My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2656: Shinto Shinto

In just a moment, Su Jin looked up——

Open your eyes.

Song Pingzhang's heart slammed fiercely, Su Jin's eyes were as sharp as a divine sword that had just been unsheathed, and a sword shadow stood in each pupil faintly.

Ding Ding Ding-

As crisp as iron! Although subtle, it seems to penetrate the heart of the listener.

A sword shadow appeared in a two-meter radius around Su Jin. The sword shadow was slanted, and Di Liu began to spin. His robe was bulging and his hair fluttered. The entire sword field looked like Deer Girl. Showed a surprise.

Qin painting is the happiest——

The sharp shapes formed by the sword shadows turned out to be a sword lotus, and it is still consolidating~~~

"Nine Dao, break another one! Achieved the Divine Dao achievement." When Qin Hua looked at Song Pingzhang's face again, the other party's face was so dark that he obviously felt Su Jin's breakthrough.

Xing Tianyang said with worry: "If you break through another avenue and reach the Divine Dao Realm, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive in the'guiyuan sword formation'!"

"Not necessarily, if the junior brother is at the peak of strength, he is definitely not afraid of Song Pingzhang, the road that has just broken through has condensed the shackles of the gods, and the strength of the whole person has begun to rise through the breakthrough——"

Girl Deer was extremely nervous. She felt that watching Su Jin's battle was just a heartbeat, especially in that sword lotus, the chains like lightning were picking up other sword lotus petals, and then she continued: " The strength is rising rapidly, and the junior brother may have the opportunity to use some terrible magical techniques again."

Xing Tianyang didn't know whether Su Jin could use a terrible magical technique, but there is no doubt that the terrifying talent he showed is definitely incomparable to anyone present!

In the Guiyuan sword formation, Song Pingzhang was not in a hurry either, Su Jin's state was too weird.

"Just relying on your sword field, want to survive in my'guiyuan sword formation'?" Song Pingzhang asked coldly.

"Just now this king's nine-door avenue, and another one broke, this sword body Dao has achieved the Divine Dao state, and the power has climbed to its peak state. I really don't see your Guiyuan sword formation right now." Su Jin didn't even look at it. Looking at Song Pingzhang, the million sword faults said.

"Impossible! Once the Guiyuan Sword Array is activated, it is absolutely difficult for you to live--"

"You can try, if I hadn't fought against the Ten Thousand Canghai Sea just now, almost all my strength would have been exhausted. In the heyday, I can also destroy you with one blow." Su Jin lazily explained to the old dog.

"Three kinds of secrets have been released, no matter how difficult it is for you to have a trump card, you still want to bluff me?" Song Pingzhang's heart is jumping, he is a little jealous, if Su Jin really has a strong magic, he can live when the Guiyuan sword formation is launched Down, he was in trouble.


The'Sword Lotus' condensed in Su Jin's body slowly rose, hovering above his head, with a trace of shackles, turning the area nearly two meters away into a place of silence.


A golden lotus flower slowly shook halfway through the void, and it was not far from the sword lotus, lined up and condensed.

With the successive void vibrations, the noise caused by the void vibrations, the trembling people's ears buzzed, and finally one red, one black, one gold, and one gray sword lotus appeared!

Nine break four!

The four realms of lotus flowers appear shockingly in everyone's eyes!

"Nine Dao Xiu? This is really an incomparable evildoer——" The Tiangang sword hall side was stunned by Su Jin's words. After hearing that, everyone's face changed in horror. Nine Dao Xiu has reached the four-door divine realm. The strong!

"Is it really cost-effective for us to provoke him? God’s rule is that six realms can’t become emperors. Now this guy is good. God’s way has already achieved four branches. The other five avenues are also the peak strength of heaven. No wonder this kind of person can defeat Song Yunfei first. I'm going to kill Wan Ruo Master again!"

"The key point is that his chances are terrifying. If you don't talk about the Three Skills and Heavenly Secrets, your savvy is beyond your shoulders. In such a dangerous situation just now, he actually broke through--"

"Don't panic, everyone, who dare to look down upon Song Patriarch's Guiyuan sword formation? Even if he is evil, he will die in this sword formation!"

"Yes! Fortunately there is a battlefield of life and death, he can't leave a radius of thousands of miles, and now Patriarch Song has arranged the Guiyuan sword formation in every corner, there will be a place of death!"

"This kind of evildoer, it's better to... kill..."

Fry the pan!

Fry the pan!

Whether it is Tiangang Sword Hall, Fallen Demon Sect, Ghost Tianfu, and other onlookers from afar, they are all overwhelmed, and for a while it makes people understand why Su Jin can kill Ten Thousand Rudder Lord!

The fallen devil goddess was the most shocked. After hearing the word Jiu Daoxiu, her body trembled and swayed twice. When she looked at Su Jin, she couldn't believe it.

At that moment, Su Jin's temperament seemed to have changed greatly. He carried the aura of an unworldly king and some strange evil charm. He originally didn't want to hit Song Pingzhang. After all, the Song family Patriarch's return to Yuan The sword formation is extremely important.

"You have all your methods, let alone I didn't remind you--" Su Jin calmly looked at Song Pingzhang.

"With you, a junior in the Divine Dao Realm?!" Song Pingzhang felt an increasingly bad feeling in his heart, but he still refused to admit it, and refused to lower Su Jin.

"Although I can't use Tian Secret, it's unfortunate. I sat cross-legged in the desolate sacrificial ground and created a masterful fist. Your Guiyuan sword formation is almost useless under my fist, and you also Will die in my fist." Su Jin said lightly.

This is the confidence of a strong man!

Tell him every hole card--

Tell him that I can't use Tian Secret for the time being, and I won't kill Song Pingzhang like I would kill Wan Canghai, but Su Jin can use his own masterpiece boxing to destroy him Song Pingzhang!


The fallen devil was stunned.

Girl Lu was stunned.

Even Xing Tianyang and some of the monks who were in the deserted temple at that time all had wonderful and weird expressions on their faces——

How long has Su Jin been here? Only entered the deserted grounds yesterday, and created a masterpiece boxing today? I'm afraid no one will believe it, but who can doubt this confidence?

The Fallen Devil smiled bitterly, she almost fell short when she entered the desolate sacrificial ground and the dark demon palace. This night the emperor was full of calculations and reaped great benefits in one day. This talent is absolutely hard to expect.

Sure enough, Song Pingzhang's face suddenly changed when he heard the words, and he immediately shouted: "Let me return to the Yuan sword to destroy you!"


Song Pingzhang's hands are playing ‘circle’, his fingertips seem to draw a very special mood, the rhyme of Taoism is long--

The entire battlefield of life and death began to tremble, the million sword faults began to brighten, and the sword intent penetrated the sky. The terrible scene made people feel like they wanted to escape at first glance.

But at that moment, Su Jin, who was still sitting in a cross-legged posture, was surrounded by a circle of golden rims. At that moment, he was sitting in a cross-legged posture, following the four divine lotus flowers. Rise and rise!

Guiyuan Sword Array launched!

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