My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2636: Supreme Desire

Su Jin's overreaction directly caught the attention of Qin Hua. This former goddess of light, instinctively glanced, made a big red face, turned his head and pretended not to see——

The unfolded scroll is colored glaze, and there are pictures on it, as if there are phantoms doing various actions, running the "Little Zhoutian" line in the body...

This magical technique called "The Great Extinguishing Emotion" requires cutting off all lusts and cutting off the last trace of ‘good thought’ as a human being. What is the difference between it and a killing machine in the end?


After Su Jin refused, the whole lavender environment seemed to have a touch of arrogance to the bones. The blue-clothed woman on the deer stared at Young Master Su, "I'll ask you again, do you not learn--"

"Not learn!"

"Master has a super divine method, and you need to practice this super-supreme extinguishment before you can pass it on."

"Keep it for yourself, Lao Tzu has all kinds of magic skills, and he will not finish practicing for 800 lifetimes. It's best not to threaten me with this—"


The woman in blue was riding a **** deer, and finally got a little more expression on her angry face. Of course she was angry with Su Jin. After all, the living environment of the two people is different. There is a big competition here, who will kill to improve her strength. Eternal lust?

How did Su Jin agree?

First of all, you have to do the pain that a man can't bear...

"Then you die here!" The blue-clothed woman slapped the deer's back, and the huge sacred deer directly turned the deer's head and disappeared from the vision of the two.

"It's so easy to leave, don't give it away, remember that next time, don't be cold, as if someone owes you something~~" Su Jin whispered to the voice.

Qin Painting looked dumbfounded.

To tell the truth, Su Jin's combat effectiveness is really strong. Anyway, his eloquence Qin Hua has already learned, that is, Lord Yedi. If you change to another person, it is estimated that the sister in blue will just slap to death. Got it-

Su Jin waved his hand lightly, and a ball of flame instantly burned "Tai Shang De Qing Shu", and the back end sat down and hooked Qin Hua~~

Qin Hua pointed to herself, wanting to ask if she would let herself go. After receiving a confirmation nod in response, her eyes flashed and she sat face to face more than one meter in front of Su Jin.

"You got that elder sister away--" Qin Hua was stared at by Su Jin, as if his ‘secret’ had been seen through, and some uncomfortable spoke first.

"Within half a pillar of incense, this woman must return." Su Jin said lightly.

"I know you are very smart, but you can't be so sure! What if she doesn't answer?" Qin Hua didn't believe it.

"Make a bet."

"What are you betting on?"

"I didn't think about it."

"You fool me—"

"Well, if I win you let me kiss me, if I lose you kiss me..."


"Well, whoever wins has to do something for the other party unconditionally." Su Jin saw that the girl was not too stupid, and simply said something casually.

Qin Hua's eyes turned lightly and looked at the quiet "Zi Lin". No matter how she felt that the blue-clothed woman would never show up again, she was afraid that Su Jin would repent, so she nodded and said, "Gamble, gamble--"

"Then let's wait, why did you say that you were arrested?" Su Jin changed the subject and asked.

"I don't know." Qin Hua was also very surprised by this matter.

"Let me guess. I think that terrifying power should be prepared with two hands. Now I can almost conclude that the Black Venerable Sword Eleven should have also been captured. At the time I felt two strange auras. , Should be the work of the two."

"and then?"

"Grabbing our'master', if I find that I can hardly contend with that sword eleven, it is estimated that the'back hand' is you. You have a kind of pupil technique, plus the light power, it is estimated that you can fight against the so-called Darkened power."

"I can't, I can't--" Qin Hua shook his head again and again. Sword Eleven was so powerful that Su Jin could only make a ‘tie’ with the blackening power. How could she do it.

While chatting, the environment of Zilin began to gradually darken...

When it was less than half of the incense, the purple mist was rolled up in the distance, and the sacred deer appeared again!


When the sacred deer appeared, the cold blue-clothed woman was still sitting on the deer's back like that. Because of the bet, Qin Hua was caught off guard! How did Su Jin expect it?

"You've passed the test, you two will leave with me." The blue-clothed woman said to them without any emotion in her voice.

Su Jin's original posture of sitting cross-legged, suddenly stretched, and made a very comfortable voice, motioning to Qin Hua, "Let's go--"

Just go down the stairs, don't know how to praise, after all, Su Jin wants to see where she is going to take herself, it is not a problem to always stay here, always find a way to go home quickly.

Qin painting and Su Jin immediately stepped on the back of the deer, Su Jin lay down, closed his eyes and rested—

"Ye Di?" Qin Hua looked at the cold face of the blue-clothed woman, did not dare to speak, but transmitted the voice to Su Jin.

"Ask—" Su Jin Chuanyin responded.

"How do you know that this elder sister is coming back? Would you guys cheat me together? Don't bring such accuracy." Qin Hua was not convinced after losing the bet.

"Hehe, you will understand by paying more attention. First, I don't repair the excessive love-destroying technique, so she naturally can't force me to do it. Second, she accidentally revealed something--"

"What's the matter?" Qin Hua Chuanyin asked.

"This Zilin is very dangerous, especially after dark, otherwise she won't say anything to let us die here. Since we are so valued, it will be dangerous here after dark... if she doesn't come back before dark ..." Su Jin explained quite clearly.

Qin Hua looked at the sky, and it was dark immediately, and all the doubts in his heart were solved. Although he was a little puzzled, she was smart. The Emperor of the Night is really much smarter than her...

The huge sacred deer is extremely fast, with four hooves traveling through the purple mist. When the night is opened, it is as beautiful as a stream of light on the sky, and it falls toward the north at a rapid speed.


Qin Hua trembled in his heart and looked to the west, where there was a dark place, and there was a faintly terrifying roar of beasts!

She knows that her strength is not strong, but she also has the strength of a **** king, but even under this beast roar, if she has a kind of match, she is afraid that it will be wiped out by the powerful existence that emits the beast roar.

Su Jin didn't care at all. The woman in blue hadn't looked at him during this period, but he was happy and relaxed--

The sacred deer began to collapse downwards, and walked from Zilin to the destination in such a short period of time. It took only half an hour, but I didn't know how far it had traveled.

Qin Painting seldom leaves the Holy Land of Light, and is still very unfamiliar with everything, especially when she comes to this mysterious place, she is much more curious than Su Jin.

"That, that is--" Qin Hua saw the place where she fell, and her face was suddenly bloodless. The sight she saw was probably unforgettable in her life!

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