My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2610: Frightened (4 bursts)

There is nothing around the eighteen ships, and the foreign enemy is more than three thousand?

The people on the ship were all destroyed, but Chi Nu, the God of Blood Flame and others, like the nearly three thousand foreign enemies, were not on the ship, but as the black giant ship burst into pieces, no one was stunned at that moment— —

"This, what's the situation?" Zhong Nan was dumbfounded.

"Have you seen anyone? The person who came is really a cultivator of the Divine Dao Realm?" The Blood Flame God's expression changed wildly, and when he looked at Zhong Nan, he almost cursed.

"I've gotten into big trouble, I told you a long time ago, don't burn the city..." The red snake crest hat shook lightly, and Chi Nu looked at the blood flame **** a little annoyed.

"Where are the people? Ah! In the easternmost city—"





All kinds of emotions are constantly growing in the heart. This is too frustrating. With the "Sin God" pointing out the direction of Su Jin's appearance, three thousand people all looked at the easternmost city that burned the eight cities!

There, in the flames of the city rushing into the sky, the two slowly walked out of——

One man and one woman!

The female cultivator has a back bow, she is tall, has an incomparably beautiful appearance, but can be combined with that eight-point wildness, and instantly attracts unknown monks, and the young man is the young man who has just been tested. !

The five-domain cultivators, either received news from the shelter, or raised their heads from the dangerous ground, and constantly began to look in the direction of the burning city!

The ancestors everywhere kept reflecting on the scene, and every monk from Outland raised his head high.

"Tianzi Su is back! He is finally back!" Someone finally collapsed under tremendous pressure, crying.

The cry is so loud, the cry of the Five Regions will become one piece!

"Tianzi Su is back! The gods of the evil and prisons! It's going to be unlucky!" Someone cried and laughed, rushing around in a frantic manner.

"The cultivators in the eight cities are almost completely wiped out. Before Tianzi Su left, he told the world that no one was allowed to touch a piece of grass and soil, and now those sin gods did not treat us as human beings! Waiting to bear the anger of Tianzi Su! "

"If our five domains don't have Emperor Su, it would be very difficult to face foreign enemies. Others can bully whatever they want. These criminal prisons are all worthy of death—"

"Su Tianzi!"

"Su Tianzi!"

How many repairs of the five domains! The last cry, gradually converging into a first-class, they all roared these three words, the voice almost opened the sky!

Countless monks kept walking out, Chi Nu and others looked in their eyes, listened in their ears, holding back their regressive heart, and watching the man and woman come—

"Are you Su Tianzi?" The Blood Flame God took the lead and walked away with a big stride. He was holding a divine bow, his face covered with blood marks, his face was really cruel, with a disgusting grin.

There is no problem with Zhong Nan's Yuetian Clock! This Su Tianzi is a cultivator of the Divine Dao Realm! As long as it is in the Divine Dao realm, his Blood Flame God is cultivated as a "God King", so he can't destroy it with a single finger?

"I will not kill you, I will make you feel the most extreme humiliation in this world! Let you see how I go to your hometown, how to destroy your land, how to burn down your city, and let you wait for the monks in your hometown. Falling into a pool of blood, showing desperate eyes..." Su Jin looked at the Blood Flame God, his voice was shocking.

"Shinto ants, dare to speak without shame! Haha! Take me an arrow first!" The Blood Flame God immediately stopped in the void, his whole person leaned back, and instantly opened the bow!

There are ten dazzling arrows on it, condensed, these are the real power of the king!

Chi Nu, Zhong Nan and others watched--

I was comforting myself, how can a Shinto monk stop the **** flame god's arrow? A trace of the power of the **** king of the blood flame **** can be turned into ten thousand arrows, so condensed, with all the strength on the ten branches, it can annihilate ten vast cities!

"Come on, Blood Flame God, shoot this Su Tianzi, we are a great achievement!" Three thousand monks who escaped the ship's destruction by chance began to cheer for the Blood Flame God!

"The **** king can't shoot a divine Taoist cultivator? Don't worry, everyone is that this so-called Su Tianzi is mortal, because he dares to threaten us so that we can enjoy the most humiliation in the world—"

"You sin gods, don't lose your mind. Except for the king, who can shatter eighteen black shark warships in one invisible blow?"

"Don't be afraid! Even though it is rumored that his fellow practitioners have counted, he is definitely not an opponent of the Blood Flame God, and you don't know how cruel the Blood Flame God is? The name is not in vain."


Eight cities burned.

In the black sky, the flames were shining in all directions, the blood flame **** opened his bow, and the ten **** king arrows were extremely eye-catching!


The sound of leaving the string is extremely loud! Ten arrows of the **** king, come in the blink of an eye!

The great hunting **** Guiying Kuanglan shook his head secretly. These people are really young. Ye Di couldn't do it. She knew nothing better. What's more, Ye Di was so angry now, how could he have the opposite?

It seems that the opposite party hasn't realized what kind of terrible power they are facing!

As for the ten arrows of the God King of the Blood Flame God, Guiying feels a bit crude and unbearable. Wang Li is not too refined yet--

At this moment, many people were very worried.

The cultivators of the Five Territories felt the horror of the Blood Flame God, and the arrow of the God King was too tyrannical, but they were very confident in Su Jin!

The three thousand enemy people, including Chi Nu, were all uneasy in their hearts, but they felt that Su Jin would die under the arrow of the **** king anyway!

Can't think of any possibility that Su Jin can live--

Do not dodge or hide.

Su Jin's actions made the three thousand enemies in the criminal prison feel entrusted! Is this really arrogant, or is it frightened by the Blood Flame God?

The Blood Flame God despised Su Jin in his heart. In fact, he wanted to see Su Jin kneeling down and begging for mercy in front of him. However, not only did the other party not do this, he even ignored him like this!

When I saw it, I shot you into a fan! The Blood Flame God thought in his heart like this--

That moment, that arrow, is short and long...

The big hunting **** is laughing, as if laughing at the people in the criminal prison, she is not at all nervous, with ten shots, it would be a **** if she could hurt Yedi——

As she expected.

The ten arrows are carrying the majestic God King's great strength, and the brilliance is dazzling. When they pass through, they are 30 meters away from Su Jin, the speed is greatly reduced!

Chi Nu, Zhong Nan, and Blood Flame God all have their mouths open. Almost all the people in the three thousand criminal prisons have their eyes widened and their mouths can't be closed from ear to ear!


Ten arrows of the gods, the light extinguished in an instant, and turned into phosphor in an instant, showing ten balls, disappearing into the invisible!


is this real? There are three thousand people in the evil prison, all of them feel as if they are dreaming, but this dream is so real!

Su Jin didn't move just now, as if with a glance, he saw the arrow of the **** king that had been shot!

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