My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2650: grand occasion

Shinto repair, really dare!

All around, the Bafang monks boiled like fried ants. Earlier I heard that the person who challenged Wan Canghai was a Shinto monk, but now he is really hammering——

Qin Hua and Ms. Deer's hearts began to throb and accelerate, and even Xing Tianyang was not optimistic about the battle on the back of Shenlu.

"It is this Shinto cultivator who cut off Song Yunfei's head?" Many people began to question the disciple of Tiangang Sword Hall.

"Yes, it was him, I saw it with my own eyes—"

"Will he have an amazing divine treasure, and he used it when Senior Brother Song was caught off guard, and was lucky to win?"

"This Yedi, the battle with Senior Brother Song, simply crushed Senior Brother Song! It was an absolute crush. He didn't see the use of the divine treasure, but there is a heaven-shaking magical technique. Wan Ruo paid more attention to it. A magical technique is terrifying."

"What kind of magic?"

"The elder looked through the Zhoutian ancient scores and found out that it was a ‘concentration technique’—"


The atmosphere on the scene was almost at its peak, no one thought that this was achieved because of the appearance of a Shinto monk——

The scorching sun is scorching, and the purple gas in the sky seems to be ignited. Sometimes it rolls and sometimes swims. The wind blows and the heat waves are raging. Su Jin's pace is not hurried, until he walks tens of meters away from Shenlu , He stopped slightly, and nodded slightly to Miss Lu.

Su Jin didn't expect that so many disciples of the Ghost Tianfu could come. It seems that Xing Tianyang had intentions, but it was useless to do so. After all, he Ye Di...who was afraid of!

"Brother Ye Di! Come on! Come on!" After Qin Hua recently released the shackles of the "Goddess of Light", he seemed to be returning to his former character, extremely excited.

At the scene, if anyone has the most confidence in Su Jin, it is probably Qin painting.

Su Jin looked at the battlefield of life and death, which was opened up in the air, even in such a close situation, he could feel the terrifying power of God's ban.

The whole life and death were all around, and a full circle was drawn. There was also a monument dedicated to blood in the void. Su Jin didn't know why, but he had some guesses in his heart.

Wan Canghai's eyes were murderous, staring at Su Jin firmly, and he shouted: "Before stepping into the battlefield of life and death, you and I swear by blood, only one of them can walk out alive and drop blood on the blood sacrifice monument. No one can make a fake, now you kneel down, beg me, and apologize to my brother Song again. I can consider looking at the face of the senior chess king and letting you go!"

Su Jin smiled softly.

Slowly made a movement, the angry Wan Canghai's face was pale--

Su Jin raised his right arm, raised his **** to Wan Canghai, and then gently tapped the **** twice, and immediately a drop of crystal clear blood condensed from the fingertips.

"Good, good! Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you——" Wan Canghai said fiercely, also condensing a drop of divine blood.

At this moment, behind the cultivators of the Tiangang Sword Hall, a mysterious place appeared, which seemed to cover up a magnificent temple, and the monks of many other forces became nervous.

"I have seen Hall Master Tiangang!" Except for the Ghost Tianfu, a full eight million monks shouted in unison.

The people of the Ghost Tianfu were a little worried. The impact of this battle was too great. Song Yunfei was seriously injured by Su Jin, and even the hall master of Tiangang Sword Hall appeared and came to cheer for Wan Canghai.

Immediately, something unexpected happened to the ghosts!

A virtual chessboard appeared in the void on the east, and the people who came to make the disciples of Ghost Tianfu excited! Guitianqi King, here comes!

The appearance of the King of Guitian Chess made Xing Tianyang squeeze his fists fiercely, and a feeling of exultation. After all, anyone in the Guitian Palace knew that the chess king was not optimistic about this battle. Morale!

"I have seen the King of Ghosts--"

The sky-like noise reappeared immediately. Although the character of King Guitianqi is not good, he is at the same level as the hall master of Tiangang Sword Hall. He is a very terrifying big man. Who dares to neglect?

At the moment, a voice came out from the huge temple that was covered by mystery: "Friend Canghai, I will deal with this Yedi as miserably today. I will let him die in the battlefield of life and death to repay my son for being severely injured. hatred!"

Song family!

In the Tiangang sword hall, although the Song family is not considered to cover the sky with only one hand, it can also be regarded as a wealthy family that can control half of the hall. It was a brotherly relationship with the master of the Tiangang sword hall, Qin Tiangang. In the face of King Guitianqi, such words were not at all intimidating.

"If you can't cut this Wan Canghai today, you will no longer be my disciple of the Ghost Tianfu, hang him up and beat him hard--" The King of Ghosts is even more domineering, his small eyes are watery, and he hums.


This senior chess king is simply not too scary--

The words sounded terrific, even a little unkind, but on another level, this was simply supporting Yedi!

I can’t fight and I don’t deserve to be a disciple of the Ghost Palace. Killed. The Ghost Palace has taken care of it. Even if it’s a trivial battle with the Tiangang sword hall——

Su Jin couldn't help but feel warm.

Pointing to the crystal clear blood, it bounced in an instant, and that Wan Canghai was the same, two brilliance of blood appeared on the blood sacrifice monument in an instant!

A terrifying light broke out!

The blood sacrifice monument seemed to carry a terrifying curse power. Su Jin felt that his Dao Soul was faintly affected. This battlefield of life and death is really as its name. If anyone wants to escape, they will be instantly divine and soul. Go out!

Su Jin stepped into the scope of the battlefield of life and death!

Wan Canghai entered the west at the same time, and the two stood in the battlefield of life and death, their aura gradually rising——

On the misty temple in the west, the Patriarch of the Song Family of Tiangang Sword Hall was almost mad. There were not many people in the temple, about seven.

"Qin Tiangang", the head of the Tiangang sword hall, Song Pingzhang, the head of the Song family, plus three elders. There are also a pair of children of Qin Tiangang, Qin Yaoran and Qin Wanluo.

Qin Yaoran's eyes were hot, and slowly disappeared from the temple, bypassing the battlefield of life and death, and rushed to the northeast direction——

"Big brother really hasn't given up yet." Qin Wanluo, who was fourteen years old, was really skinny and wore a crisp veil. Seeing Qin Yaoran running to the northeast, her eyes slipped and quickly ran over. .

The Fallen Devil was hiding in the void in the northeast, and was directly forced out. Qin Yaoran went up to grab her little hand, but she put it away and backed away a few steps to avoid it.


"My sister-in-law, I'm just such an older brother. It's impossible for my father to let him be the son of your devil." Qin Wanluo was helpless.

"Who is your sister-in-law?" The Fallen Devil's eyes were a little flustered, and she was calm.

"After this war, Dad will personally talk to your father about this marriage, maybe there is a compromise." Qin Wanluo looked at some poor older brother.

At this moment, in the battlefield of life and death, the battle has begun! Suddenly attracted the attention of the Fallen Devil Goddess, Qin Wanluo and others-

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