My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2590: All tricky

No one dared to blink an eye--

The weird and eerie sarcophagus, with only one dry claw exposed, can the five mighty blood bring about its revival?

Su Jin suddenly understood that the most mysterious thing in the entire sky tomb was not the stone ancestor corpse, not the heavy treasures, but the existence in this sarcophagus! The blood has gathered, it is difficult to stop, and it cannot be stopped.



Countless emotions seemed to fill everyone's heart. Around the broken sarcophagus, blood turned into fog, and the faintly complicated curse began to condense!

At this moment, the sarcophagus trembled fiercely, and suddenly there was a breathtaking aura rushing into the night, Su Jin's pupils as deep as stars shrank suddenly, I don't know if anyone else saw it, he faintly saw the manual one!

"The arrangement of the ages, I must not fall short and complete others!" The Heavenly Corpse King issued a harsh scream, south of the mountain, the black clone rushed like a mosquito!

One hundred thousand clones!

Su Jin was stunned, his eyes were a bit cold when he looked at the Heavenly Corpse King. This Heavenly Corpse King is really extraordinary. If he changes to any position outside of the Blood Mountain, he will not have the slightest chance of winning alone!

He saw it.

The material of the clones of these sacrifices was clearly taken from the corpses of the stone people ancestors, and Su Jin did not understand that these clones were all bright red, not like the stone he saw——

It wants?

Su Jin was faintly aware of the idea of ​​the Heavenly Corpse King, if that was the case, the Heavenly Corpse King would be too crazy.

Sure enough, 100,000 clones rushed up!

The power of the Nine Paths of Su Jin cut off the overflowing Buddha's blood, and the wounds were restored as before. Then the Eastern Emperor Bell and the bronze barren bell were fully blessed by the power of the Nine Paths, and the two bells immediately glowed with the strongest brilliance in history. !

"East Emperor Bell! Go--"

Su Jin drove the "Purple Yellow Treasure Bell" that enveloped the periphery, and directly directed the Treasure Bell towards Hua Shengfu. He didn't dare to neglect it.


The Celestial Corpse King was roaring frantically, in addition to the sharp voice, in countless people's eyes at this moment, the dazzling red light exploded on the mountain of blood! At that moment, no one can see things!

One hundred thousand heavenly corpse king clones, all burst open, the blood-colored gravel can already be counted with tens of thousands, at that moment, the staunch gravel storm, carrying the terrifying power, can simply despise everything!

The Taoist man's face was grim, his body was beaten into a sieve in an instant. In less than half a breath, he didn't even leave a powder--

An eye-catching ‘Youlan’ rushed to the sky. It was originally at the center of the storm. The eye-catching Youlan was not fast, but no one could accept it under such circumstances, so he had to admit it and fly away——

This is ‘Fate and Heaven’s Secret’!

The broken skeleton with the blood-colored bone flag in the north face, the bone arm slammed the blood-colored bone flag, and danced fiercely, but the bones burst into pieces in an instant, and they were bombarded!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Su Jin's face was firm to the extreme, countless blood-colored rubble hit the bronze barren bell, and sparks continued to appear on the bell. He wanted to survive this blow!

The bronze barren bell is far inferior to the'Eastern Emperor Bell' in terms of defense. Fortunately, it is perfectly blessed by the power of the Nine Ways of Su and Jin, which means that the heavy weapon of the Bronze Age has not been crushed.

The explosion pushed the two precious clocks far away-

Hua Shengfu is free of the limitations of the top of the blood mountain, his strength is quickly recovering, and his spirit is much better.

There was no more confusion in her eyes, she couldn't help being stunned when she looked at the purple and yellow bells around her, and then looked at the bronze bells. Inexplicably, moved inside.

Su Jin's hair was loose, and he didn't even keep the golden body, and he returned to his normal state of Taoism, but he was still injured! All Xin's injuries were not serious enough to threaten their lives!

In order to protect her comprehensively, Hua Shengfu turned the Donghuang bell to her, making Hua Shengfu extremely complicated.

"Hua Shengfu!" Su Jin burst out.

"I'm—" Hua Shengfu knew that he couldn't hesitate at this moment.

Fateful power wrapped her around her body, and the fateful gourd rose up in the storm, taking Hua Shengfu in.

Su Jin summoned the ‘East Emperor’s Bell’, put away the fateful gourd, took a step forward, his body disappeared, and he hurried north!

That old gourd is carrying a comatose little Dongling. What kind of treasure is this gourd? It went through the bloodstone storm perfectly, and quietly floated Dongling in the distance.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his right palm, swept towards the old gourd, and even the gourd took the person to the bone ring!

The blood mountain to the south, under the blast of the avatar of the corpse king, has disappeared! The entire mountain of blood was severely leveled, which shows how tyrannical the blow was.


The **** divine light did not dissipate much, a red electric lightning thunder continued to fall, and there was a faintly powerful existence in the **** light that was becoming stronger, and then, two scarlet eyes, especially eye-catching, reflected in everyone's eyes.

Heavenly Corpse King——

One hundred thousand clones burst into pieces, and the power continued to sublimate the Celestial Corpse King. The horrible aura makes it easy for people to feel surrender at the moment of perception——

Su Jin saw it very clearly. He almost didn't let him spit out the acid water. This day, the corpse king condensed into a monster. The flesh of his body was stretched, and a back-to-back skeleton soared, and the flesh was hung underneath... …

The field of vision gradually became clear, and the trembling frequency of the entire sarcophagus became stronger and stronger. Under such a powerful blow, the sarcophagus was not damaged at all, and the dry claws seemed to be filled with skin.


Su Jin is more vigilant. Whether it is the existence in the sarcophagus or the Heavenly Corpse King, he is currently unable to clean up, and the Celestial Corpse King said "to perfect others", he was afraid that it was the coffin corpse.

The skeleton of the Celestial Corpse King's back-to-back, four arms with flesh, the hand in the state of separation of flesh and blood, gently shook it, it seemed to be satisfied with the current strength.




The heart of the stone man ancestor corpse seemed to be beating. The Heavenly Corpse King looked to the south with a stern look. Someone there did something it had never dared to do--

what's the situation?

Su Jin was startled, the Mohe Zhen Prison Eyes between his brows suddenly flashed a brilliance, and he also looked south!

The scene in his mind made Su Jin startled and angry. He saw Yan Huayun cut off the heart of the stone man's ancestor——

Not only was it cut off, but the vast red superstar was propped up by Yan Huayun, directly enclosing the heart of the huge ancestral corpse.

Yan Huayun is laughing, laughing wildly! A trace of blood mist breeds from the corpse of the stone man ancestor, and he is constantly devouring and refining the heart of the stone man ancestor!

This person is crazy!

Su Jin's face was solemn, the Heavenly Corpse King plus the coffin corpse, plus Yan Huayun, he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to compete with any of them. This was not a joke.

"Ye Di, live well, you must die in my hands!" Yan Huayun seemed to perceive Su Jin, and said a threatening word to him.

Is Su Jinneng willing to be threatened?

Immediately, Su Jin didn't even think about it, the transmission passed, and said coldly: "Goodbye, completely cut you into nothingness."

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