My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2612: Rescue operation (1 burst)

Ah Dou--

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he waved his hand gently. Opened the void channel.

It was not too far away from the outside world, and after submerged in it, he reached the place within ten breaths.

The bright yellow Buddha wall sealed a star formation set up by foreign enemies. On the Divine Phoenix Boat, a small umbrella was lying on the Divine Crystal Throne. It contained nine black dragon souls, almost all scattered.

Master Three Treasures, originally there were 18 rosary beads hanging on the neck, but now they are all cracked, some are even damaged, and there are a few more blood-stained spots on the Buddha's clothing——

The Goddess of Shaking Light, Lanyueya, Si Ming Daozi, Shao Manhuang, etc...

No one can cheer up, almost all of them are exhausted, they are all meditating! To deal with the enemy's next wave of offensive!

"Old, boss~~~"

Because Xiao Umbrella had a reaction with Su Jin, it instantly saw Su Jin and directly yelled in a miserable voice!

Everyone awakened one after another--

All stunned.

The Emperor Shaoman couldn't even stand up, and the tiger stared at Su Jin. This old man had never cried in front of others, but at this moment, his staring eyes began to turn red.

"Boss, you shouldn't come back..." Shaomanhuang's voice was raised several degrees with the strength of nowhere.

"Yeah, if the eldest brother is good at forbearance, forbearing for a hundred years, he will be able to go directly to these miscellaneous lairs! It is really unwise to come now." Lan Yueya stood up tremblingly, his world realm cultivation base, also fighting To the point where it was almost solved.

"Big Brother is back?" The Three Treasure Mage turned his head to the left and right, and Su Jin stared at him closely——

"Brother Sanbao, your eyes..." Su Jin saw that he was meditating with his eyes closed before, but he didn't notice the abnormality of Master Sanbao. His eyes could no longer be opened.


Master Sanbao smiled and said, "It's just being blinded. My Buddha is compassionate. This makes me more able to cultivate the path of suffering and Zen without having to look at myself."

"My fault." Su Jin bowed gently to everyone. If he doesn't leave this time, he will definitely prevent this from happening. Most of these people are from other worlds, but they have paid a heavy price for the outside world... …

"Don't blame the boss, only the clutter is too strong, if we are not for the Buddha wall, we are afraid that we will not be able to support the arrival of the boss!" The Emperor Shaoman sighed.

"It's best if you don't come back. Before the enemy has found you, you... Hurry away..." The Goddess Shaking turned her face. She has always liked to be clean. Now she has a gray-headed face and she really can't let Su Jin look at it. In the eyes.

She is too worried!

In this state, there is only a bonus for her temperament! How can Su Jin care--

"Next, leave it to me." Su Jin's face was calm, with strong anger and hatred in his indifferent tone.

"There are many gods and powerful people out there, the boss must not go out, quickly look at Ah Dou, and see if you can come back." Si Ming Daozi was surrounded by gossip brilliance, among the people at the scene , I am afraid that he is in the best state.

"God King?"

Su Jin slowly walked towards Ah Dou, and asked Si Ming Daozi and others behind him: "Your strength cannot be alive in the hands of the King of Gods. The strength of this wall of Buddhism is far from being able to be displayed by Brother Sanbao——"

"Foli Wall is set by my master..." The Three Treasure Master explained.


Su Jin understood in an instant. When he was in Nan Litian, he hadn't waited until Guan Zizai came back. According to the words, even if he went to'Li Hentian', it shouldn't be so long. He never thought that he would actually support here——


On the wall of the Buddha, countless Buddhist scriptures bloomed with golden light, Su Jin’s body was shining with two kinds of Buddha's glory, green and yellow, and there were faint strands of economics, constantly shuttled through the void!

The Goddess of Shaking Light, Lan Yueya, Si Ming Daozi, and others suddenly felt their injuries quickened and improved, and their strength began to quickly make up for it. They immediately looked at Su Jin who was surrounded by the Buddha ring...

"The boss made a breakthrough when he encountered an opportunity. It is simply gratifying!" As a Buddhist practitioner, the experience of the Three Treasure Master is particularly true. He used to see Su Jin's Buddha power, if it is described by a lake of water, then it is now vast. The ocean!


Break through?

The Goddess of Shaking Light looked at the Buddha ring that was shrouded in Su Jin's body, among which Jinglun was condensed into chains. This is--

This is the performance of Shinto Buddha!

Su Jin came to Ah Dou's body, there was still Buddha's light on his body, which reflected each other, his heartbeat was so weak that he could hardly feel it, and his breath was like gossip!

A Dou, who was born with a stone fetus, was pierced by the black dragon python spear next to God's heart, and his lifelessness was quickly enveloped. I am afraid it will be a few hours since he was seriously injured.

"A Dou?" Su Jin shuddered and shouted.

There was no response, but Su Jin could feel that its heart seemed to be beating slightly at that moment. This black dragon python spear, with a demon-like spirit, was still pulling away Ah Dou's lifespan——

Su Jin immediately did not hesitate, and lightly covered the black dragon python gun with one hand, and his right palm turned into crimson red, like burning steel--

From the naked eye, the black dragon python gun was also burned red by Su Jin’s Vulcan Avenue...

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The terrible temperature scorched Adou's body, and at that moment, Su Jin pulled the dragon python spear from it, and turned his hand over to cover Adou with vitality!

"That is the Buddha of the Sky World!" Su Jin immediately yelled, and his whole person turned into a state of a golden body. His golden body was raised directly, golden and brilliant, brilliant and unparalleled!

Behind, a buddha wheel rose up, and in the void, there began to chant Buddhist sutras, chanting the Buddha Dharma of the High Way!

On this side of the void, the cloud of Buddha spread out, condensing a lot of Buddhist caves, in each of the Buddhist caves there are Buddha statues that can open the Buddha's eyes and walk out of the cave!

Every Buddhist cave power is chanting Sanskrit--

Each Buddha Cave Da Neng walked out of the Buddha Cave, one hand stood in front of the Buddha, the other Buddha hand raised, pointing in the direction of Ah Dou!

Brahman sang the Buddhist scriptures of the Great Dao, with more and more voices, converging into a first class, as if the real ‘that is, the world’s powers are all lifting the power of one world, blessing the fighting sacred Buddha!

"He doesn't know, I don't know what I do, what I don't know is never known. I don't know what I do know..."

"Dependent-originating, not-dependent derivation. Dependent-derived derivation but not dependent-origination. Dependent derivation, conditioned derivation."

"The birth causes are similar, because there are similarities, because they are slightly similar, because they are similar in truth, because they are similar in reason, similar in no difference, and not madly similar."

"Dependent origination is similar, and the predecessor is born. This is the law..."


The golden body of the Shinto Buddha, the Goddess of Shaking Light and others all have to look up and see Su Jin's back, his back is faintly floating with a vertical'six-character mantra'!

Pulling out the black dragon python gun, it is extremely dangerous, and A Dou's breath can hardly be felt, but if he does not do this, even if he persists, he will persist for less than half a day——

Su Jin is really cruel, knowing that there is little hope of saving, but he still has to try for this brother!

If he doesn't try, he will regret it for life!

Ah Dou, must survive! must!

Su Jin Buddha's eyes shed tears, his lips confided, and he personally kept chanting sutras for Ah Dou——

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