My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2592: Pinched Yan Huayun

Yan Huayun was stunned in place-

Su Jin was too arrogant, and he didn't shy away from it. He threatened to cheat him, but Yan Huayun sneered after a short while. Now his big-horned star has already opened the last corner, and he is invincible! Invincible!


The screams resounded for nine days! Yan Huayun looked at the voice, and suddenly his face turned green.

The tragic degree of the voice just now is almost changeable, as if all the pain has been endured, and Yan Huayun knows that it is the scream of the Celestial Corpse King!

"Second brother! Take things away, eldest brother, I will break it!" Su Jin's voice rolled, resounding through the world like thunder, and he disappeared after he said it.



Yan Huayun was confused, he knew that Su Jin had a lot of tricks, but for someone with absolute strength, those tricks were useless! The little heavenly corpse king will be wiped out if he is wiped out, and he can easily sweep away--

Self-confidence makes it easy for people to feel invincible. Now Yan Huayun is in the air after the breakthrough. He just wanted to go to chase the Ye Emperor, his face immediately changed color, and the whole Taoist heart trembled faintly.

To the north, there is a strong presence!

The Celestial Corpse King was crushed, and everything was easily erased, and an old corpse was slowly stepping on it. It was too old. The skin of the whole body was like bark of tens of thousands of years, and both eyes were still Shriveled red--

"Behind, behind the gods!" Yan Huayun got excited, he saw that there was a **** behind the old god's corpse.

And this divine position is different from the two pieces he got. The whole body is golden and golden, as if it were brand new. Yan Huayun yelled in excitement. It was the only one of the entire stone man ancestor corpse. God position!

Walking without wind.

The old god's corpse came quietly, looked at Yan Huayun, and slowly asked: "Little guy, from now on, everything about you belongs to me, hand over things obediently..."

Everything belongs to it?

Yan Huayun was full of anger. He is now so powerful that he is horribly powerful. He has been stunned by Yedi twice and three times. Now he has broken through and vowed that no one would dare to sway him! And now, even if he is threatened and bullied?

"Old guy, you don't think you are! Who is stronger than who is not necessarily! I want to seize the position behind you first, and rebirth will eat you--" Yan Huayun's face is savage, and the vastness of his body is rolling out, and everything in his heart The restlessness is wiped out.

"Fine, if you refuse to hand over your things, I will grind you into powder, and you can't get things out if you don't believe it--" When the old god's corpse spoke, the whole body flashed to several places.

So fast!

Yan Huayun was shocked. When he saw the old god's corpse enter the range of his star power domain, his original sneer gradually became rigid...

In the area of ​​Arcturus, this old **** corpse was not affected at all...

Yan Huayun's face suddenly burst into cold sweat~~~


Yan Huayun's body bowed slightly, and the ‘Arcanus’ behind his back absorbed the stone human’s heart and rolled, even he directly chose to hit the old god’s corpse!

The void collapsed, and the Arcturus divine power reached the strongest level in history, Yan Huayun roared, and the dark and deep space seemed to be severely set down once! The corpse of the old **** was indeed pulled down a few inches.

Not too strong! Yan Huayun judged like this and slammed into it...

If there is no accident in this blow, this old corpse will be smashed!


A trace of red curse marks were all over the body of the old god, and Yan Huayun slammed into it, just hitting a real star, without touching the other party at all!

Why is it so strong? !

Yan Huayun panicked. Although he only used five points of strength, it was impossible for him to have no effect at all. He finally realized that it was not good. For a moment, he felt the intention of Ye Di——

Ye Di has a treasure in hand! I just said that I took things away. I was clearly blaming him and wanted to kill him!

The mouth of the old god’s corpse trembled slightly, shaking off a lot of dry corpse skins, but then there were more and more **** curse marks, covering all sides, up and down, left and right, all of Yan Huayun’s domain was sealed up——

Even Yan Huayun has lost contact with the remote and true Arcturus, what's the situation with this old corpse!

Involuntarily speaking, when the old god's corpse's dry arm was lifted, the claws seemed to turn into the most terrible attack in the world, everything was unstoppable, and it was almost the same as the way of pinching the dead corpse king.

"Senior, senior--" Yan Huayun felt bitter and wanted to go backwards, but when the words fell, his entire head was pinched by the claws.

"Do you want to sacrifice me?" The old **** corpse was obviously very vengeful.

"It's a younger generation... but the thing is really not on me. After he and Ye Di kept saying that they were going to be broken, they left first, and also took away the heavy treasure!" Yan Huayun's head was caught, feeling as uncomfortable as being caught by steel pliers.

"Have you taken it!"

"I didn't take it...Ah..." Yan Huayun wanted to cry without tears. The current situation of the old god's corpse felt like he was educating children, but the old corpse was still suspicious.


A cloud of blood mist splashed, and the old god’s corpse gently moved to the next row. A cloud of blood mist gradually faded and turned into a cloud of ashes floating away——

The old god's corpse was obviously furious. He erased everything about Yan Huayun and failed to find the thing, indicating that this was a delay by the emperor, and the thing was not given to this person at all!

"Little guy, where can you go?" The old god's corpse's shriveled eyes raised his head and looked around, but he couldn't find Su Jin Bansi's trace.

No, it shouldn't be! The corpse of the old **** rushed towards the stone man ancestor's "left eye cave". No matter how Su Jin walks, the other party needs to get out from there. When it rushes out of the left eye cave, no matter how powerful Su Jin is, it will hardly escape and end!

Su Jin rushed out of the left eye cave long ago, and he packed himself in with a fateful gourd to isolate the fate, the old god's corpse was naturally difficult to find for a while——

During the period, Su Jin did not use other methods, such as studying the treasure after the central altar collapsed~~~

And the old **** corpse desperately wants it-

It was a seal of several inches high. After the light faded, the color was actually the same as the surface of the stone man ancestor corpse. Under the seal, two simple self were carved. Su Jin could vaguely see what characters were engraved...



Su Jin is puzzled, "Qingshan Seal"? What does it have to do with this stone man ancestor corpse? Why does the old **** corpse desperately want to get this treasure?

Obviously, the old god’s corpse has not been completely resurrected, but only escaped from the sarcophagus. It has tried it once, but it can only scratch the lid of the coffin, revealing a hole, and exposing its dry claws outside——

The purple-gold destiny gourd quickly flew high, and even flew to the place of the "Eternal Blue Sky Lotus", but in this scene, it is impossible to escape the eyes of the old god's corpse!

On the left eye cavity, the old god's corpse was carrying a rolling corpse, his head was lifted, his shriveled eyes were red glowing, and he grinned in the direction where the fateful gourd flew:

"Little guy, see how you run—"

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