My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2577: Scarlet Mountain

Can it succeed?

Su Jin was a little excited when he tried for the first time. This kind of feeling had never happened before when he obtained the ‘Secret of Heaven’. This magical technique is too powerful. If it succeeds, it is hard to imagine the future help to him.

Every creature, no matter whether it is wise or not, all have energy--

The Qi machine takes over the heaven and the earth, and the'Concentration Technique' is the'locking the heaven' and the'rooting of the earth'. Needless to say, the loss is natural, and only one blow has consumed his strength!

The entire giant ‘Ghost Mushroom’ originally shook the upper part of the umbrella shape, but after Su Jin’s word ‘fix’, it directly became still.


Su Jin's excited face was numb, and it was hard to hide the ecstatic expression on his face.

One breath, three breaths, five breaths!

The ghost face mushroom returned to normal. After seeing Su Jin's fierce power, he shouted in fear, "My lord! I don't dare anymore—"

In order to show sincerity, the entire poisonous hand cage disappeared instantly, and the giant grimace mushroom also shrank quickly, locked on the ground, and became a three-inch-high mushroom.

"I really think that the king can't deal with you? If you just wanted to kill you, you can kill you with a palm covering the sky--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Adults are indeed amazing. After I saw that adults possessed the magical candle dragon medicine comparable to me, I knew I couldn't hurt them--"

"Well, are you willing to recognize me as Lord? If you want to take these two feet off the ground and turn them into human bodies, I can help you!"

"Little Mushroom is very difficult to leave here, I am afraid I can't comply with the request of the adults..."

"This king has the only tree of enlightenment in ancient times. You can plant it on the bank of the Yaochi with it. You can understand the Taoism every day, and you will soon become a person!"

"Huh? Enlightenment, the tree of enlightenment?"


"Little Mushroom is willing to—"


Hearing that the ghost face mushroom was shocked and agreed. This was also in Su Jin's expectation. In fact, this poisonous mushroom is not too strong, but if it turns into a human form and completely get rid of the monster body, the future poisonous attack can be towering and terrifying. Absolutely!

Su Jin thought for a while, instead of letting it recognize the lord with a drop of blood, but told it not to resist, imprinting the ‘Ghost King’s Curse’ in the sea of ​​spirit, and then the fairy ring had risen and transformed into the Yaochi Enlightenment Tree.

The ghost face mushroom suddenly rushed out of the ground, and it can be seen that after it rushed out of the ground, it was quickly exuding life, and quickly languished, but after it rushed to the bank of the Yaochi, it grew on the edge of a hundred miles away.

The condition improved.

By chance, the ghost face mushroom must be grasped, and it feels that Su Jin can take it out of the tomb!

Su Jin took out the fate gourd again, and released Hua Shengfu out——

"It's okay..." Hua Shengfu asked softly, looking around.

"The magic medicine is in hand. Although the stone man ancestor corpse is not a treasure everywhere, the quality is good." Su Jin was very satisfied.

Although the Tailong Tianbei was extremely long and ugly, Su Jin had just begun to squeeze, and sooner or later he had to let the commander Zhan hand over its strongest magic.

Although the ghost face mushroom is a magical poison, it is no less than the existence of the "Candle Dragon Magic Medicine". It will be cultivated in the future and it will help you!

Hua Shengfu nodded, "Where should I go now?"

"Little Dongling obviously passed by here, I have the feeling that we are very close to her—" Su Jin smiled confidently and began to walk through here, continuing to trace Dongling's path.


It took less than a quarter of an hour to go.

On the left front, there is a dim white light, shone from a mountain of blood in the distance, that white light can disperse the purple mist, and there are also a series of stone stairs, arranged in an ascending arrangement, from which stone stairs can be climbed. Mountain top.

"Bai Guang, why is there white light there?" Hua Shengfu looked at Su Jin's right face and asked in confusion.

"There are more than one area, there are four directions, there are Guanghua and stone ladders."

"Does that mountain have a treasure?"

"It should not be—"

Su Jin shook his head. He was not sure why this happened. He even found some strange sights and didn't see Xiao Dongling in it.

But when Xiao Dongling saw it but didn't leave, Su Jin felt extremely dangerous...

The two stopped in place for a while, and did not hesitate anymore. Su Jin planned to go and have a look. If it is not good, he will continue to chase Xiao Dongling.


After spending twenty breaths, Su Jin signaled Hua Shengfu to stop. The two of them had already appeared at a distance of 100 meters from the stone ladder. If they walked further, they would be illuminated by the white light——


Hua Shengfu covered her small mouth lightly. Just now she was far away. Although she saw a white light, she didn't see the mystery, but now she clearly saw an unbelievable scene.

Many phantoms appeared inexplicably from the purple mist, constantly walking into the white light, and faintly visible traces of human figures, in groups, step by step up the stone ladder, to climb the blood-colored mountain.

"Are they a phantom or..." Hua Shengfu's cultivation is actually very strong, but in the tomb of the sky, many situations are difficult to explain, and she can't tell for a while.

"Accurately speaking, it should be an impression. They once appeared in real life and walked up the stone ladder." Su Jin stared at the traces of the human figure, and even some leftover footprints on the stone ladder can be clearly seen.

"Let's, don't look at it, I feel panicked here—" Hua Shengfu took a deep breath.

Su Jin hesitated for a while, and began to speak again and again: "Call the commander, call the commander--"

There is no sound.

Since the ghost face mushroom was taken away, there has been no sound from the commander, Su Jin secretly has a headache. If there is a guide "Tailong Tianbei" in the tomb, it will definitely save a lot of things.

Just as Su Jin made his decision, Hua Shengfu suddenly paled, and looked up at the **** mountain——

Su Jin looked at Hua Shengfu, and for a moment he felt something wrong with Girl Guqin.

Step, step?

Hua Shengfu gently stepped towards the white light——

"Come back!" Su Jin's face changed suddenly, and he stretched out his big hand directly, trying to control her, but there was a strange wind around her. When he fished it out with his big hand, he was stunned and returned. Was shattered and bleeding!

what's the situation?

Hua Shengfu had hope of living, and she admitted that Su Jin had already changed her fate by herself. How could something happen? !

Su Jin watched Hua Shengfu walk into Bai Guang, as if he had changed himself, as if he had been confused, his eyes were confused, and he ignored him and walked up the stone ladder!

Just now, Hua Shengfu said he was flustered, and he was afraid it was a sign! Su Jin regretted secretly, he shouldn't hesitate--

What is there on the Scarlet Mountain? Su Jin gritted his teeth, a demon tower shook out fiercely behind him, and then he shook the bronze bell outside the second floor.

"It's so noisy and noisy! Ye Di, you disturbed this handsome dream!" Tailong Tianbei said angrily.

"Let me take a closer look, what the **** is that **** mountain!" Su Jin was still very angry.

The Tailong Tianbei awoke from the confusion. After seeing the white light, the stone ladder, and the blood-colored mountain, it was stunned and said in amazement:

"She's not saved, you take me and run quickly—"

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