My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2655: Guiyuan Sword Array

Fight for life!

Su Jin watched Song Pingzhang rush in. This battlefield of life and death was originally not very large. Of course, the ‘not big’ mentioned here is because of the strength of the two people.


Song Pingzhang's condensed sword was sharp and piercing, while Su Jin's sword was of that kind of overbearing aura. The two had just met each other, and when the swords and shadows collided, sparks spattered!

Not good!

Su Jin’s body was filled with the yellow color of the Buddha, and the Shinto King Buddha’s golden body was protected in an instant, but at this time, the golden body was far from the original strength and was a bit dim. After all, it was the result of the loss of huge power——

Qiang Qiang.

More than a dozen tricky and insidious sword shadows slashed on Su Jin's Wang Fojin, leaving more than a dozen sword marks.

"This?" Song Pingzhang's pupils suddenly shrank, let alone a dozen sword marks. He originally thought that as long as Su Jin was cut by a sword shadow, his body would be cut apart, but only some cut marks were left!

The golden body of King Su Jin Buddha stayed in the void, his eyes showed a faint grayish blue, and the whole person was looming in the void in the same place——

"Another kind of secret!"


Qin Tiangang was speechless, the elders of the three sword halls were speechless, and even the King of Guitianqi was speechless for a while——

The smile on Xing Tianyang’s face is uglier than crying. As for him, he wanted to kill Brother Ye last morning. Luckily, Brother Ye didn’t care about him, otherwise he would have been wiped out in the world.

To the northeast, the goddess of fallen devil was relieved to puff, her heartbeat was clearly heard by herself, her eyes were incredible, and Qin Wanluo swallowed fiercely. Only Qin Yaoran with a look of deep jealousy, dare not look down on Ye Di.

Su Jin was forced to use the "Wordless Heaven Secret". He couldn't help it. If this battle were placed on tomorrow, he would not care at all, but now he can only use the Wordless Heaven Secret to delay some time and try to recover.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Dragon Swallowing Technique.

Big life technique.

Dao Heart Seed Demon!

Three powerful magical techniques are directly displayed. Outside the battlefield of life and death, the vitality of 30,000 miles is rapidly rolling in, and the surrounding purple plants are rapidly wilting, but even so, they cannot wither. It's strange--

Song Pingzhang's eyes were round, and the 30,000-mile radius and the void were blowing a storm of vitality. These mixed vitalities were blowing, covering Su Jin's body!


Under this situation, Su Jin transformed his power, but only recovered to the point where it was less than 30%. Those vitality was not pure, but it was also considered to have given him some support.

"I see how long you can hide! When your wordless heavenly secret effect disappears, and when you manifest your true body, I will kill you instantly!" The hatred in Song Pingzhang's tone was simply monstrous.

Who knows the secret of the gray blue sky! Obviously there is no word secret!

Su Jin ignored it. He knew that he could no longer be in full bloom. To deal with this Song Pingzhang, if he hadn't had the real "Sword God Avenue", he was afraid that his sword would be smashed because of the hot hitting sword shadows just now— —

"The sword is also the blade of the heart. It can be used to kill or protect. Killing and protecting are only between one thought."

A situation that Su Jin could not imagine appeared! The mysterious voice appeared to my ears. This voice was definitely not from Master Guitianqi King. It was a little ethereal and couldn't tell where it came from.


Who is helping him!

Su Jin closed his eyes, and when he was fully refining the remaining vitality, he heard these words only a subtle understanding, and the current realm of the sword body Tao seemed to loosen in a flash. He didn't have time to think about it, fully comprehending the essence of this sentence.

Song Pingzhang was about to jump, and said angrily: "Well, well, anyway, you can't use the wordless secret to float away from the battlefield of life and death. I will condense a million sword formations so that you can see and see my'guiyuan sword formation'. Great! At that time, I will take away your third secret, just to make up for my son's loss—"

Immediately, Song Pingzhang sat down ——

In the seated position, the sword pattern circle after circle began to radiate away.

A sword mountain stood up, the sword light was bright, and then another sword mountain condensed, spreading the reckless sword light.

Deer girl and Qin painting recently, the two girls were instantly nervous--

Song Pingzhang's kendo attainments are really terrifying!

The Guiyuan Sword Formation is very famous. As long as the formation is successful, when Su Jin’s wordless secret disappears, millions of swords burst into pieces in an instant, turning the entire battlefield of life and death into the “Ruins of Guiyuan”, except for Song Pingzhang. I am afraid that even a single particle of dust will not exist, completely wiped out——

"What is Ye Di brother doing? Do you sit in jail and wait quietly for death?" Qin Hua felt that Su Jin was very unwise. Now this is really hard to say. She originally thought that Su Jin should have defeated Wan Canghai. Oh, who knew Song Pingzhang would not let him go!

"Little Junior Brother shouldn't have made an oath just now, this Song Pingzhang is really hard to deal with..." Girl Lu could only be anxious.

Don’t talk about Deer Girl, no one is optimistic about Su Jin anymore—

The disciples of the Guitian Palace understood very well that as long as Qin Tiangang did not make a move, the King of Guitianqi would not stop it. This was entirely caused by Su Jin's overconfidence.

Time, one minute and one second is passing by——

The entire battlefield of life and death seemed to have changed drastically. Song Pingzhang successfully condensed the ‘Guiyuan Sword Formation’. If Su Jin hadn’t used the Wordless Heaven Secret, how could he have the opportunity to condense this formation!

The tense atmosphere is spreading, as if every second passes, the feeling of flustered becomes stronger.

"Patriarch Song’s Guiyuan sword formation is perfectly condensed, and the battlefield of life and death can be blasted into a dark area in an instant. Then everything will be sucked away by the black hole. People in it will not have a chance to escape. Bone to pieces—"

Some people started to retreat and didn't want to be affected, but the nervous discussion continued. Now everyone who looks at Su Jin has a sympathetic look in their eyes.

"No matter how enchanting his talent is, in the Guiyuan sword formation, he will be destroyed directly by Song Patriarch's thought. Alas, it's a pity for this person."

"It's just a desperate struggle. It's the limit to be able to kill Wan Ruozhu. What's ridiculous is that he even dared to fight Patriarch Song life and death!"

"Now that King Guitianqi can't save him, such a terrible heaven-defying person should be cut off, otherwise he will be allowed to grow up again, I can hardly imagine!"


A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour.

The time is neither short nor long.

The wordless secret state on Su Jin's body became more and more unstable, and Song Pingzhang became eager in his heart. The three kinds of secret secrets can make up for the loss of his son Song Yunfei!

After a while, when Su Jin's body and soul are gone, the Three Magic Heaven Secret will definitely want to fly away. He needs to find the right opportunity and store them all in an instant——

Thinking of this, Song Pingzhang felt a little excited!

At that moment, the audience seemed to be quiet, Su Jin's wordless secret effect completely disappeared! Everyone, dare not come out of the atmosphere——

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