My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2544: Water God City

Swallow? !

What a terrible word--

Hua Shengfu stared at the fierce beast with its mouth wide open, surprisingly without any tension in her heart, her beautiful eyes flashed with tears, and the tears seemed to reflect the scene of the year.

I remember that year, when the country was in trouble, Hua Shengfu became the county lord of Yuewangcheng in that generation. Yuewangcheng was about to fall, but was rescued by a strange man. At that time, the son was carrying a sword and riding a beast, and she carried her skirt all the way. , Chased to the bank of the willow moat.

The willows of that year were exceptionally tender and green, and now I remember, as if they were yesterday~~~

Hua Shengfu’s eyes were crystal clear, and the sword fell to the ground. She repeated the guqin on her back, just like the son back then. Then she opened her arms and closed her eyes. She mustered her courage and said loudly:

"The little girl is not talented. I dare to ask the son who is his surname. If there are wives and children in the family, I want to use the son's life to speak. What does the son mean?"

Back then, the first sentence was the same, the first sentence was the same. Except for the better voice in this life, the other tone did not change!

Finished in one sentence.

Already...Ewha brings rain!

Hua Shengfu closed her eyes and waited to be swallowed, but the scarlet brilliance on the beast's head kept shrinking. Soon she was shocked and felt that her head became dizzy, and the exhausted divine power was not much. Imprisoned--

The fierce beast had a big mouth and sprayed out a smog of blood, and then the huge body swam out a lot again, allowing her to lean on the terrifying Qinglin.

Strange to say, the blood mist dazzled and dazzled, and soon there was a faint blue soul condensed in it, quietly standing in front of her sleeping.

"I am not talented, thanks to the girl's love for many years, I understand the girl's heart. I also taste the girl's suffering."

The voice of blood shadow was conveyed in the spirit sea of ​​Hua Shengfu. Although she was asleep, she would naturally hear it when she woke up at that time, and the gentle voice continued: "I hope that the girl will meet my beloved in the future, and will pay my heart. Just give it to others. I wish the girl peace and happiness, and a lifelong wish..."


Water God City.

Xiao Dongling squatted at the front of Daozhou, it was like a picture scroll, very beautiful, at least Xian Xuanyi and the others felt like this!

And Su Jin's face tends to be weird--

Xiao Dongling actually squatted there, his fingers kept drawing circles, and from time to time he wiped the drops of sweat from his forehead, which seemed very hard.


The sudden cry of babies caught Su Jin's attention. There were also babies crying beforehand, but it was far less loud than this one. This meant that the Water God City was about to release the second ban!

Su Jin didn't care about it. This was not a baby crying, but the real big fierce beast "Nine Infants"!

Jiu Ying is hidden in the "Bei Di Xian Shui"! And judging from the current situation, it is likely to be somewhere in the Water God City——


Xiao Dongling got up, stuck her waist in, and heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at the nine ‘water ice bridges’ that began to condense in front of him, and there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

In terms of form, these nine ice bridges are exactly the same. They all lead to the Water God City. The distance between them is about 100 meters. According to the strength of the monks present, there is no need for more bridges. After all, one is enough.

"Brother Ye Di, Dong Ling is amazing!" Xiao Dong Ling turned his head, wrinkled Qiong nose, and shouted at Su Jin.

"Awesome." Su Jin nodded lightly.

"Brother Ye Di, you go with me, I will take you into the city--" Xiao Dongling's eyes were full of sincere expressions.

"Follow you, I'm going to die alive."

Su Jin flatly refused, to know who Xiao Dongling is? A little girl wishing him to die, after all, when he died, she happened to pick it up in a cloth bag.

Gu Lingjing described her strangely, fearing it could not be better!

Xiao Dongling had a touch of disappointment in her eyes, but she was an optimist, and she lightly stepped on Daozhou on her foot, swaying her hand and said, "Come on, remind you, few of you can survive, and Ye Di Brother~~I will definitely find you~~~"

Su Jin's face turned black--

The faces of other people are not much better than Su Jin.

