My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2591: Pit it again

Facing the threat of Ye Di's counterattack, Yan Huayun smiled blankly.

He has already succeeded initially. Even though the stone man's heart is riddled with holes and is used as a ‘corpse nest’ by the Heavenly Corpse King, there are still 90% of the power that can be stored.

The dark red blood light rippled, and Yan Huayun disappeared. He learned to be smart this time and no longer went forward recklessly. When he succeeded, Ye Di couldn't get out of his palm!

"Hand it over to me—"

Just as Su Jin retracted his gaze, a weak voice appeared in his ear. His face changed suddenly. Apart from the Heavenly Corpse King, he was the only one at the scene. Whose voice is this?


Su Jin looked at the broken sarcophagus.

"Senior asked me to hand over what?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"Proceeds from the altar." Weak voice responded.

After the central altar collapsed, Su Jin took something away. He didn't even see clearly, and he didn't have time to take a closer look. He is still in the bone ring!

Then I don’t know what level of divine treasure—

The Heavenly Corpse King wants to get it, and now this coffin corpse is also sent over to ask for it, but if you are in Su Jin's hands, don't even want to **** it away even if you are the Heavenly King!

"Senior's words, this treasure is yours?" Su Jin's voice tended to be cold.

"I don't own it, I just ask you... or not—"

"Are you scared when you are the king? I call you a predecessor for your age. Now since you are aggressive, I don't bother to give it to you in the pit!" Su Jin crossed his arms in front of him, with loose hair and a grim expression. , It's so high temperament.


Did not respond for a long time.

At the same time, the Heavenly Corpse King leaned down fiercely, and his bone arm leaned towards the sarcophagus, actually trying to grab the sarcophagus?

On the weird broken sarcophagus, the full-filled claw of human skin was lifted fiercely, and the void around it seemed to be imprisoned, and everything was imprisoned, even the storm and the blood-colored gravel were still still!

The corpse king can move!

But it's very difficult--

The hand on the hole in the top of the coffin, with five fingers facing the Celestial Corpse King, grabbed it in the air, and a giant arm condensed in the faint, directly grasping the skeleton of the Celestial Corpse King back to back!

"Who are you! You, you can't erase me..." The Celestial Corpse King found out that he was wrong. He had just broken a 100,000 clone, so he shouldn't do such a presumptuous behavior. Turning around and running is the right choice!

But now, it's too late to say anything! I can only resist with all my strength--

Su Jin's face was ugly. The Heavenly Corpse King in this state was not the enemy of a single blow, and was captured alive. How terrible is the origin of this coffin!

"The breath of Fuxi has existed for a long time, has the old friend disappeared..." The coffin corpse condensed his arm, grabbed the queen of the corpse, and felt the trace of rhyme.

Immediately, Fuxi Qinsheng broke out in the hands of another bone of the Heavenly Corpse King——


Su Jin really wants to leave here now.

Fuxi's old friend?

Regardless of whether Fuxi is an enemy or a friend, the other party's words must be of the same level as Fuxi, and he is still a person of that era! Now the trouble is so big!

"Senior, I am willing to dedicate everything, just begging for forgiveness once--" The Celestial Corpse King kept begging. It didn't want to be erased. That would be the real death and eradication.

Su Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the arm behind the Heavenly Corpse King, he was actually still preparing a big means, it seemed that the Heavenly Corpse King was going to do everything.

How to do--

Su Jin didn't want to get involved. No matter how strong the opponent was, it was just a ‘corpse’ that had not been resurrected. Taking advantage of this effort, he had to find a way to prepare for the destruction of the Heavenly Corpse King.

He has the treasure that the coffin wants, and it can't let him go. If Su Jin wants to get out of the tomb, he must not make a single mistake!

"Tailong Tianbei, let's go!" Su Jin felt the aura of a handsome bomb, and directly grabbed the Tailong Tianbei which was the size of a potato.



The prison eye of Maha Town traced the path Yan Huayun walked. This person cut off the heart of the stone, which is definitely a huge threat. Before the opponent has been refined, he can cut and cut, and if he can't cut, he will die.

In the dark far sky, in the corpse of the stone man, under a few cliffs, there was a dark red brilliance that was unsteady.

Yan Huayun expressed the glowing clouds all over his body, and the "big horned stars" behind him tightly attracted the stone man's heart, and on the edge of the stars, faintly splendid formations appeared.

And at the top of the most formation pattern, a corner gradually crosses the brilliance, and his Arcturus' last "corner" can be unfolded in half a day!

"Ye Di! Dare you!" Yan Huayun was at the critical juncture of his breakthrough, but he did not expect that Ye Di escaped from the Altar of the Five Ancestors and actually killed him.

"I said that when I see you again, I will cut you into nothingness..." Su Jin's strength is recovering layer by layer. He has come, and if you don't cut it, it will be between his thoughts!

"You can't do it--" Yan Huayun displayed the coercion, holding on to the vast power, staring at Su Jin firmly.

"Haha, second child! What are you doing! Don't be nervous!" Su Jin's eyes rolled and laughed.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Yan Huayun suddenly mentioned the familiar and unfamiliar title.


Before, Su Jin called the second brother and the second brother... but Yan Huayun was in trouble!

Is Su Jin going to repeat the same trick now?

"The Heavenly Corpse King has shattered one hundred thousand clones, and it is difficult to have an opponent if you draw all the power. If you seize the corpse nest it occupies, it will come back and kill you soon -" Su Jin smiled, behaving very calmly.

Su Jin was betting that Yan Huayun hadn't seen the scene of the coffin and didn't know the current situation.

"I will be able to unfold the last corner of the origin star right now. Don't talk about the Celestial Corpse King by then, even if you Ye Di go with it, I can sweep it!" Yan Huayun said angrily.

Bang bang ......

Loud applause appeared!

Wiping, Su Jin felt pain in his palms, and then he smiled and said, "Second brother is very talented, and elder brother believes you can do it--"

What is going on with this Yedi? Yan Huayun was puzzled. He is now at a critical juncture. If Ye Di does his hand, he will never win...

And instead of doing anything, Ye Di applauded for him? The more so, the more bad Yan Huayun felt.

"You don't get close! If you fight, I will stay with Yan Huayun to the end!" Yan Huayun glanced at Su Jin coldly, he would not be fooled again—

"I'm here to help you, haven't you unfolded the pattern of the big horned star yet? I will help you break through..." Su Jin smiled innocuously, as if you were my'second brother'.

"Help me? You?" Yan Huayun didn't know what medicine was selling in Su Jin's gourd.

"Yes, I will recite the sutras for you, and you will break through! At that time, you will fight me dignifiedly!" Su Jin's hands lightly closed, and the Buddha's sound suddenly spread.

Yan Huayun suddenly became nervous, but did not feel that Su Jin had the intention to fight, and that Buddha Li was indeed helping him——

do not care! Break through first, then sweep everything!

Su Jin also tried his best to'help', and Yan Huayun's faintly gleaming final pattern actually began to solidify gradually.

The monstrous aura faded, Yan Huayun became ecstatic, stared at Su Jin closely, stood up fiercely, "Emperor, give me suffering..."

The dead word has not been said yet.

Su Jin said with sympathy on his face, "Second brother, I'm sorry! Push you into the fire pit again, whether you can live or not, it depends on your good fortune--"

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