My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2651: Millions of corpses!


There is a cloud of blood enveloped in the sky above the Wancang Sea, and there is a faint river of blood under his feet that is rolling up the turbulent waves. His most common method is the devil body. Today he is going to swear that Su Jin will be cut off with a world-shaking magical technique. Of course, He won't let Su Jin die, he intends to abuse him first--

Su Jin moved directly at that instant! With a stroke, the whole person appeared on the river of blood as if teleporting!

The monstrous brilliance bloomed, Su Jin took a photo at will, there is a kind of pressure that makes people breathless!

To the northeast, Qin Yaoran's face was pale, but he was still willing to bear the tone of the fallen devil goddess——

"Ah? This is really a divine way?" Qin Wanluo's face was still a little childish. After all, she was the "princess" who grew up in Qin Tiangang's hand, and she was very golden at all times.

"His Ye Di's strength is far more terrifying than you think. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid it would be difficult to get out of the desolate sacrifice ground." When the Fallen Devil God said, she felt her body warm.

Whenever I think of it, the Fallen Devil Goddess seems to feel that there is still a palm behind her back. It was the last night that the emperor entered the dark demon hall to help her escape from danger——

"Is he really that great?" Qin Yaoran sneered, his heart was very upset, especially when he praised other men, the sour feeling was very unpleasant.

"The victory or defeat is five to five." The Fallen Devil Tiannv said lightly.

Qin Wanluo's expression was shocked, Wan Canghai was famously strong, and the realm of Su Jin and Wan Ruo was very different. How could it be a victory of five to five?

Who knows that Su Jin is the Nine Dao Xiu! Fellow practitioners of the Nine Paths, who can understand the power of the Nine Paths! This road, only he is walking, can go!

In the river of billowing blood, Wan Canghai's **** river of "Devil God's Body" was as big as Tianyue, and was different from yesterday. At this moment, he has a strange ghost blood knife in his hand!


With a palm of Su Jin, Wan Canghai didn't even shake his whole body!

On the contrary, Wan Canghai laughed loudly: "Boy! The power of the divine way still wants to hurt me? Even if you practice for 10,000 years, it will hardly shake me!"

Su Jin was speechless.

Why do you feel so good about yourself?

Originally, Su Jin didn't use much power with this palm, and even one percent of it was useless.

But others don't think so!

"Wow, Lord Wan Ruo is too strong. We actually have expectations for a divine realm. The facts have proved that the gap between the two is very large and it is impossible to make up." The cultivator of Tiangang Sword Hall sighed.

"Yes, Lord Wan Ruo is not as easy to deal with as Senior Brother Song. This person's true strength has been revealed, and he will only be abused later."

"After I got the news, I came from the Far North Shenxu, just show me this?"

Most people are really disappointed.

Except for the three of Xing Tianyang's disciples, none of the disciples of Ghost Tianfu did not show disappointment on their faces.

"Brother Ye--" Xing Tianyang's face was full of endless doubts, is it because Lord Wan Ruo's demon body is too strong and performs supernormally, or is Brother Ye deliberately trying?

"Don't panic, I should have reservations." Girl Lu also felt very strange, some of whom couldn't understand, Su Jin, who was making trouble? We are all in the battlefield of life and death, why not treat them well?

"The power of the Nine Dao hasn't been displayed yet, why are you panicking--" Qin Hua comforted.

Xing Tianyang and Miss Lu nodded their heads immediately, knowing that Su Jin was testing, and didn't use real kung fu at all!

In the battle of life and death, almost in an instant, Su Jin was full of golden light!

In this scene, the strong brilliance of Buddhism and Daoism attracted everyone's attention, and an exclamation made a loud noise. Su Jin himself was Buddhism and Daoism, which many people did not expect!

The pure Buddha power, behind Su Jin’s exhibition of the golden body, makes people clearly feel, and the **** devil energy in the blood river, it is difficult to touch the Buddha light, and they are all scattered.

"Really young, do you want to rely on Shendao Buddha to suppress me? Tell you, it's impossible!" Wan Canghai Demon God grabbed the blood knife in his arm and swept directly at Su Jin.


Su Jin's whole body was filled with the golden body of the Shinto King Buddha in an instant. He raised his hand and opened his five fingers. The huge Buddha palm that was condensed seemed to be inlaid with gold rims, covering the void, and outrageously patted the ocean!

Wan Canghai was shocked, Su Jin turned out to be a Taoist Buddha with a'golden body'. Golden Buddha cultivation is rare everywhere, and there may not be a few in one era.

Qiang Qiang--

The Buddha's finger collided with the ghost blood knife, and the electric light and flint had collided several times. The sparks were like waterfalls, and the lightning fell in the void above!

Wan Canghai has a feeling that Su Jin's aura is getting stronger and stronger, is this really the cultivation of the gods? How can there be a feeling that the more you fight, the stronger?

Actually this is not an illusion! Su Jin Divine Dao Buddhism continuously transforms from the other eight realms and fuels power. This is the terrifying aspect of Jiu Dao Xiu, so you can't just use realm to measure Su Jin's current strength!


Wan Canghai gritted his teeth and slapped the Demon God's palm, the ghost blood knife instantly retracted, and he chose to directly connect it!

The void shattered, the sunny day turned into a dark night, the mighty devilish energy of the vast sea, blood covering a party for a long time, and Su Jin was covered in Buddha's light, and Wang Fo's golden body was even more doing his part!

"The corpse is magic! The devil does not destroy the body! Defeat the sky and the earth, surrender the ten thousand Buddhas!" In the array, the powerful devilish energy rolled away, and it actually pushed back the golden light emitted by the king and Buddha——

Su Jin sighed. He wanted to hide what he was holding, but the biggest difficulty in slashing this Wan Canghai lies in his demon body, which is Dacheng's demon physique. When he just tried for the first time, he felt that ordinary magic soldiers were all It is difficult to cut open, even a trace is difficult to leave.

Even dragon swords, dragon swords and other swords can't hurt them!

"Devil God Avenue? Can it be compared to my "crazy devil road"?" Su Jinjin faded, standing in the fierce wind, his expression unchanged, and the clear and calm voice made nearly everyone dumbfounded.

Crazy Demon Road!

Not only is there a Buddha, but there is also a magic way to add body?

A scarlet halo, carrying the billowing devil energy, rose from Su Jin's feet, and in that halo, there were faint marks of ancient and modern mad devil roads!

Su Jin lightly turned, the violent ape carried the rolling demon flame, covering his true body, the violent ape went to the mountain with one hand, and came to the mountain with the other hand, roaring up to the sky, roaring a magic light!

Wan Canghai was stunned for a moment-


The ancient mountain and the present mountain are not like two hills now. There are millions of demon corpses on them. In terms of momentum, scale, and magic, they are not lost to Wan Canghai at all!

Su Jin's eyes were scarlet, and his fluttering hair was dyed demon red. At that moment, his temperament seemed to be extremely evil and enchanting. He slowly said coldly: "You can't hold me down! Today and ancient crazy demons, Sweep all your corpses!"

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