My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2594: Life and death bet

Su Jin's eyes were deep, and his face was not surprised--

Neither Heavenly Corpse King nor Yan Huayun were the enemies of the old God Corpse. They were all pinched to death by a single claw. Su Jin's current cultivation of the "Shen Dao Buddha" has no possibility that he can beat each other.

Why can that **** position be so mysterious...

The more dangerous Su Jin became, the more calm Su Jin's heart was. In an instant, there were hundreds of possibilities in his heart. He stood by the lotus leaf, and the ‘big life technique’ in his body was energized.

The vitality of the verdant green color burst out directly, Su Jin inspired a piece of vitality, gently lifted his right arm, his eyes were blue instantly, his palm was not fancy at all, just grabbed the vitality, and used the secret of the sky!


Booming everywhere, the claw marks of the old god's corpse collapsed directly under the sky-shielding technique, its condensed arm shattered, and its withered old arm kept producing green bubbles!

Hey, every green bubble the size of a pigeon egg bursts, and there will be a ray of green smell drifting away——

"Good boy! How are you willing to hand over the seal!" The weakness of the old god's corpse is completely exposed, and the secret book is terrible. With the strength of Su Jin Nine Dao Xiu and the blessing of the great life technique, it can only avoid this. hit.

It's not afraid of it!

It's not afraid to repair it!

But Su Jin's thief was very, and found the flaw in such a short time. He has a **** position to isolate life, but it does not mean that he can be contaminated. Su Jin's blow did hit its sore spot——

"Dare to **** this king's treasure like this, you are the first one." Su Jin was determined in his heart and began to pretend.

Old corpse:...

Why not be annoyed?

The eternal blue sky lotus contains supreme vitality. Su Jin is in trouble standing on it. The key is that this guy can control vitality and use vitality to attack and kill, of course! This place is still special. If you change a place, this little guy can't escape death by any means!

On the deep-space stone man ancestor corpse, the beautiful blue sky lotus, the lotus leaf swayed softly, and Su Jin looked like a super dusty fairy in everyone's eyes, not surprised.

"Emperor Ye has become arrogant. Before the Heavenly Corpse King and Yan Huayun begged for the old god's corpse to let go, but now, it seems that this old corpse has some meaning of begging for treasure!" Someone was surprised and surprised.

"Since Ye Di walked into the Tomb of Heaven, he has counted many people, and it is difficult for the Arbitration of Heaven to punish him. You should be arrogant!"

"I am afraid that the emperor has mastered the strongest treasure in the sky tomb, otherwise why can he be so confident? This is too scary, the old god's corpse has nothing to do with him, and can't help it!"

"Seal? What seal?"


Many people are both excited and apprehensive. After all, it is not easy for Ye Di to laugh until now. If the old god's corpse has another method and forcibly cut off Ye Di, it would be bad.

The clouds are light and the wind is light.

Su Jin squinted his eyes, his heart was attentive two hundred percent. He couldn't give it up. He could use the Dragon Swallowing Technique to sublimate himself, but this old corpse could be disturbed by vitality. He was not without opportunity!

"Old guy, this king has a proposal now, you and I might as well have a bet! Of course, if you are willing to consume, I will accompany you to consume it." Su Jin said lightly.

"How to bet?" the old **** corpse frowned and asked.

"Life and death bet! If I lose, you can take everything, including destroying me and the seal!"

"Then? What if you win?"

"I want your life! Disappear completely!"


"Two days later, now, two days later, I will walk down Qingtianlian, you and I will have a fair fight--"

"Okay!" The old god's corpse suddenly laughed. This is Su Jin giving it a chance, let alone two days, even if it is 20 years, it is willing, after all, Su Jin can't come down, it has nothing to do.

Seeing the old god's corpse responded, Su Jin didn't waste any time and immediately sat down.

For this contest, it made many people unwise.

Inside the Water God City.

On the top of the sand ridge, Xian Xuanyi and the Great Hunting God were sitting cross-legged, this life and death bet gave Su Jin not much time, only two days! This also means that within two days, the old god’s corpse and Su Jin will not have any substantial confrontation——

"Will Lord Ye Di be too risky to do this?" Xian Xuanyi became worried, and communicated with the Great Hunting God.

The tall and tall ghost hunting bow, but at this moment is different from Xian Xuanyi's opinion, with a chuckle at the corner of her mouth, she said, "Although the move of Lord Ye Di is very risky, don't you see Does he have any plans?"


"Yes, what Yedi lacks most now is time. Two days of fighting, he can figure out many things, and in a short period of time, he has sacrificed the power of some stone man ancestors, and the Buddha and Tao are also good To the Shinto Realm——"

"Does Ye Difujun want to sublime the nine realms?" Xian Xuanyi's eyes were full of excitement.

"Even if the nine avenues all reach the Divine Dao state, I am afraid that they are not the opponent of this old corpse. What do you think is the most terrifying thing about the Lord Ye Di?" Gui Yan asked with a point of intention.

"Calculate?" Xian Xuanyi's heart jumped sharply.

"Yes, it's a calculation! He cannot leave from Qingtianlian, otherwise he will be crushed and killed by the old corpse. Since there are two days, he should be confident. The result is really hard to say." Said to Xian Xuanyi with a smile.


This is the end of the matter, Xianxuanyi and the others only have one word...wait!

Now, Su Jin can be regarded as attracting worldwide attention!

Two days later, he will walk down Qingtianlian and fight the terrifying old **** corpse dignifiedly! Although facing the old god's corpse has a huge disadvantage, his self-confidence has infected everyone!


Behind Su Jin, a fairy pond appeared, and the enlightenment tree enveloped him. Although the previous sacred tree was quite expensive, it was definitely enough for him to use alone, not to mention this enlightenment tree was the origin of his immortal way——

The old god's corpse was also doing the layout, he naturally saw Su Jin's tree of enlightenment appearing, but he didn't care too much, but a trace of anxiety began to breed in his heart.

What kind of support does this little fellow named Ye Di have? Could it be by offering sacrifices to the ancestor corpses of stone people? Don’t say it’s a divine realm, even if it’s longevity, it’s not his opponent at all—

It should be fine! The old god's corpse comforted himself like this in his heart.

Su Jin crossed the golden color, his eyes closed tightly, but the "Great Wisdom Buddha Eye" between his eyebrows opened slightly, looking at his palm, a seal appeared on that hand...

"This kid, in just two days, it is impossible to break the secret of the Green Mountain Seal, absolutely impossible!" The old god's corpse jumped a few times in his heart, and he didn't believe it at all.

Although Su Jin’s methods are very enchanting, due to the limitations of the realm, with the existence of the old **** corpse, you don’t have to worry about it at all. It quickly stopped caring and began its own arrangement——

The corpse of the old **** fell on the ground, turned his hand, and a vermilion brush appeared in his hand...

But then, the scene that appeared in Su Jin was so real that it scared everyone!

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