My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2611: Suppression (5 bursts!)

The wind is cold--

The scene is very quiet, if a needle falls on the ground, it seems to be the kind of quiet that can be heard.

Chi Nu felt her whole body trembling when the arrow of the **** king was extinguished. Su Jin's strength exceeded her expectations a hundred times, a thousand times!

Such a powerful night emperor has risen directly from the "ant" to the trouble, from the "trouble" to the terrible level. People in the criminal prison think that if Su Jin is not shot by this arrow, he will be seriously injured and dying...

But I never expected it! They didn't even move, and they couldn't tell **** the God King Arrow! This method is unheard of! !

"Wh, how could it—" The blood flame god's face suddenly became bloodless, he drew his own face, and found that it hurts, not dreaming, is his Divine King Realm cultivation base fake?

Is the power of the **** king fake!

I slapped myself, it hurts, and the hot pain was all over my cheeks. Only then did the Blood Flame God wake up, and retreat again and again. If his **** Wang Li is true, then Su Jin's ‘Divine Dao Realm’ is fake!


Do not believe!

"Hehehe, you sin gods of the sin prison capital, even dared to come out and fight against this, your sin city lord came to face the emperor, the weight is still not good, I really don't understand where your courage comes from—— "Guiying smiled wildly, wild and beautiful, blending in this smile perfectly.


Chi Nu and Zhong Nan were once again shocked by this mysterious strong woman. Was her words a madman or...or the truth?

Isn't Sin City Lord enough?

"I see, you are bluffing. How could this Su Tianzi Divine Dao Realm be the opponent of the Divine King? I have heard that you Su Tianzi is carrying a heavy treasure. Scared me to wait--" Chi Nu thought and thought about it, there was only this one possibility, and she immediately shouted with her head high.

These words made the faces of the three thousand sin gods shocked, and they all suddenly awoke, awakening the dreamer with a single word, so it seems that there must be a treasure in the body, otherwise it is impossible!

"Zhongbao? Are you also worthy of the night emperor to use the heavy treasure? Can you still stand here and talk when he takes out any of the heavy treasures?" Gui Ying covered his mouth and laughed.

Ignorance is the pitiful, and stupid! Although Su Jin has only one Buddhist path to break through to the Divine Dao realm, he is a genuine Nine Dao Xiu who shines in the heavenly tomb, and his reputation is exalted in all directions!

These little sin gods are really ridiculous!

"Who is this woman? You dare to laugh at me and wait!" Chi Nu's face became cold.

Su Jin looked sideways, and did not look directly at the ghosts of the ghost——

But the famous celebrity of Guiying Kuanglan is not popular, although it is a bit embarrassing, it can still be within the scope of bear.

"I'm afraid you will die, so let's not say it..." Guiying sighed wildly, really worried, worried about the IQ of these people.

"Bold! You just insulted and slandered our criminal prison capital, I am afraid that you dare not report it now! I am afraid that my criminal prison will anger your family and bring you a catastrophe!" Chi Nu sneered.

Gui Ying's face was startled--

Threatening the hunting gods?


"Hahaha." Guiying leaned forward and backward with a violent laugh. It was really interesting. She was not too angry, and then said: "What kind of dogs does Sin City Lord keep? If he stands in front of me now, he would not dare Speaking to annihilate my hunter-god clan, you have nothing to stop...


The head of the three thousand sin gods was dizzy, right? The hunting gods?

Chi Nu's face was flushed, and her complexion was so bright that she was very real, she heard the words "hunting gods"!

"You, you are..." Chi Nv's body was trembling violently, with a strong fear in her eyes. If this woman is from the Hunting God clan, she would be in trouble.

"Oh, I'm the patriarch of the hunting **** clan that you just threatened and angered and extinguished——" Guizhen Kuanglan said that he was helpless.

"Great Hunter God!" The three thousand sin gods retreated.

"Run! She is the Great Hunter God! The strongest of the Hunter God clan! Even our city lord is very taboo!"

"Escape! If you don't escape, there will be no chance. Run!"

Three thousand sin gods became a pan of porridge, all fleeing, Chi Nu's heart collapsed instantly, she was about to turn around and leave, but her eyes could see that everyone's steps were like babies, and she was toddling in the void. !

Su Jin's fingers were lifted at that moment, and Hei Kong seemed to be lowered a lot. An ancient immortal bridge emerged from the distant deep space, with no end in sight on the other end!

Sky Bridge!

All suppression!

When the bridge to the sky was completely manifested in the sky, the three thousand gods of sin were all suppressed in place, and any divine technique seemed to be frozen and could not be used! Even the void passages are all locked and sealed!

"My lord is forgiving! I waited, I waited out of helplessness, so..." Chi Nu repeatedly told Rao.

"Grab them all, I'm waiting for the Lord of Sin City to come and ask for someone." Su Jin motioned to Gui Yan to violently say.

"Refining the gods, go--" When the big hunting **** raised his arm, a **** vine appeared, and the black **** vine became longer in circles, directly surrounding the gods of sin, and then tied them all up.

This vine is extraordinary! If someone wants to break free, the primordial spirit will be constantly drawn out of the scars, and the strength will be weakened step by step, so whether this pool girl or Zhong Nan, even the blood flame **** is difficult to get out of——

Originally, this divine vine was easy to hide, but now the three thousand gods of sin are suppressed, and the divine power can't be circulated. It is almost accurate, as long as you are bound, don't want to escape...


Su Jin volleyed out a palm, slammed it on the face of the blood flame god, and suddenly all his teeth were knocked out. He said, don't kill these people! It will make them worse than death! Enjoy the ultimate humiliation!

The blood flame **** now... didn't even dare to express his anger, and had to bow his head and shut his mouth after receiving a palm—

"It's not just you who kill me outside the territory!" Su Jin looked at Chi Nui and asked with cold eyes.

"No, more than! There are eight forces, and I count as the smallest of them..." Chi Nu no longer had the courage she had before, and answered honestly, not dare to hide the least.

"Great Hunter God, let you watch them! For the cultivation of the five domains, prepare the eggs, eat the leftover rotten vegetable leaves, rotten cucumbers, etc., and greet them on their faces!" Su Jin confessed, rubbing his brows. Hezhen Prison's eyes flashed, and he looked towards the deep space beyond the five regions——

There, there was a wall of Buddha in the depths, and he saw the Divine Phoenix Boat.

I saw the Master of Three Treasures, the Goddess of Shaking Light and others...

Su Jin suddenly felt a pain in his heart. Beside the long wall that Buddha turned into, the fighting sage Buddha Adou lay leaning on it, and the huge emperor's body swarmed around it!

A ten-mile-long black dragon python spear stabbed Ah Dou through...

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