My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2550: Step by step

Holding the fruit plate-

Both women were in a trance, watching Su Jin talking nonsense seriously.

People can be so cheap and full of art!

People~~ It can be so fresh and refined!

As a tall and wild beauty, Guiying Kuanglan often uses the strength of her fists to prove what she has said, but now she is wearing a five-body suit, and even can't help transmitting to Xian Xuanyi: "Sister Xuanyi, you Take it?"

"I serve—"

Xian Xuanyi nodded slightly, and after giving a definite answer, he was a little dazed, and asked Guiying Kuanglan: "Are you taking it?"

"Serve! Long experience." Guiying Kuanglan sighed deeply.

Think about it.

Su Jin simply designed Yan Huayun perfectly, with one link interlocking with each other, so meticulous as to make the hunting **** and Xianxuanyi fear. If she two hadn't gotten from the night emperor to the present end, could she be better than Yan Huayun?


Yan Huayun suddenly changed his color! He forcibly catalyzed the divine power of the Arcturus to the extreme, and even accelerated the refining of a little bit of the divine power of the "Ferocious Wolf Constellation". This is the origin constellation of the senior brother. If he is quietly enlightened, it will take a lot of time to occupy it. Although it has been strengthened, it is far from as powerful as the original divine art——

Click, click.

Nearly a hundred powerful people exerted pressure, Yan Huayun only felt that the huge force was unparalleled, his internal organs seemed to be squeezed together, the whole body was faintly cracked!

Can't resist!

Yan Huayun's hair was shaken and scattered like a madman. He only took a breath and was blown away fiercely!

"I, Yan Huayun, surrender! I am willing to be shackled with supernatural power by the senior Taoist god! Then let my hair fall!" Yan Huayun stood firm in the distance, and directly raised his hands—

The Taishang Taoist was about to make trouble again, but King Chan Wu timely transmitted his voice: "Something's wrong, this Yan Huayun may not be an accomplice of Ye Di!"

"What's wrong! He just stood on Yedi's side. Could you and I be mistaken!" the Taoist master asked.

"Emperor Ye is good at instigating discord, and he has great wisdom. According to my opinion, there must be some tricks in it." King Chan Wu said with a solemn expression.

"Then he plundered Du Tianyu's good fortune, is it fake?"

"It's true, but I feel that he should have been wicked since then, knowing that there is a chance to get in, and Ye Di has calculated this--"


After some exchanges, the Taoist Supreme turned his suspicion to Yan Huayun, as if something was wrong, but this did not lift his suspicion.

At this moment, Guiying Kuanglan feels that the situation is a bit reversed.

Very bad!

With the dirty water thrown out by Lord Ye Difu, does Yan Huayun still want to be innocent? Where is such a good thing!

Immediately Guiying raised his hand, and between his thumb and forefinger, a transparent sacred stone the size of an egg appeared. The sacred stone had hundreds of cross-sections. After flashing, the scene just before the last lamp was turned on!

Even the sound!

In the scene, Yan Huayun was obviously very enthusiastic with his own side, and in his voice, what two one added to five, what kindly called eldest brother and second younger brother, all the names appeared clearly!


This is even the words of "dividing the spoils"!

"Great Hunter, what are you doing!" Su Jin changed his face and scolded.

"I can't understand his face, I think he is also thinking about the top spot in the traitor!" Gui Yan echoed wildly.

"Second brother, eldest brother is blocking them for a moment, you quickly refine Du Tianyu's power, and when you gather the power of my two, you may not be able to beat them!" Su Jin stood up and shouted to Yan Huayun.

Yan Huayun closed his mouth tightly, and he felt that he was about to vomit blood again. He was afraid that his hat of ‘Treason to Heaven’ would never be washed away! He didn't dare to let the Taoist Master catch him again, and turned directly into a gray shadow——

"Go? Cut him to death!" The Taoist master shouted angrily.

Too high-level Taoists are very puzzled, young people nowadays, relying on their somewhat enchanting talent to deceive children and the elderly, is really shameless!

Lie to the child refers to Su Jin.

Lie to the elderly refers to Yan Huayun!

Although the Taoist people didn't know that Yan Huayun was splashed with dirty water again, but the facts were before him!

"Roar!" Yan Huayun burst out fierce and mighty, knowing that he would not be able to get out for the time being, and murmured constantly in the distance.

Su Jin glanced at Guiying's madness and said through the voice: "Just you are smart~~"

"It's just the God of Reminiscence, I am a great hunter. Although the quality of the treasure is not as good as yours, some small tricks still exist, such as this gadget, sometimes used to have miraculous effects -" Guiying Kuanglan put away the God of Reminiscence.

Too high Taoists don’t care, Yan Huayun is not his primary goal after all. At this moment, like King Chan Wu, he looks at Su Jin in a gloomy way.

"Little miscellaneous, how do you want to die?" The Taoist master looked at the crack on Su Jin's eyebrows, plus guessing in advance, he felt that the Ye Emperor would really perform, and he was so courageously wounded!

"Ye Di Xiaoer, use your'Eight Arms to King Foming' method again!" Chan Wu said his hatred and took a few steps.

Originally wanted to deter the two old dogs, he was aware of it. When paying attention to Yan Huayun, there were faint fluctuations in the Gobi that were unavoidable. He immediately spread his hands helplessly, and said to King Chan Wu: "I can't make it— —"

This is a fact!

Not to mention that Su Jin himself is seriously injured now, even if he is not injured, he is using that amount of energy to perform the Lei Shen operation, but I am afraid that he cannot use it so frequently.

"It's fine if you admit it. Next, I'm going to take down your meat, one by one, so that you can see the methods of my Dongshi Temple!" King Chan Wu snorted.

"Dongshi Sanctuary is amazing? You will also be a slapstick. If I can do it a second time in a short time, you can drill where you can't find a hole? You dare to speak so loudly and pretend to hang on. The same--" Su Jin looked contemptuously.

King Chan Wu's heart sank, what he said just now was really wrong--

Sure enough, the outside world frantically criticized the Dongshi Temple.

This time, whether it was Yedi’s true love fan or his black fan, they all started to fight injustice in the Five Elements Heaven!

"Yeah! Dongshi Sanctuary is great! Before Du Tianyu received an eight-armed power of Buddha King, this King of Zen Wu was hiding faster than a dog at that time!" Reasonably, at least Nanli Tianzhong cultivators have seen all of them. That scene.

"This old Yinbi is dark, deliberately asking Yedi if he can use it. In fact, this old dog is afraid that his life will be cut off--"

"The people in Dongshi Temple are so shameless? Hehe, it seems that the rumors are true. This old man has bad behavior."

"If I were Ye Di, why should I tell the truth? Just scare this shameless old dog to death!"


King Zen Wu turned with one hand, and a piece of ‘Zen’ was condensed, but in the next scene, his breathing stopped for a moment, and the piece of Zen was instantly dissipated invisible!



The Taishang Taoist, the King of Zen Wu and his group of more than one hundred powerful people were all startled by the terrible scene, and retreated to the void, on the edge of the condensed tall city wall——

Yan Huayun got a respite, but when he saw that scalp tingling, he also stepped back, vigilantly and concerned——

South of the Sand Ridge!

The sky was full of storms and thunder, and in the heavy rain, there was a tall bronze statue on the desert, walking silently along the sand ridge...

The red bronze statue, with hollow eye sockets, sinks into the sand step by step. When it came up, it slightly raised its head and stared at Su Jin!

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