My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2601: The tomb collapsed

Panic, uneasy!

The monks with these two emotions are everywhere in the Five Elements Skyland——

"It wants to squeeze the night emperor! It is the same as squeezing the dead heavenly corpse king and Yan Huayun!" Someone screamed and lost his voice, and did not expect this scene to happen.

"The corpse of the old god's corpse is afraid of vitality! Yedi has done nothing wrong, but why can't it be destroyed by such a huge vitality? Only the flesh is eroded, but the bones are not destroyed—"

"This old monster is too strong, and the Ye Emperor has exhausted his organs, but he can't beat it!"

"Being able to do this, Ye Di has given us too many surprises, but unfortunately, in the end, he still did not escape the fate of being pinched to death. This old demon must not let it go out of the heavenly tomb, otherwise the five elements will be the first to suffer. Tianyu!"

"Emperor Ye said that there is a third trick..."

"Yes! Don't panic! Yedi hasn't panicked yet..."

That's right!

Su Jin did not have a trace of panic, his heart was as calm as a lake, and there was no wave of waves. If his golden body could be easily scratched, he would be a king of life and death!

In the hands of huge bones, Su Jin is not moving like a clock, his body is full of golden light, as dazzling as the sun in the night, even in the palms of others, he has the same confidence and confidence!

"Isn't it the seal of Qingshan that you want?" Su Jin's eyes flashed with the light of great wisdom, and there was already an extra seal with the word "Qingshan" written on his hand.

"Impossible! You can't penetrate the profound meaning at all--" The black skeleton made of the old god's corpse raised his skull in amazement, and the eye sockets blew red.

"Then look at--" Su Jin's tone was in sync with his expression, speaking in a non-sentimental tone.

Buddha palm...

The flame is rising!

Su Jin’s Vulcan Avenue is very important at this moment. His strange fire temperature is terrifying. He directly bathes the seal of "Qingshan" in the strange fire. It is strange to say that through the burning of the strange fire, the surface of the Qingshan seal is actually Began to fall off a layer of stone skin——

The entire ancestor corpse of the stone man shook suddenly without warning!

The lacquered black skeleton withdrew his hand unexpectedly, and even directly released Su Jin, turning around to flee, to sink into deep space!

"Wow~~~" As if a baby crying, it was clear and long...

Around the stone man ancestor corpse, every minute, every corner is giving birth to Daoguang, which directly seals thousands of miles of heaven!


A series of terrifying cracks appeared on the corpse of the stone man ancestors, and the vast stone ground like a star seemed to have appeared magma! It was red magma, as if the frozen flesh and blood had been melted!

Jiuying! It was definitely the cry of the monstrous beast "Nine Infants" just now!

Sure enough, in the deep space west of the stone man ancestor corpse, nine weird black infant faces appeared. The monstrous beast had endless tentacles, and every tentacles could wind up the mountains and touch the heavens! The baby noodles, although not lifelike, it makes people look terrifying——

The key, the key, this long-lost Jiuying, nine heads were actually **** by mysterious black chains, and those with the furthest tentacles were actually caught in Beidi's fierce water!

The black skeleton made of the old god's corpse hurriedly yelled, it was wrapped in a nine-infant tentacles, no matter how powerful it was, it couldn't break free with its own power!

The entire stone man ancestor corpse roared and rumbling, as Jiuying drilled into the deep space to the north, under the influence of that terrifying chain, the stone man ancestor who exuded mysterious Daoguang was actually affected...

In the faint, dozens of miserable screams appeared. Su Jin narrowed his eyes. He remembered that there were more than 70 people in the Supreme Taoist camp who had not appeared, so miserable? Are you afraid that you were shaken to death in the stone man ancestor?

"Little guy! You wait for me... we... we are in the heavens..."

The voice of the old god's corpse is getting smaller and smaller, and the strength of the stone man's ancestor corpse is majestic, as if it has accelerated its advancement, submerged in the black deep sky, and the horrible fluctuations affect far more than here!

Su Jin took a deep breath. The words of the old god's corpse were not complete, but some things could be figured out from it. Could it be that this stone man ancestor's corpse was brought into the heavens?

forget about it!

Anyway, Su Jin didn’t know when to leave, he still had a lot of things to do. Huaxia didn’t know what to do these days, and with his current strength, he was already able to rescue his mother from the Mogu God Prison——

"Run! Run away!" Panic appeared at that moment, and the stone man ancestor's corpse was pulled away, and the tremor caused by it was causing the entire sky tomb to collapse—

Water God City, Beidi Xiongshui, seems to be experiencing a great catastrophe!

The two women, the Great Hunting God and the Xianxuanyi, were extremely fast. When the two rose into the sky, they even saw Jalan Bodhisattva and others, who were drawing the star formation, and they had to move out at any time!

"Go!" The big hunting **** took hold of Xianxuanyi, rushed to Jialan Bodhisattva, and entered the star array on display!


Most of the Water God City collapsed, and not far away, Beidi's fierce water turned a thousand-meter-high wave, and the entire sky tomb was overturned, to be completely destroyed!

"Wait for the emperor!" Senior Xiao asked impressively.

"Can't wait--" Jialan Bodhisattva frowned, gently stretched out the Buddha's power, and the golden marks on the star array were lit.

"Wait! Why not wait..." The dark Ji Tiannv and the others just wanted to say something, the star array flashed, and the group disappeared in place! And the thousand-foot-high Beidi Xiongshui was also directly photographed, and everyone could be left behind by a slight margin.

Outside the tomb.

Jialan Bodhisattva's face was a little pale, it was really dangerous just now! Fortunately, after successfully escaping, the Great Silver Armor, Xiao Zi'er, Great Hunting God and others were all silent. Looking at the collapsed tomb, the anxiety in their hearts was written on their faces, but they didn't speak!


Can he get out? In a short time, the Tian Tomb has collapsed by nearly 50%. The original road inside has been buried, and there is no way to go—


Nan Litian.

At the moment, many people are paying attention to this scene, but there are still people who are starting to be surprised at another place!

The stone ancestor corpse was pulled into the deep space by Jiuying, and the chain reaction was the collapse of the tomb. However, when the tomb collapsed that day, it naturally indicated that it would be difficult for many people to come out again!

And at this moment, in the sky from Nanlitian to the north, a faint blue beast claw covered a piece of the sky, terribly probed out of the deep space, and directly sank into the area of ​​Nanli Shrine——

The huge Nanli Shrine is almost like a model at this moment, the mud is penetrated by the dark blue beast claws, and the people on it continue to scream and panic!

But the entire Nanli Shrine was dug up! !

"The heavenly tomb collapsed. At this critical juncture, there are foreign races who want to dig us away--" Little fairy Xiaoxiang's heart was about to jump out.

Xia Yuyan was worried about Su Jin, but at the moment she couldn't care too much. Looking around blankly, they immediately followed Nanli Shrine!

The faces of Princess Jincheng and the three fairies were pale, especially the little fairies were almost crying. She looked up at the tomb of the sky and turned into a chaotic starry sky, praying in her heart...

I hope that Su Jin can walk out of the tomb——

"My Nanli Shrine!" The beauty in white shirt looked anxious, and looked at the Bodhisattva Jialan, her tone anxious.

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