My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2654: Fearless!

Want him to die

Su Jin's voice was very cold, as cold as the unsmelling ice in the icy abyss. Why should he give others face and ask for a promise made by others!


Taotao's nine powers, with all his strength, the terrifying ‘Sky Covering Hand’, carrying an unstoppable power, brazenly descended!

Wan Canghai was desperate.

I thought that he could easily squeeze this divine Taoist cultivator to death when he was fully dominant in all aspects, but things were far beyond his expectations. I am afraid that everyone on the scene would be the same as him. I didn’t expect Su Jin to have an absolute ability to crush him. !

In the crisis of life and death, Wan Canghai’s ‘devil body’ was simply extraordinary, his arms were crushed, but there was a faint ‘crystalization’ around his head!

"No! I'm not convinced! I'm not reconciled, not reconciled—" Wan Canghai suffered endless pain at that moment, his demon head, even if it was semi-crystallized, improved its defense by as much as 30%. The hand that covered the sky was too horrible, the skull broke first when it was photographed!

Bang bang!

The devil blood turned into thousands of blood clouds, and as the foundation of Wan Canghai shattered and exploded, at that instant, the hand of the sky-shielding wiped out the ghosts in the patches of blood clouds, without giving Wan Canghai a chance!

Qin Tiangang, the hall master of Tiangang Sword Hall, his face was green--

With the evaporation of blood, almost all talents wake up like a dream!

"Heaven's Hand, this is the extremely terrifying'Zhetian Secret' in the Sky Secret, and his blood-blue eyes, I am afraid that another kind of precious "fight" word Tian Secret appears." Tiangang Jiantang's The monks, all expressions were bloodless, and their hearts trembled and said.

"Dou Zi Tian Mi, blessing the hand that shields the sky, it is no wonder that you can defeat the Lord Wan Ruo!"

"Master Wan Ruo has been completely wiped out in the world. This kind of fate is the most terrifying. There is no reincarnation. The road to the next life has been cut off. The most terrifying fate in the world is this—"

"He Yedi, even our hall master does not give a half-hearted plea! Do you really think that King Guitianqi can protect him? This person is too ruthless, and the methods are so outrageous!"

"Yesterday, the emperor threatened to step down on the land of Wan Ruozhu. It seems that there is a reason why he is so emboldened!"


The monks in Tiangang Sword Hall were all panicked, and many even looked towards the direction of the hall master. When they saw Qin Tiangang’s iron and blue face, some people understood in their hearts that the hall master might really be afraid of the ghost king. !

Compared with the people in Tiangang Jiantang, the disciples of Ghost Tianfu have two emotions!

Cheers, roars, one after another!

Su Jin's battle has fueled the aura of the Ghost Heaven Palace, and Qin Tiangang's personal plea failed to earn Wan Canghai's life! If you use two words to describe the mood of the ghosts, you can only use the word ‘relieve qi’!

Qin Tiangang was cold, and was about to rush to the battlefield of life and death immediately——

"Hall lord, wait a minute!" Song Pingzhang, the head of the Song family, turned black and took a step towards the frustrated Xian Qin Tiangang.

"Ping Zhang, what are you doing!" Qin Tiangang asked.

"My son has a big grudge, I will report it myself! The hall master needs to be cautious. You are the master of the sword hall. As long as you move, the King of Ghosts will definitely intervene!" Song Pingzhang did not stop and came to the edge of the battlefield. .

Su Jin smiled lightly, and the two colors of Heavenly Secrets receded from his eyes. He had expected it, but it was already quite difficult to cut Wan Canghai, and he had almost exhausted his strength. Patriarch Song would not let this opportunity pass.

"Old dog, this king sees your face turned dark, and you may suffer. I think you really want to die, and dare to stand up for your son!" Su Jin secretly regained his strength, but wanted to recover in a short time. It is undoubtedly a dream.

"Even if Yunfei is wrong, you shouldn't cut off his head, making him almost abandon the divine body, looking for a substitute. Today I see the face of King Guitianqi, cut your little beast's head, bear and My son has the same pain!" Song Pingzhang's face was extremely ugly, but his tone of hatred turned into cruelty.

"The dog son can't do it, the old dog comes up to fight on wheels, but these are all trivial things, this king is fearless!" Su Jin stretched out his hand-


A drop of crystal clear blood was condensed again.

Song Pingzhang's heart was filled with anger, and he almost didn't even think about where he cared about it. He waved a ray of God's blood and fell on the blood sacrifice monument, vowing it!

"The old dog of the Song family is really shameless!" Xing Tianyang shouted angrily.

At the same time, all the disciples of Guitian Palace began to become angry.

"Wan Canghai just lost his soul, and everything was erased! This Song family old dog has found this opportunity, Ye Di Tian Mi could not perform it for a short time, and now it is very expensive, it is difficult to use peak power to fight this Song Old dog, are you still shameless in Tiangang Sword Hall?" said the disciple of Ghost Tianfu.

"Bah, it's a shame, it's rumored that the territory of your Tiangang Sword Hall was robbed. As expected, you have done everything you can to do it--"

"Down with the scum of Tiangang Sword Hall——"


Who is willing?

Not to mention that the disciples of Ghost Tianfu did not follow, even the monks who watched the battle except for the "Tiangang Sword Hall" and the "Devil Sect" almost all yelled--

Song Pingzhang ignored it and strode into the battlefield of life and death!

Regardless of everything, even if his reputation is ruined, Song Pingzhang cannot let Su Jin get out of here alive!

"Your power is all blessed in the hands of the sky. Your two secrets are difficult to use today. When you are weak, how can you spare me?!" Song Pingzhang asked Su Jinfa with a grin. .

Su Jin did not respond.

Taking a deep breath, the sharp rays of kendo burst out from the whole body, Su Jin understood very well that it is not wise to fight hard now. A master like Song Pingzhang is not weaker than Wan Canghai, even stronger. Up a bit-

"They are all swordsmen. Today, I will let you see and see this king's sword **** avenue, strong sword body, invincible!" Su Jin seemed to have a series of sword marks around his body, continuously cutting the void, and his surroundings seemed to be transformed into a piece of space. Chaos sword field.

And just at this moment of tension--

Girl Lu turned her head and looked at Master Guitianqi King. She was a little puzzled, why after Su Jin fought Wan Canghai, the opponent still used a wheel fight to kill Ye Emperor, why was Master still indifferent?

Song Pingzhang smiled sullenly, and with a face turned black with anger, it made people feel a sense of disgust when he saw it directly.


Song Pingzhang opened his mouth, spouting a burst of sword light, his hands in front of him kept hitting ‘circle’, a black sword of destruction, swimming like a crucian carp crossing a river.

What a tyrannical kendo strength! When Su Jin first appeared in this Song Pingzhang, he felt that the opponent was a sword repairer, and his overall strength was not weaker than Wan Canghai. Now this perfectly condensed and operating a virtual sword, its powerful aura is directly eye-catching. ——

Su Jin gritted his teeth secretly, so he could only...

Fight to the death!

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