In a thousand years, she carved two hundred pieces on the guqin, and most of them have disappeared at this moment. Regardless of the danger, she trembled her lips and pointed her green hands...

Two hundred "positive" characters, only 33 left!

Where did the rest go? !

Is it?

Hua Shengfu hugged the piano in one hand and one arm, holding a sword in her right hand, and struck another blow on the head of the fierce beast, while her eyes looked at the word'positive' on the very edge, and it slowly disappeared from below. !

"Ah!" Hua Shengfu was irritated. She wanted to cry with a headache, but apart from this thought, she didn't know what to do. This fierce beast just stared at her blankly, even though it was dripping with blood. Move half a minute.

With a thousand swords, can I cut away this thousand lives?

Hua Shengfu turned into a divine womb in this life, and has never been so angry when he was born from the "Mission Star Palace"——

Cut off a thousand swords, what will happen?

Hua Shengfu didn't care at all, the inexplicable anger was burning, she clenched the divine sword, and quickly cut it off again!

Bang bang bang~~

The sound keeps on!

When there were five swords left in the end, Hua Shengfu was a little more sensible and hesitated for a while, but in the end she wiped away her tears and cut away weakly——

Four swords!

Three swords!

Two swords!

One sword!

Instant time! Seems different! Hua Shengfu's face was pale, and her instinct was backing away. After all, she was still a girl, and when the last sword was withdrawn, her power was exhausted——

Hua Shengfu felt the fierce killing intent, and looked at the opened blood basin, she said bitterly:

"You, are you going to swallow me?"

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