My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2549: Crying without tears!

"Second brother, someone is coming to grab our treasure!" Su Jin's expression was calm, and after looking at Yan Huayun, he shouted loudly.

Yan Huayun squeezed his fists, he didn't want anything now...

He wants to scold his mother!

Although Guiying Kuanglan and Xian Xuanyi were nervous, they finally understood Su Jin's intentions. This Yan Huayun was so pitiful, he wanted to compete with Ye Di in intelligence!

"In front of Dao Shen--" Yan Huayun walked into the void, trying to distance himself from the three Su Jin. Before the word ‘senior’ was finished, and even before he could explain it, he was interrupted by the voice behind him.

"Second brother! Why are you afraid of these two old dogs? I asked you to go and swallow Du Tianyu. You are now so powerful that you can do it by cutting off the heads of his two old dogs! Nothing, you take them. At the first level, my second place traitor is yours!" Su Jin's voice was extremely loud.


This ‘Treason’ hat is tightly covered!

Moreover, the impact of Su Jin's remarks on Yan Huayun is as devastating as possible——

Yan Huayun actually knows that he can't keep it, because it has become a fact that he has taken Du Tianyu's good fortune. Before returning, he intends to thoroughly integrate the power of the ferocious wolf constellation, and then explain to the star gods that if he does not forgive, he will leave as soon as he goes. Yes!

But Su Jin said that, the result was very different!

Everyone in the world knows that he has taken the good fortune of the brother, something that was originally secret, and now it has been spread up and down, and this is the great sin of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor, and taking the good fortune of the brother, this is too scary!

More serious, it is the second place of the unnecessarily "traitor"! He suddenly became a "traitor"! Who can tolerate him? Who dares to wear this hat!

Immediately, the Supreme Taoist heard the words, directly turned his debut arm, penetrated the void fiercely, and tentatively patted Yan Huayun!


Yan Huayun was shocked. His senior brother's power had not yet been refined, only one-thousandth of it had been transformed, and now he was bombarded by the Taoist God, so he had to respond!

"Sure enough, it is the supernatural power of the Fierce Wolf Star Territory! Naughty animal! Suffer the death——" The Taoist Master saw the slight blue fierce light, and immediately no longer doubted, when he moved his body, he palmed the black and white Yin and Yang fish and directly used a big means. , Boom to Yan Huayun.


Yan Huayun wanted to cry without tears!

Just after turning over the words, Ye Di said it out, don’t believe it! In one word, he was instructed to take Shedu Tianyu and once again slam the Ye Di prestigiously, but he did possess the power of the fierce wolf and stars, and he had basically settled down!

Now Xian Xuanyi is not only full of surrender to Ye Di?

If it weren't for this critical juncture, she was afraid that she would kneel down. Is there such an operation?

The Great Hunter looked at Su Jin blankly, this man, how terrible the city mansion really is--

The gorgeous operation, in a word, directly reversed the dangerous situation temporarily!


The Taoist Supreme is indeed powerful. The yin and yang who turned into two fishes directly suppressed Yan Huayun, and his arm was drawn fiercely on his face——

There was a red mark on Yan Huayun's face.

"Old stuff, don't you listen to me! I, kill, you!" Yan Huayun touched the painful right cheek, his face became savage, and the anger that has been suppressed for a long time can no longer be suppressed, and it broke out completely. Came out.

Aggrieved, being routine, these anger burst out!


Yan Huayun's body trembled extremely disharmoniously twice, his arms slowly opened, and the void behind his back was shaken away, and under everyone's gaze, a round of red superstars rose up!


Bang! The mellow yin and yang fish burst into pieces at this moment, and even the top Taoists were shocked and shook back two steps!

The entire water **** city ban was broken, and the five elements outside the tomb of the sky, I saw the scene again, and the previously unknown scene made people feel puzzled.

Nan Litian was all boiling over--

"The second brother of Ye Di is very bullish, even Tao Shen was shaken back by two steps!" To the southeast of Nanlitian, there is a small mountain city. Although the city is small, its voice is very loud, and he was surprised by Yan Huayun. strength.

"Welcome to join the camp of the traitors! With this terrible strength, he is the second best player, let alone the second brother of Ye Di!"

"When did Ye Di pop up with a second brother? There must be inside stories..."

"The key point is that he listened to the emperor's instructions and took the good fortune of his senior brother! Want to be famous, want to be crazy, can this kind of conscience be done?"

"Can Ye Di achieve this kind of strength?"


After being covered with the ‘Treason’ hat, Yan Huayun became famous overnight. This identity has basically been confirmed, and even the qualification to return to Xiaoxingchentian will be lost.

King Chan Wu always felt that something was wrong. How could Yan Huayun's strength be so tyrannical? It seemed that he wouldn't be the kind of talent who is willing to be the second child!

"Tao God, I'll help you." King Chan Wu put on a strange posture and rushed directly towards Yan Huayun. He was one or two hundred percent sure that he would not be defeated by this Yan Huayun.

"He hasn't come yet and refining Du Tianyu's power, I can crush and kill the two of us!" The Supreme Taoist gave King Chan Wu a strong word——

"Fuck off!"

Yan Huayun seemed to be stepping on the rolling red stars and wearing a black robe, as if he was imaginary and real. After cursing, he did not retreat but instead moved forward, raising his arms to grab the king of Zen Wu!

So strong? !

King Chan Wu felt cold in his heart——

His eyes were almost unable to catch the fast speed, and when the eyes were dazzling, Yan Huayun had already strangled his throat!

Fortunately, he has confidence in his own defenses, and he didn't make a fool of himself outside. The moment Yan Huayun strangled his throat, the monk hit the enchanting evildoer too much, causing him to be thrown away severely~~

Turning around and kicking, he hit Taishang Dao Shen's jaw with incomparable precision! This old dog has several big teeth kicked off--

"Huatian League, you wait for the people to use magic skills, and kill this evildoer!" The voice of the Supreme Taoist rumbling, awakened the team of hundreds who were watching from afar.

"Kill! No matter how strong he is, he is no match for us to join forces!" The Huatian League is a powerful force from another plane. After receiving the voice at this moment, he directly responded with others.



All kinds of heaven-shaking magic techniques were suppressed towards Yan Huayun. Although he was irritated and quickly losing his mind, but with so many powerful people using methods, even if he refines all the power of the seniors, he is far from an opponent——

Yan Huayun thought of a person, and when he turned his head slightly, he only felt a sweet voice in his voice, and he spit out blood in an angrily...

Su Jin actually placed a huge chair in the middle of the stone pillar, and the two women held a plate with a number of fairy fruits in the plate. He picked them off one by one and threw them into his mouth.

Seeing Yan Huayun's gaze, Su Jin clapped loudly:

"Second brother is amazing! You deserve to be a good brother to Jinlan with me! In the future, you and my brothers will work together, and the benefits will be cut off! The world's major events, what can't be done!"

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