My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2595: Nine purposes with one heart, nine changes in Kunpeng!

A lotus in the eternal blue sky.

As if an ink stain painted on paper, it was very quiet, the golden body of the Shinto King Buddha, began to dazzle, one circle, two circles, and finally eight halos rose up——


Every halo floated away from the origin, and among them was a figure of the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams, mixed with the magical power of the ink blue streamline, spinning out!

These eight auras are lined up with ‘one’, and a virtual figure of Su Jin is condensed in each aura. This is the result of the combination of the primordial spirit and their respective powers!

One truth and eight emptiness, nine ways to repair!

The entire stone man ancestor corpse was trembling, and the arc of the tremor became more intense. Su Jin's enchanting method is beyond everyone's cognition. Everyone can understand what Su Jin is doing, but who can imagine him to do it?

In Nan Litian, many people roared wildly, their voices became hoarse, everyone's eyes were unbelievable!

"Ye Di! Ye Di has his heart and soul, how is this possible?" someone shouted with a face full of shock.

"It is indeed one heart and nine purposes! The body of this deity has already become a Shinto Buddha, and he is using the Great Wisdom Buddha Eye to study the seal, the Great Wisdom Buddha Eye and the tree of enlightenment. He wants to understand the seal that even the old corpse desperately wants. !"

"The other eight realms are sprinting with all their strength. Does he want to make the other eight realms also reach the divine realm in just two days?"

"Oh my God--"

"If I change to another person, I won't believe it! But he is Ye Di, Ye Di..." Someone was so excited that they would cry.

What magical treasure, what evil magic! At this moment, it is no more terrible than Su Jin's underlying potential. His wisdom is simply incomparable, and his wholeheartedness and nine uses are enough to be proud of the world!

No one knows.

Su Jin made a two-day gambling contract. In fact, he had no idea in his heart and his chances of winning were slim, but even if there was only a chance, he didn't want to let it go. At least he was clean in these two days, and he might not have no chance.

Fortunately, there is the "Dao Law of Nature" Heaven, keeping the mirror in his heart, and even making him so enchanting that he can use it with all his heart. On the one hand, he uses the'Dragon Swallowing Technique' to sacrifice the ancestor corpse of the stone man and make up for the merits of the eight ways It is the full force to break the'Green Mountain Seal'!

This seal is something special--

Su Jin didn't know much about that kind of ancient writing. Even with the blessing of the Buddha pupil of Great Wisdom and the tree of enlightenment, he could only vaguely feel the situation.

The ancient characters are not neat, they look like patterns in the Qingshan Seal, and they look like Dao marks. In short, this type of writing is even more oracle-bone inscriptions than ‘Oracle Bone Inscriptions’, and some are basically like earthworms. Who knows what it is!

Su Jin used the Shinto Buddha deity to realize the time of the Qingshan Seal Half Pillar Incense, and finally had to give up temporarily.

Time waits for no one. If he can't rely on Qingshan Seal, he can only rely on his own strength——

"The magical art I created is absolutely no worse than anyone else's. The Jiuqu Yellow River still needs to be polished, and now I am starting to perfect this method from my own insight!" Su Jin turned his hand and put away the Qingshan Seal. He opened his eyes impressively.

The aura of the whole person changes in an instant——

Where he could see, there was a small yellow river faintly, winding like a dragon! This is no accident!

There are two dragons at home, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River! The entire Chinese territory, the mother river "Yellow River", is really like a giant dragon like a sea!

There was a touch of emotion in Su Jin's heart. The waves of the Yellow River sent away generations of people, and it has been prosperous today. From the battle of ancient countries, the collision of the cold weapon era, to the rise of modern urbanization, this river has been famous since ancient times!

The vastness of the Yellow River, flushing the sands and bursting its banks, roaring into the sea, is one of the reasons why he did not take the sacred mountain creation method, but the Jiuqu Yellow River. What he wanted was that magnificent momentum!

With the traces of enlightenment, the golden body of the Shinto King Buddha wrapped around Su Jin, he tapped his finger lightly, as if every movement contained Taoism——

On the Qingtianlian lotus, Su Jin was immersed in the magical technique of the "Nine Curves of the Yellow River", until he reached the current level of satisfaction.

Darkness descended quietly, and there was night everywhere, even over the stone ancestor corpse. Su Jin's Buddha light was bright all over his body, and the other eight halos lined up on the lotus leaf.

But on this night, the deep space seemed to be a mysterious behemoth, constantly beginning to tremble--

Su Jin's deity King Buddha stood up and rushed into the sky above the lotus leaf. A Peng shadow began to appear around his entire body!

Golden Peng Ying!

"At the point where I am, the mystery of Kunpeng technique is by no means as common as before. With this Kunpeng technique, I have to increase the power of a few more changes--" On Su Jin's head, nine divine flowers bloomed in full bloom, turning into Kun, continue to condense.

At that moment, Su Jin felt that Kunpeng technique had countless possibilities! Its size can be expanded for thousands of miles, and it seems to be able to be suppressed to the size of a ping-pong ball, and the fish-like knuckle wings seem to have begun to breed traces of destruction.

Su Jin has suppressed nine times with his feet -

In the past, Su Jin could not do this at all, but now his strong strength can support him to do this!

"No! The nine changes are already at the limit. If I suppress it, I can't control it myself and I will be blown away!"

Su Jin felt the horror of this divine art, immediately stopped, and said to himself: "Just call Kunpeng Nine Changes..."

Soon, one day passed.

On the Qingtianlian lotus, everything seemed calm, Su Jin felt difficult, and broke through to the Buddha of Heaven one day ago, but the other eight realms had a rapid momentum at first, but the more difficult they got behind.

This may be the reason of one mind and nine purposes——

However, Su Jin was already very satisfied. He didn't expect all the nine realms to be elevated to the Divine Dao realm. It was impossible to think about it, and the further the realm became, the more difficult it was to cultivate, not to mention that he possessed multiple avenues.

Not long after, Su Jin took out the "Green Mountain Seal" and used the "Mahe Town Prison Eye" three pupils superimposed to look in. His primordial spirit no longer wanders in it, but simply observes with the pupil...

The Seal of the Green Mountain is taken from the central altar of the Five Ancestor Altar, where there was once a spiritual sea of ​​stone ancestor corpses.

The prison eye of Maha town begins to turn against the illusion!

Su Jin, who was originally not hopeful, suddenly brightened his eyes, and the feedback in his mind was like a sea of ​​red, green and green seashells. He was puzzled, but the "sea of ​​seashells" seemed to move--



Not long ago, Su Jin saw a human face under Beidi's fierce water, which is faintly similar to these sea shells, but on these shells, there is a baby-like fuzzy face...

He was immersed in it--

Forgot the time.

Su Jin was awakened until a thunderstorm blasted and he looked at the old god's corpse standing on the stone man ancestor's corpse, and understood that another day had passed!

He actually... looked at Qingshan Seal for a whole day!

"The gambling appointment has come, come down!" the old **** corpse shouted.

Su Jin immediately got up, and with a light wave, the other eight auras disappeared. In this battle... he knew he had only 10% hope, maybe even 10%--

"War!" Su Jin swept his clothes, his ink was flying, and he walked off the blue sky lotus leaf for the first time in two days!

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