My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2635: Purple Forest

This sword.


Jian eleven reacted in an instant. If he kept breaking, he might be cut off his breath in an instant, and everything in the world would be erased!

"Blast--" The mark of "Ten Star October" on Jian Eleven's forehead was all broken.

The statues exploded in an instant, showing a state of black sand. The terrifying black light instantly drew the sea of ​​strength, and Su Jin's sword stood on the right arm of Jian eleven!


Sword Eleven's right arm was directly cut off! The concentration technique just stopped him for less than a second. It is precisely because of his strong strength that the effect of the concentration technique is greatly reduced. Otherwise, he will not be too slightly in the emergency, and I am afraid that Su Jin will be neatly rehabilitated. Center split-

The black nothingness, the chaotic storm in the middle has turned into a silent state, and Su Jin felt that this sword eleven was really desperate, and this ‘explosion’ made him directly feel bad.

The power of the Nine Paths has been transformed into the golden body of the Shinto King Buddha!


Traces appeared on Jin's body! And the power of the chaos and the void, combined with the power of blackening, caused the avenue in his body to become chaotic for a while!

"You can cut through my blackened divine body! Let's die together..." Jian eleven also knew that it was difficult to escape. The trick he used just now cost one thousand enemies and eight hundred for himself!

The utter blackness seemed to open its mouth wide, and I wanted to pull the two in. If it weren't for the loss of just one blow, there would still be a 20% chance to escape from the sky, but now both of them are unsustainable!

"Boss Yedi, let's go... let's go..." Zhi Shuai lay on the East Emperor Bell, waving at Su Jin.

It's hard.

The Jiwu Black Hole is devouring the two of them, and they will be crushed after being pulled in! Turned into the finest dust particles-

"Together!" Su Jin's heart moved in an instant, and the entire Eastern Emperor Bell disappeared into the void and fell into his palm, and he sneered when he saw the dumbfounded handsome Feng.

In the blackness, the two stood on each side, trying to resist the terrible suction! But it's weird to say, one black and one red palms, each from the edge of the black hole, held them in their hands...

Before disappearing-

A strange voice appeared in the void, "Tiantong? This little girl is also good."

I'm afraid that Guiying Kuangli will never forget that scene. Holding Qin Hua's hand, she felt shocked by a terrible force. She saw a ripple appeared around Qin Hua's body, the one holding the golden body of King Su Jin. With a little hand, it disappeared in an instant——

In the depths of the darkness, two mysterious communication sounds appeared.

"Using the starry sky as chess, you and I each have three wins. Next time I will see who can teach it..."

"It's settled. I didn't expect that the abandoned starry sky on the other side could give birth to such a talented child. Next time I use this blackened child, I will definitely win you over!"


Tick, tick.

I don't know how much time has passed, maybe it's an hour or half a day. When Su Jin woke up, the vibration in his heart was no less than a wave of waves!

The lavender environment, wet, with purple magical power cruising around, the sea of ​​purple flowers, lavender lakes, and mountains in the distance make Su Jin not know where it is—

The point is that Su Jin was shocked by himself... just been restrained? Second Olympics, what's the situation?

"Ye, Ye Di." Qin Painting also woke up quietly, rising from the posture of lying on his side, and looking at the surrounding scene, he was also a little dazed.

"You were also arrested?" Su Jin smiled bitterly. Although he was extremely reluctant, he really had to admit this fact. He didn't even know what the situation was.

"Well, when I disappeared and came here, I exhibited Kotoyo Hitomi. The person who caught me seemed to say something--"

Qin Hua walked to Su Jin and saw his hair dangled and his mouth was bleeding. When he looked around, his eyes showed a worried look, and he continued to ask, "Now, what should I do?"

"Wait, since the other party has taken us away, there must be a plan. I will recover first." Su Jin is very sensitive to the crisis, so he closed his eyes and meditated.

The body is in chaos, and the power of the nine realms is chaotic!

No matter what, immortality can always succeed, and now appearing in an inexplicable place is better than death! As for the evil prison waiting for the Eight Sect Alliance, there is a big hunting god, he is not worried!

A trace of strength was in the body, gradually being straightened out, Su Jin felt that he would be able to heal in half an hour and return to the peak state, but this time he failed to completely cut Sword Eleven, which made him a little regretful.

That sword eleven was also taken away, as if someone had taken a fancy to his black body, this was also a threat that Su Jin faintly worried about——

The goddess of light did not dare to disturb Su Jin, nor did she dared to go far. She looked around a hundred meters nearby and saw the artificially carved formations below, some purple plants, but one meter high, the leaves were like mimosa... …

And Qin Hua, the goddess of light, found a waist-length stele nearby with the word'Zi Lin' written on it...

Purple mist Shu roll~~

In about a quarter of an hour, the purple mist quickly rolled in the distance, Qin Hua retreated with a pale face, and retreated to Su Jin's side, somewhat at a loss, looking up!

In the distance of the purple forest, a fifty-foot-high purple sacred deer gradually appeared in the surging purple mist. The surface of the deer's body has bright blue spots and its antlers are like trees. It has many forks!

On the back of Shenlu sat a tall woman in blue. She wore white fleece short boots on her feet. The color of the skin on her legs was almost the same as that of pure white boot fleece!


Qin Hua took a look, and when he looked at the blue-clothed woman, it was as if he had seen a piece of ice that would last forever! Daoxin was almost frozen.

Su Jin slowly opened his eyes, got up and looked over——

"According to the master's order, come to pick up the younger brother back to the sect. Before that, you need to pass a test, are you willing?" The blue woman's voice was as cold as Su Jin's bones.

"Who is your junior brother?" Su Jin asked, squinting.


"What's the test?" Su Jin felt that he should have rescued this girl, but she was a little too...

The woman in blue flew a scroll directly on the purple deer, and the scroll floated towards Su Jin, unfolding on its own, and a hint of light bloomed on the pattern and text on it.

"Learn the magic on the picture, and then you can follow me--" the blue-clothed woman looked at Su Jin coldly and said.

"Sister, do I..." Qin Hua asked embarrassedly.

"You don't have this test. After he learns here, you can join him on the road with me." The blue-clothed woman nodded and said.

Isn't it just learning the gods?

Young Master Su is good at it!

Immediately, Su Jin looked at the scroll with various questions—

Gradually, Su Jin's complexion slowly turned to iron blue, his fists clenched, and angrily said: "Too much bullying! I don't learn!"

Never learn to die!

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