This weird girl stepped forward again. Isn't she afraid that she won't be able to carry the treasure bag!

And it's worrying, or is it because of Xiao Dongling's words, few people are alive? That is to represent the nine ice bridges, there may only be one way to the water **** city, or even none!

Because Xiao Dongling drove the Daozhou boat and swam in directly~~

"What to do?" Guiying frantically looked at the eager camp of a hundred people, and looked back at Su Jin.

"Everything you go is dead—"

Su Jintong's redness was fleeting, and he slowly shook his head. The nine ice bridges looked at from his "fire-eyed golden eyes", and they were all dead ends. The third one on the left led to a black starburst eye. To go is forever.

"The nine ice bridges are too redundant, so how do we get in..." Xian Xuanyi got up helplessly.

Who doesn't like Zhongbao?

What comes in the picture is chance.

Now that Xiao Dongling went first, although the water covered the city of God with a radius of thousands of miles, she could not finish searching for the time being, but it was still anxious--

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised slightly, ignoring the shock of the two women, and said lightly: "Follow me."

Before he could ask more, the two women followed Su Jin closely!

Su Jin raised his arm, endured the sharp pain in his hand, directly catalyzed the power, and fiercely transformed a dragon arm out——

Suddenly, the front was shrouded in the restriction, and a hole as high as a person was caught!

Su Jin and the two women moved forward one step at a time, and the ripples of restraint spread, and it calmed down instantly!

The sky is not allowed to cover, and there is a vacancy in the five fingers. Although the five fingers are not good, the six fingers just fill it up. Once Su Jin used the dragon's six fingers to break through the restrictions. He could do it back then, not to mention his current cultivation base——

Crazy crazy!

It's crazy!

Little Dongling is fine, after all, she has an indelible credit for opening the Water God City, but what is the basis of the emperor this night? Why can one claw break the restriction? Go in the second one? !

The Taoist Master's face was extremely ugly, and King Chan Wu had an old face black, almost spitting out old blood.

"Dear fellow Taoists, don't leave any of the nine ice bridges. Just before that girl entered, some of the forbidden fissures had not been restored. I waited for a shot and blasted the forbidden place, so naturally you can enter!" Exclaimed.

"Yes! The emperor Ye did absolutely nothing. Du Tianyu became an enemy with him. We didn't have any. Why did you erase that rift and prevent us from following up!" Someone was angry with a strong jealous tone. Tao.

"We have no right to ask him what to do... do we?"

"Close to the subject, how do I feel those cracks... a bit like that little girl left it on purpose?"

"I can't control that much, fellow daoists, all blast away the gods--"

All kinds of glowing clouds suddenly gathered together and directly hit the gray cracks. With a loud rumbling, the nine ice bridges burst into pieces, and one side of the restriction was blasted away!

At that moment, no one was willing to wait and rushed directly into the prohibition——

The Taishang Daoist and the Chan Wu King did not fall into the sage, but the moment they rushed in, all the powerhouses of this camp were stunned.

The Water God City is true, but it can be forbidden to burst. When they rushed, the sight in their eyes did not know where they were, and with their cultivation base, it was difficult for the primordial spirits to come up with the aperture. They were suppressed within three meters, and the whole God city seemed to be There is an inexplicable force that has suppressed the spirit of the soul.

The ground in front of me was scorched black, and black smoke rose from the ground not far away, and a stream of black and red lava flowed like a red snake, and I don't know how far it spread!

Scorching heat, deathly silence, and the hundred people of the King of Zen Wu stepped on the ground. The burning pain almost made people scream~~

And in the distance, a black giant snake, revealing a red and bright snake letter, was sticking out its head from behind a black smoky mountain!

"Cut off this snake head! This place is more than ten thousand li. The floating city on the water was just a magical magic technique of'Sumina in Mustard Seed'!" The Taoist Master reacted and repeatedly reminded others to pay attention.

A piece of sand can be a world. The God City seen from the outside is vast enough, how big is it inside!

Unlike King Chan Wu and others, not long after Su Jin and the others stepped into it, he found a wonderful place and couldn't help making a sound:


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