My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2545: Yan Huayun

The giant moon is in the north.

Compared to before, the giant moon is a bit faint, and the surrounding sky is also a little more of a morning glow.

Su Jin was indeed very comfortable. When Tongguiying Kuanglan and Xianxuanyi fell, a spring breeze rushed towards his face. The ambient temperature was about 25.5 degrees, and there were several green hills faintly appearing in his eyes. It's all crystal clear water!

Seeing this situation, Xian Xuanyi let out a wooden boat. After seeing that the boat was not sinking on the surface of the water, she and Kuanglan's sister landed on the top——

But Su Jin was different. He threw into the water with a thud, laughed wildly and undressed with both hands!

"Look!" Su Jin suddenly shouted, Xian Xuanyi suddenly panicked and looked down...

Guiying Kuanglan does not shy away from it. He is a grand hunter. He has never eaten pork or seen a pig running?

Su Jin put aside his clothes and was bare-chested. Although he was scared by Xianxuanyi, he was wearing a pair of very formal boxer shorts after all~~

This water is much better than Beidi Xiongshui.

In Beidi's fierce water, not only did it taste sweet and unpleasant, it was also very sticky. Su Jin tried to test it with his fingers at the time and then retreated and did not dare to try to take a bath in it.

But here is different-

You can wash and wash away happily!

"Husband Ye Di, aren't we going to search for heavy treasures the first time? Why do you want to wash it~~" Ghost Lady, with a charming temperament, blinked at Su Jin and slowly asked.

"It's not in a hurry, it's dawn soon, won't Ai Concubine come down and wash?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

Gui Ying Kuanglan felt a sudden heart, and stood upright: "Okay--"

Xian Xuanyi was worried, watching the ghosts raging, and shook her head slightly. As far as the female cultivators of the ancient fairy planes are known for their conservativeness, it is unacceptable for Taoists to bathe together, not to mention, there are beautiful women hunting. God is...

Opened his mouth and shut up and said okay, but for some unknown reason, Su Jin refused to enter the water on the wooden boat, so Su Jin had to enjoy the coolness in the water alone, and the cold water temperature also made him more sober.

As the sky gets brighter and brighter, it turns from darkness to hazy, and then from hazy to day, but only a small half of the time.

Hexi's breeze is blowing, and the light waves on the water are slowly pushing far away~~~

There were strange cries on several Qingfeng cliffs. Su Jin changed into a white robe embroidered with gold thread patterns and landed on the canoe with ease, signaling to start!


Beidi fierce water, a deep part of the whirlpool.

Darkness seems to be the eternal color here, Du Tianyu is holding his head, and the neat neck wound is extremely horrible, but even so, he is still alive——

"Damn! I originally had a chance!" Du Tianyu lost his mind. He put his head in front of him, facing the divided body, his eyes were covered with red anger.

There is no way to recover from such a serious injury! Unless you abandon the divine body and find it again, but even then, it will not be possible to restore the peak state in a short time!

The image of the Eight-armed King appeared in Du Tianyu's eyes, and he was extremely regretful, but now the most urgent thing is to resolve the Buddha's power in the wound and try to make up for the remaining body——

Du Tianyu sat down on a piece of black rock, just about to urge his energy to wash away the Buddha power, not far behind, a faint gray shadow passed by.

"Who!" Du Tianyu shouted immediately.

"Senior brother~~~ don't be nervous..." Hui Ying laughed twice, and Hui Ying stopped and appeared three meters in front of Du Tianyu.

"Junior Brother Yan? So you have followed here all the way from a young age to Xingchentian--" Du Tianyu's eyes were cold and severe, but his tone was normal, even pretending to be happy.

"Yes, the Star God Division is not relieved. I clearly asked Senior Brother Tianyu to come, and I sneaked in secretly. But what happened to Senior Brother? What happened to the brother?

"Yan Huayun! You don't know how hypocritical you are. If you didn't see it in your eyes, how could you follow me here after I was injured?" Du Tianyu couldn't restrain his anger and asked.

"Hahaha, for Huayun, strength is delicious~~~ Others don't know, don't Senior Brother Tianyu understand me?" Yan Huayun slowly raised his head, revealing a bloodless young face.

Those eyes seemed to see the prey no matter how they looked, which made Du Tianyu a little uneasy.

"What do you want to do?!" Du Tianyu wanted to use his identity to deter this person.

"Senior brother, don't panic, brother's hatred, Hua Yun will go to help you report it later—"

"Only by you? That Lord Yedi, who can use the means of the "Ming King with Arms", spread his eight arms, and tear you to pieces alive!" Du Tianyu did not believe this nonsense by Yan Huayun.

"Naturally not because of me, isn't there a senior brother? Plus you, Ye Di waved his hand to destroy—"

"What do you want to do? You..." Du Tianyu had a bad premonition in his heart. If he was at his peak, he would naturally hang this Yan Huayun and fight, but now he has no chance of winning in the slightest!

When Master Tianyu was about to escape, Yan Huayun's face was weird, even greedy, and he stretched out his pale right arm and grabbed Du Tianyu fiercely!

"The power of Arcturus!" Yan Huayun's face suddenly became solemn, and the assassin was completely dropped, his right palm firmly grasped Du Tianyu's head...

Strangely speaking, when Yan Huayun held onto Du Tianyu's head with his five fingers, a thick bloodshot Wenluo condensed, and his power began to be plundered over!

"Yan Huayun! You are the sin of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors. The Star God Division did not let you kill me, you, you, ah!!!"

Du Tianyu's head, when visible to the naked eye, shriveled to a layer, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a skinny look, and the skin showed a grayish color.

"After plundering the power of your star field, the last divine pattern of my Arcturus can be condensed. At that time, the Star God Division I will also have the power to fight! If he does not allow me, I will betray the little star Chentian— —" Yan Huayun started to make heavy moves while speaking.

That half of his body was waved with a single palm by Yan Huayun, firmly restrained, and a vague roar of a fierce wolf appeared, but he didn't care at all!


With a flick of his finger, the ashes and smoking head, the explosive ingredients, the divine power and the spirit sea were all plundered, and Du Tianyu's methods were completely imprinted in Yan Huayun's mind~~~

"You can't die, you can't die!" Du Tianyu hated Yan Huayun, much stronger than hating Ye Di.

"The power of the big horned stars, plus the power of your fierce wolf constellation, can I be the best!"

Yan Huayun was extremely excited, scene after scene of power ferry himself, he frantically took everything from Du Tianyu, not even letting go of the vitality of his body, and behind him was a dark red big horned star faintly floating behind him, as if he had the power of a fierce wolf in the sky. Star Extraction——


Most of Du Tianyu's divine body was refined into a pile of broken bones and ashes, which fell on the black reef, rustling smoke~~~


Yan Huayun raised his head in contentment and opened his mouth with a ray of starry glow. The ground not far behind him quickly fled like an earthworm-like mark!

Without even turning his head back, Yan Huayun flicked back gently to disperse the remnant soul.

The shining Buddha light rose up from the pile of bones with Yan Huayun's hand. This was the Buddha power left in Du Tianyu's neck wound, but it was condensed by Yan Huayun...


Yan Huayun opened his mouth and inhaled, the circles of Buddha's light turned into golden strands and were swallowed by him. Then he raised his head, the corners of his mouth raised, those eyes seemed to see through Shen Ming, and slowly said:

"Ye Di... the next one is you--"

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