My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2657: Fist in all directions!

Life and death battlefield, range attack, if it is normal, there may be a chance to escape, but the life and death contract has been established, and neither of the two parties can leave——

Life or death depends on the means!

However, at the moment the Guiyuan Sword Array was launched, no less than 30 million Xiu was paying attention to this battle in all directions. Many people were sorry for Su Jin’s talent. Like this kind of evildoer, even if the nine realms guarded the world, it was in Patriarch Song. Under the strongest attack of this level, it is difficult to escape from the sky, and it is impossible to live.


With 30 million repairs in all directions, no one did not open their eyes, stiff their necks, and slowly lowered their heads!

It's not because of anything else, but because they found something strange!

Xing Tianyang's eyes were as wide as bull's eyes, looking at his clenched fist unknowingly. Above his fist, a phantom danced up and down on the back of his fist, and there was a figure practicing on the front of his fist!

The figure is not too small, there is one on the back of each fist——

Qin Hua opened her mouth and couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. On her Xiuzhi fan fist, there were also two inches of figures on her fan fist making terrible fist moves!

An inch of the human figure, flying up and down, with sharp and domineering fist moves, but with a wonderful mood, it seems that it is not practicing boxing, but telling one era after another——

Using wanton fists, an era is performed!

The brilliance of the strong, the end of the strong, there is no prosperity, only self-improvement!

"The Guiyuan Sword Array is being launched, but why didn't it succeed in destroying the Ye Emperor!" Someone looked at the battlefield of life and death, and shouted in surprise.

In the entire Guiyuan sword formation, everything in the void was vanished in Jiangang lightning, but the speed was too slow, only a small area was happening, and in the battlefield of life and death, there were scenes of scenes of anomalies.

There is a scene of manifestation that is particularly clear. Among them, there is a powerful dynasty, with tens of millions of soldiers, and invincible. Among them, the soldiers are neat, raising their spears to the sky, and shouting!

From prosperity to decline, the undefeated battle flag was stained with blood, and fell in the flames of war. The country is still broken, but after the flames of war, there is only a lush flower blooming in the corner of the city wall——

Among the scenes, there are powerful people who can stir up the blue sky with their hands up. They are strong for a while, but the scene ends, and finally in the most lonely temple, holding the blue lantern tremblingly, there will be no news forever.

30 million repairs, as if immersed in the scenes of scenes——

Unconsciously, most people have tears on their faces.

Not erupting in silence, but perishing in silence, some people show their heads in historical occasions, but it is a flash of fireflies, a flash in the pan, there is no eternal strong...

"Why are you crying?" The monk from Tiangang Sword Hall asked the brother next to him.

"I don't know, I don't know, how about you—"

"The figure danced on my fist. Before I knew it, I cried."

"The Guiyuan sword formation was affected by this fist, and now it is almost difficult to kill the emperor. This fist had such a powerful force as soon as it was exhibited. Patriarch Song was afraid that it would be bombarded and wiped out by this fist. , More miserable than his son."

"What kind of punch is this? I seem to understand something, no matter whether it can be strong or not, it is the truth now—"

"This martial arts seems to be telling an epoch. I admire Ye Di too much. Even this martial arts can be created."


The monks from all directions didn't dare to make a loud voice, as if they were afraid that they would be shocked by this punch. Qin Tiangang's face changed abruptly.

In the east, the King Guitianqi approached quickly as if tacitly, and said: "Heaven and earth are chess!"

Qin Tiangang's body shook, and his real body turned into a sword that stood up in the sky. The sword was radiant and radiant, guarding one side!

"The chess king! Quickly let your disciple stop this punch!" Qin Tiangang shouted.

"Impossible! Unless they stay in the battlefield of life and death, only one can come out alive! Now you and I each hold one side!" The King of Ghosts felt troubled.

"The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect! Quickly show up and guard the north--" Qin Tiangang felt completely cold, and after turning into a sword, his voice revived: "Master King Kong, guard the extreme south!"

The big guys were shocked and started to use big tricks!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect swayed, and when the sparkling Xiahui appeared in her, she was shining to the north, her hazy posture, like a beautiful woman in the north of the battlefield of life and death, a mighty wave of magic light.

And in the extreme south of the battlefield of life and death, a ten thousand-foot stone man appeared, and strange symbols flew out of the whole stone man, sealing one side!

In the battle of life and death----

Song Pingzhang's body was like sifting chaff. He looked at where he was, and felt that it was a scene of destruction. The blood was in a river, the city wall collapsed, and his fists were in a row. He was at a loss and looked up at Su Jin——

Neither of them expected that there was already a mess outside!

Su Jin’s Era Tianquan almost allowed four big men to shoot at the same time, to limit the disaster that was about to erupt in the battlefield of life and death——

Xing Tianyang's eyes were red, and he saw the figure of boxing practicing on his fist, turning into a ray of fist and rushing into the battlefield of life and death!

A ray of fist light.

Ten thousand punches light.

In a flash, a million, tens of thousands of punches gathered——

When 30 million fist lights condensed in the battlefield of life and death, a huge arm made of fist lights appeared in the center!

The front end of that luminous arm, the five fingers bend slightly, in the entire battlefield of life and death, Su Jin's figure is not as dazzling as the arm condensed by fist light!


The mighty ancient dynasty is collapsing one by one, completely disappearing into the era, one era after another, beginning to disappear in the long river of epoch!

The thoughts of the Fallen Devil, Qin Wanluo, Deer Girl and others seemed to freeze at this moment, and their minds seemed to stop working in this terrible scene, completely blank.

The King of Guitian Chess manifested a chess formation and sealed the east side outside the Battle of Life and Death. He was surprised to see this scene. What happened to the little disciple he accidentally returned?

"This is the power of Epoch! Three fellow Taoists, I will send the battlefield of life and death to the'Extreme Nether Realm' later, otherwise we will all be wiped out with this fist--" Qin The voice of Tiangang was heard by everyone.

"It's really impossible, I have to send it away--" the beautiful woman voice of the master of the fallen demon came.

"Give me a fart! It's not your apprentice, of course you don't feel bad about it! If anyone dares to send away with others, I will just give up, and then my Shenlong clan veteran will directly destroy your hometown!" The King of Ghosts is now facing Su Jin Pay attention, it has risen to the highest level, otherwise it won't be so anxious.


In the battlefield of life and death, the hand of the gigantic era condensed by the light of the fist, shining brilliantly, on the standing arm, the slightly curved fingers began to slowly make a fist~~~

No sound

When the hand of that era was clenched into a fist, the light in the eyes was almost blinding the eyes! In the battle of life and death, Song Pingzhang's Guiyuan sword formation was instantly shattered.

And Song Pingzhang, looking at him in fear, he found that his arms, shoulders, and body were turning into countless pieces of light sand, which were being easily scraped away~~~

Fist out of the sky, go all out! The power of Jiyuan Tianquan, indiscriminate and dead-end attack! The impact is still spreading terribly--

Song Patriarch.

Song Pingzhang, die! ! !

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