My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2602: The man named Yedi

"Where does that animal arm come from?"

An Ji Tiannv was also stunned. When the tomb collapsed, Nanli Shrine was dug up. Will there be any connection between the two? And that beast arm doesn't seem to condense!

The silver armor was plated with brilliance, and his eyes rounded and said: "What are you waiting for? Sister-in-law is still in the shrine! What did Jialan Bodhisattva say? If you don't stop it, God knows where the shrine will be dug! "

"Now the life and death of the emperor is unknown, everything is up to Jialan Bodhisattva! As long as I give an order, the dragon clan on the temple will not keep any hands!" Senior Xiao was also very anxious.

He rebelled from the plane of God, and came to Nan Litian and hadn't arranged the location. Except for Xiao Zi'er by his side, the entire dragon clan of the Xiao family was still in the palace——

The Xiao family dragon clan is now being brought into the nest, and Senior Xiao is more anxious than anyone else!

"That animal arm, I faintly seem to have an impression of somewhere--" Jalan Bodhisattva knew that it was a matter of great importance, and it was also difficult to make a decision. The key point was that she saw that the owner of the animal arm did not know where it was, and she knew that it was difficult to deal with by just touching the animal arm... …

"No, it's too late! The gang of **** I brought from Li Hentian are still on it, and Jalan Bodhisattva doesn't make a decision anymore, I'm Clay went alone!" The silver armor master scratched his head and said.

It seems that Jalan Bodhisattva has made a decision in his beautiful eyes. In any case, let's see if we can stop it before saying anything else!

"Ye Di did not leave, naturally Xuan Yi and I will go to Nanli, this trip is urgent, it is difficult to discuss carefully——" Guiying Kuanglan and Xian Xuanyi first nodded, facing Jialan Bodhisattva and others. .

"Count me." King Jiaoyao, who had not said anything, said, to be honest, except for Su Jin, no one else deserves his attention.

"Let's go!" A circle of Buddha patterns gleamed at the feet of Jialan Bodhisattva again, and he moved the Buddhist technique, rolled up everyone, and moved directly...

The terrifying arm, like a heavenly fault, stands upside down, holding Nanli Shrine together with the foundation in his hand.

Such a terrible scene, many people looked at it blankly...

There are gray pieces of armor on his arms, and there are some raised areas with brown long hairs. Many monks have never seen such a huge **** and monster in their lives!

"What happened? Nanli Shrine was dug up by the entire palace. At the end of that beast arm, where is it sacred?" The monk Nan Litian, who has not yet awakened from the collapse of the sky tomb, is now caught in this scene again. Horrified.

"Could it be that there are treasures in the shrine? There are immeasurable powerhouses. Before the night emperor is out, Nanli Shenniao and others have not yet returned, take advantage of the fire to rob a pot and serve it?"

"Ye Di, where is Ye Di? Is he dead or not, his wife will be run away by someone and still not come out?"

"The heavenly tomb collapsed, there was no hope of coming out, there was already a chaotic starry sky, and the emperor... died!"

"Look, Jalan Bodhisattva and other strong people have arrived!"


The beast arm dug up the Nanli Shrine, and the Xiao Family Dragon Clan above was not idle. Just now, after receiving the news from the patriarch, all the **** kings were dispatched, and they turned into gods and began to bombard!




The entire beast arm was not affected in the slightest. Among the long brown hairs, there were many monsters crawling into the sky among the gaps in the gray armor!

These monsters are gray and transparent, with short feet, and a small head. The whole is like a ball, but it does not affect the terrifying degree of these monsters!

"Be careful! This is a kind of louse-" Someone exclaimed again and again. The size of these louses is the smallest two-story building! I saw a louse squeezed fiercely, and the whole body of the demon bounced up, with sharp short feet, directly marking an astonishing wound on the body of a dragon king.

Dragon's blood overflows

When did Jialan Bodhisattva's hands condense countless Buddha wheels in the sky, she quickly transformed into a bodhisattva body, and the golden Buddha feet stepped on ripples.

A circle of Buddha wheels manifested on the beast arm, looking at what should be a contest of strength, not letting this arm dug from deep space leave——

It really worked!

The speed at which the beast arm retracts is greatly reduced. This is the power of Jalan Bodhisattva!

"Those lice borers... I remember, the owner of this beast arm is an accomplished ‘Red Monk’!" Jialan Bodhisattva's tone was solemn.

"The'Chimon Giant Beast', the head of all evils? It is said that this beast comes from the Chimeng clan of the'Thousand Demons Realm'! Chimeng is only one meter long in ten thousand years. I have never heard of such a big Chimon." , Was surprised directly.

"It's not good, it is now afraid that it can already enter the heavens, and guarantees its immortal strength!" Jialan Bodhisattva took a deep breath and felt the difficulty.

She goes all out!

It can only limit the speed at which the beast arm retracts a little----

"What should I do now? Unless it doesn't get angry, let's gather all our strength to limit this arm and prevent it from withdrawing!" Senior Xiao said.

"The fierce beast can still be called the fierce beast if it is not angry?" Silver Armored Great Lord Kray asked in shock.


"There are too many lice. The people on it are afraid that no one will be able to come down except your Xiao family dragon clan. What does this Chimeng behemoth want to do?" The Heavenly Lady of Dark Ji gently lifted her toes, and gave a crown to her The butterfly turned into a black light.

In the black light, there are densely packed'Dark Sacrifice Butterflies'. Rushed past like a swarm.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

With such a large number of Dark Sacrificial Butterflies, it is difficult to break the defenses of a ‘lice worm’, and it takes so much effort to kill one! Sweat dripped down the forehead of the Dark Jitian Girl!

"If Guan Zi is back, I will join hands with him to repel this beast!" Jialan Bodhisattva said.

The meaning of Jalan Bodhisattva is already very obvious. There is no Vipassana, and it is almost impossible to stop it by herself. After all, Vipassana has the secrets of the Buddha, coupled with the power of the Buddha, should be able to resist.

"It's good if he is here," Xiao Zier said.

There was another silence--

Xiao Zi'er was naturally referring to Ye Di Su Jin!

Many people know it.

The hope of Ye Di’s survival is already very slim. As time goes by, the vagueness will turn people into despair and will make people see the facts clearly.

Not only Xiao Zi'er thinks like this, even the people on Nanli Shrine are looking forward to a miracle. Xia Yuyan looks at the direction of the heavenly tomb intently with her thin yellow skirt and fluttering skirt...

The collapsed sky tomb, the movement is getting smaller and smaller, and it almost disappeared from the nebula area in the end. However, at the last moment when the rumbling sound disappeared, the sound of the explosion suddenly focused people’s attention. The location of the tomb!

Countless building fragments, stones, splashed out in the burst of that moment, the tomb collapsed that day, and it was very bright, bright and dazzling!

The dazzling light, straight into the deep space——

Faintly, there was a figure of a person, as if unrealistically gradually emerged from the light.

Getting clearer...

That was a young man with disheveled hair. Although his clothes were ruined, his arrogant and domineering aura was as surging as that dazzling brilliance!

That man named Yedi walked out of the collapsed heavenly tomb!

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