My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2653: Lifeless style!

The Soul Eater Orb was released in the sky-

Thousands of miles of blood was like rain, Su Jin only felt a gloomy in his mind at that moment, his face was cold, but he sneered: "Big than God? Don't say I bully you."

Su Jin grabbed it from his waist, and the Eastern Emperor Bell was trembling excitedly. He grabbed the'Eastern Emperor Bell' and threw it high into the air.

Just like a building, the Donghuang Bell is growing!

Two golden crows screamed into the sky, and the two terrifying phantoms of the big sun golden crow and the burning world golden crow gradually solidified, and the violent aura continued to spread all over the world!

"This purple-and-yellow treasure clock--" When Wan Canghai saw the word'Tai Yi' in front of the clock, his face changed drastically and he lost his voice: "No!"

However, it is too late to take back the Soul Eater Orb!

The dominance of Donghuang Bell is beyond human imagination!

The thousands of miles of blood sprayed by the Soul Devouring Divine Orb was directly evaporated by the terrible high temperature, and the Eastern Emperor Bell ran directly into the Soul Devouring Divine Orb with terrifying speed!

As an ordinary person, with such a treasure, it might be too late to take care of it. Isn't the Ye Emperor afraid of injury? !


The Soul Devouring Divine Orb was hit instantly, turning into a mass of red powder, and the overwhelming **** power turned into a cloud of blood, and was swallowed in by a black hole.

Wan Canghai is extremely painful, this **** orb could have killed Su Jin! As a result, it was destroyed, which he didn't expect at all.

Su Jin raised his hand calmly, and the Donghuang Zhong diminished, falling onto his palm, and then hung from his waist—

"Don't say I didn't remind you, the next blow, destroy your demon body!" Su Jin's voice clearly appeared in Wan Canghai's ear.

So crazy?

Of course Wan Canghai just listened to it as a joke--

Su Jin's arrogance was heard by everyone, but no one dared to laugh at this time, even if it was ruthless, no one dared to look down upon Ye Di the slightest!

No matter where it is, strength rules the roost! With absolute strength, you will be respected! At least from the current point of view, Wan Canghai could not help Su Jin, but was constantly suppressed!

"The emperor's arrogance is too arrogant this time, but I still don't understand how the Divine Dao Realm does it." The cultivator onlookers watched from a distance, and said with shock.

"Just now he has exhibited four avenues, namely Buddha, Ghost, Demon, and Senluo Dao! My parents are also paying attention to this battle, and he also suspects that he owns the Vulcan Dao!" The monk was worried, his face pale. Said a word.

"Ah, how is it possible!"

"There is nothing impossible. This Wan Canghai is likely to be planted in the battlefield of life and death. Who wants him to bully others because of his high realm and strength? Can he be a simple character who can crush Song Yunfei's head?"

"I also heard that it was a fluke, now it seems that the emperor does have the strength to kill Song Yunfei--"


What others say, Wan Canghai does not care! He only knew that the cultivators of the Tiangang sword hall, the hall master, Song Patriarch and others were all watching him. If he lost to a divine realm, his death would be considered light, and then the entire Tiangang sword hall would become a laughingstock!

Therefore, Wan Canghai must not let this happen!

"Come here! I want to see how you cut me off!" Wan Canghai's temper is very violent, and now he is angry with Su Jin's "crazy words". He is full of demonic qi waves, using his power to the extreme. .

The devil body, if you don't make an offensive, and rely on its own blessing, its defense power can't be described as terrible!

After Wan Canghai finished speaking, he suddenly stopped in his heart, and then his breathing stopped, his eyes fixed on Su Jin--

Su Jin's face was stern, and he raised his head slightly, his eyes were full of blue color!




Just two words, it is suffocating! Even the King of Ghosts who supported Su Jin didn't expect it! This is terrible, Su Jin's own strength is already amazing enough, and now he is still a secret!


Among the cultivators of Tiangang Sword Hall, nine of them turned pale. Who could have imagined that Su Jin had even a rare secret of the sky! Is this still a human!

At this moment, Su Jin did not intend to hide his strength anymore! Once he plans to do this, he is destined not to give Wan Canghai a chance to comeback!

One after another, a halo rose, and was continuously integrated by the nine palaces and eight trigrams.

In the brightly-colored nine palaces and eight trigrams, the brilliance is brilliant and unparalleled! And Su Jin’s right eye began to change color from the blue color——

Blood blue!

rub! Xing Tianyang was very embarrassed, feeling his feet soft from the back of Shenlu, he directly sat on the back of Shenlu! Girl Lu was already so startled that she didn't even blink her eyes!

Azure, blood blue! Binocular!

Two kinds of secrets!

In the figure of the Nine Palaces, the powers are reckless and rolling and converging, Su Jin gently probes his hand, the azure "hand of covering the sky" is blessed by Douzi Tianmi, Zhetian Yimi is perfectly displayed!

Wan Canghai's heart was trembling, and he roared, and the demon body on his body expanded again, and the demon energy around him almost reached the essence, but he still felt like he was about to be wiped out by a palm!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Wan Canghai's face was grimace, and he kept roaring, his hands slammed up into the sky. The palms of the two demon gods wanted to hold the sky, but the hand that covered the sky seemed to have an invincible amount of pressure, and his demon arms were fast. Cracked!

Not only was it cracking, the Demon Arm could not prevent the hand that covered the sky from falling. He claimed that the Demon God Body was not bad in physique, and the Demon Arm had begun to shatter one after another, and it was heartbroken!

At this moment, apart from the terrible ‘hand that covers the sky’, there is no other voice! It was too quiet at this moment, I was staring blankly at--

On the imaginary temple, the three elders, Song Family Patriarch Song Pingzhang, and Hall Master Qin Tiangang's expressions are not pretty. Everyone can count Su Jin's enchanting level!

In the far northeast, the Fallen Devil Heavenly Girl Fang's heart beats continuously, her eyes moved away from the sky-shielding hand, and moved to Su Jin's face, that kind of unworldly demeanor, at this moment no girl is not moved!

Hall Master Qin Tiangang walked out of the illusory temple, revealing his true face——

"Little brother, please be forgiving and forgiving! This matter is wrong in my sword hall, first Song Yunfei is aggressive, and then Lord Wan Ruo provokes him. Whether it depends on my Qin Tiangang’s sake. , Spare his life!" Qin Tiangang took a deep breath and asked.

"If I lose to this Wan Canghai, will you stand up and let your Lord Wan Rudder spare my life?!" Su Jin said in a cold voice.

Qin Tiangang:...

"It is not easy for Lord Wan Ruo to cultivate to this stage. What do you want? You can satisfy everything!"

"What I want, you can't give it." Su Jin responded calmly.

"There is nothing that my Tiangang Sword Hall can't give! Promises, requirements, divine treasures, and secret methods, please mention it--" Qin Tiangang looked at Wan Canghai's demon **** arm almost completely shattered, and felt a little anxious. Master, Tiangang sword hall is also very rare.

"I want... he is dead!"

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