My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2578: It's numerous fun to fight the destiny!

No help?

Su Jin doesn't believe in this kind of nonsense, but as a ‘local’, the words of the Tailong Tianbei seem to be a little disturbing. What it says is hopeless, does it mean that there are evil spirits here, or other aspects?

"Make it clear--" Su Jin communicated with the Tailong Tianbei, looking at the Hua Shengfu who was bathed in white light and was stepping up the stone ladder step by step.

"Do you know, where is the Scarlet Mountain?"

"Know that I will ask you?"

"In the entire stone man ancestor's corpse, there are no less than 3,000'land of concessions.' This blood-colored mountain is one of them. Your previous life's bones, you found a'land of concession' at that time. Sealed the position of'predator'." Tailong Tianbei's tone became more and more solemn.

Su Jin's face gradually becomes ugly~~~

The land of concession, predators! Doesn't this mean that as long as you get the position of ‘predator’, you will be confined to the tomb forever and become one of the top predators?

If it is a corpse or a soul body, this may be another way to continue, but for a living person, it is no less than a prison, and is at the end!

"How to save her!" Su Jin's tone was steep and determined.


Must be saved

Hua Shengfu is so beautiful that it should not and cannot be restricted here forever!

"Impossible! This is'Natural Selection', even if you can't walk in and fight for her out of the sky, and this blood-colored mountain didn't choose you, but chose a delicate girl, which surprised me. "Tailong Tianbei's tone is full of doubts.

"Then open your eyes and see how I can fight her out--" At this moment, Su Jin didn't hesitate for a ten-thousandth of a second. He directly raised his right foot and rushed into the white light.

Tailong Tianbei is too late to stop!

"You, you want to kill the handsome--" Tailong Tianbei directly screamed, and it was terrified. Since seeing Su Jin enter the white light, it knew it was too late.

"Lao Zi Ye Di! Although he doesn't cause trouble, he's not afraid of trouble. Just put your horse and let it go!" Su Jin came out with great power, looked up at the back of Guqin beauty, and stepped onto the stone ladder resolutely!

The entire stone man ancestor corpse seemed to tremble a bit, the fluctuations affected the eternal Qingtianlian, and even Beidi's fierce water **** city began to shake.


A **** light rises from the blood-colored mountain, and a scene is condensed in the five elements universe, far beyond the scope of the sky tomb. In that blood-colored scene, Su Jin is standing on the first step of the stone ladder. People see--

"You are challenging Tianwei!" Tailong Tianbei exploded and shouted again and again, startled.

"Father against the sky, don't be afraid to challenge! What kind of **** and majesty, I will crush it together!" Su Jinhe's prestigious voice, as if to beat the drum of the sky, spread the world!

"The whole blood-colored mountain, the force of ten thousand might suppress you, nothing! I tell you a way, if you can not be crushed to death by the blood-colored mountain, go to the top of the mountain and crush a piece of the gods, this woman will surely be saved ——" Feng Shuai simply said an almost impossible task.

"As you said, go up to the top of the mountain!" Su Jin almost roared, and this roar was full of blood!

Densely dense, like a **** mountain with infinite stone ladders, it will be his first battle since he was against the sky. This battle will fight against the sky!


Su Jin stepped towards the ten stone ladders, but soon his speed slowed down, a whole blood-colored mountain, trembled again and again, terribly suppressed, as if a million catties of heavy objects were pressed all over his body——

This feeling is like a normal person in the mud, knee-less snow, it is extremely difficult to move forward!

"Give up, taking advantage of the Scarlet Mountain did not choose you, you may escape here, beautiful and beautiful Xiu can be seen everywhere in the world, why not pay for your life!" Zhi Shuai was persuasively.

Su Jin's complexion flushed, and a bright red candle dragon halo rose up from below. At the periphery of the bright red halo, there was a candle dragon faintly roaring, roaring at the sky!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

This time, Zhulong Avenue was driven out, which directly offset the pressure. He jumped up fiercely, jumping more than fifty steps, and still did not catch up with Hua Shengfu. This girl seemed to have no pressure at all, and his situation was completely different. in contrast!


At the ninety-ninth stone ladder, Su Jin panted heavily, sweat dripping down his face, looking at the stone ladder in front of him, a talisman seal floated in the air. The talisman seal was about no more tall, with dense tadpoles on it. The words of the gods——

"You are named'Candle Dragon Poison Lord', a predator of the predators!" As the Fu seal floated, the voice seemed to appear around the Fu seal.

"This king, it's not rare!"

Su Jin watched the man's tall talisman call, and a ring of Vulcan aura rose up, the majesty of the emperor of the night, two ways of mutual aid, directly broke the talisman!

so close.

The commander of the bomb is almost scared. As long as the people in the tomb of the sky, even if they are such as the evil magic tuo, the angler, it is difficult to get the position of ‘predator’, Su Jin is not uncommon? Moreover, this blood-colored mountain turned him into a "level predator"!

The predator has four levels: Heaven, Earth, Mystery, and Yellow! Su Jin's "previous life blue bone", through that "fixing the gods technique", coupled with extremely strong strength, is only a "Yellow Rank", this is too terrifying, it is astounding.

The Fu Zhuan was broken up, and Su Jin knew very well that if he was hit by the man’s tall Fu Zhuan, he would naturally become a ‘predator’ and would always be restricted by the Heavenly Tomb——

The pressure is big.

Now there are only one hundred stone ladders, four nines to the top of the mountain! In this way, he has already exerted two great powers, this figure is simply desperate.

The people outside are really dumbfounded.

Yedi is not well, anyone can see it——

Countless eyes looked at it, looking at the'Blood Mountain' that manifested, and the feeling of just looking at it was almost shocking!

"There is an inexplicable existence in the Scarlet Mountain, and it turns Ye Di into a predator, what exactly is this predator?" Nan Li Tianyou monk kept talking.

"Do you remember that not long ago, a very evil Fa Tuo called a bone to be a'predator master'. It seems that the status of a predator is quite respected in the heavenly tomb."

"Defied the prestige of the heavens, the decrees of the anti-heaven were not blocked, Ye Di seems to know the danger--"

"He wants to save the sister of the Misty Star Palace."



On the one hundred and ninety-ninth stone ladder, Su Jin's body swayed. He forcibly urged Wang and Buddha's golden body, but at this moment, Wang and Buddha's golden body was suppressed by the huge pressure. The golden body began to appear a few cracks——

"Give up, as long as you agree, I will consume a profound art and move you away directly." Tailong Tianbei said, and sighed heavily.


Su Jin seemed to be crazy, and roared: "Fighting with the sky is endless fun!"

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