My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2660: Mysterious old man

The ink color is dark, covering everything.

The sound of breathing was faintly heard in the air, and the earth trembled just by breathing. In Su Jin’s "Eyes of Mohe Town Prison", he saw the true body of this thing——

It has a single horn, a long neck, and its whole body is made up of distinct cyan, green and blue, and three-color scales. Its entire body is in the void. Although it is huge, it seems to have no weight. It drives with the wind. What makes Su's golden color the most is The eyes of this thing.

The eyes are white and glowing with fluorescence!

"What did you see..." The Fallen Devil Heavenly Girl didn't even dare to show the atmosphere, she always felt as if countless eyes were staring at her around her, and the voice transmission asked.

Su Jin told all he saw. He was interested in this'Extreme Underworld Realm'. The vastness of this thing is no less than a mirage, no less than a thousand-story heaven, like a dead and alive, weird. extremely.

The face of the fallen devil's sorrowful disappeared of blood——

Perceiving something wrong, Su Jin asked puzzledly: "Do you know this thing?"

"Pattern-swallowing Youying, the most weird creature in the Extreme Underworld True Realm. If you get too close to it, our souls and souls will be sucked away. Quick, go away." The fallen demon goddess pulled Su Jin up again and again. There are many evil spirits in the Underworld, all soul-swallowing evil things, but when you encounter'You Yingying', those evil spirits can only escape and tremble..."

"Can't leave--" Su Jin looked helpless.

"What do you mean?" The Fallen Devil Heavenly Girl was slightly shocked.

Su Jin lightly waved his hand, and the sight of the prison eye of Maha Town was reflected in the eyes of the Fallen Devil, and as the vibrations got bigger and bigger, there was no need to think about the Fallen Devil's guess--

When the Fallen Demon Goddess saw that scene, what she saw was the terrifying pair of white eyes overlooking her and Su Jin. The two white eyes exuded the white light, like two lakes, which made people notice. There is no vitality.

"Look at its front paws." Su Jin was afraid that the Fallen Devil was scared, and reminded him.

Front paw?

The fallen devil goddess moved her eyes slowly, her emotions faintly collapsed at that moment, and the front paws of the ghost swallowing beast were actually embedded with gray oval-shaped objects——

Those are the skulls, human skulls!

"What does this mean?" The Fallen Devil Heavenly Girl was panicked, and even approached Su Jin. She grasped Su Jin's hand tighter and tighter, perhaps even she herself might not realize this.

"It's very simple, it loves collecting, and has a certain obsessive preference for human heads, so don't go out of my side later, or I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to protect you--" Su Jin sighed.

It’s really hard for people to figure out the Extreme Underworld Realm. Perhaps it was the big movement after the final disintegration of the Jiyuan Tianquan that attracted this evil thing, or as long as the human breath appeared, it could smell it. In short, it is difficult to do.

"Be careful, it's the most powerful thing is to catch souls and swallow souls. It can grow so big, and its strength is absolutely hard to measure." The fallen devil goddess slightly reminded her to hide her face behind Su Jin.

"Don't worry, I'll try his weight--" Su Jin gently raised his hand and patted the void.

A giant palm expanded more and more, and it was condensed by Su Jin!

Ordinary sacred beasts, Su Jin can be pulpy with this palm! But the result at the moment was unexpected!

A weird roar came from the air, and Su Jin's face was strange. He saw it with his own eyes and saw the ghostly firefighter beast directly opening its mouth. He sucked and sucked away the condensed giant palm. The power of a palm was swallowed by the opponent.

so smart? !

Su Jin's eyes froze, and he got rid of the hand of the fallen devil, his whole body seemed to be out of the prison, with wings fluttering from the left and right, and quickly greeted him!


The Fallen Devil Heavenly Maiden covered her ears and squatted on the ground. With every rumbling, she felt that her spirit was about to drift away. If it hadn't been for some strength, she would have screamed in shock.

Su Jin is in the air, there is a kind of powerful temperament between his hands and feet. He swings his hands at random, as if there are a hundred thousand fist shadows appearing. When he swings his hands, one hundred thousand fist shadows glowing with dazzling light, towards Shocked in all directions!

The ghost beast was shaken a hundred meters away!

"Naughty animal! Just because you still want to fight the king? Get away quickly, otherwise you won't discuss it!" Su Jin showed his power with a blow, a cold light appeared in his eyes, staring at the two white beast pupils.

The voice just fell.

Su Jin directly felt that the void around him was shattering, and the ghost beast opened its huge mouth, and a very special smell appeared, and even the space debris around it was swallowed into its mouth——


Su Jin stomped his foot fiercely, and nine auras all over his body suddenly rose up, his foot stomped on the void, directly like a nail, firmly nailed in the void——

In the spirit sea, Su Jin felt a trance. He remembered what the Fallen Demon God had said. What this evil animal is best at is to **** the soul.

As soon as this thought appeared in his heart, Su Jin experienced an unimaginable pain in his body. This was not physical pain, but came from Dao Soul! It's as if Dao Soul is being torn apart!

Su Jin reacted instinctively in an instant, holding his head, forcibly trying to suppress the terrible pain, he gritted his teeth and kept roaring like a beast!

Yedi's voice?

The Fallen Devil's nerves immediately tightened to the extreme, looking up at Su Jin on the void, holding her head and roaring, two drops of blood began to flow from the corners of her eyes——




The Fallen Devil was at a loss, but at exactly this moment, there were rhythmic sounds of pestle and crutches clearly in her ears——

Turning her head fiercely, the Fallen Devil Heavenly Maiden took two steps back nervously, "Who?!"

"Girl, don't be nervous--" the old grandma's voice appeared in the ear of the fallen devil.

A green flame rose from a sapphire lamp that was about half a foot high. The rotten and black five fingers were holding the sapphire lamp, holding a cane in the other hand, and walking step by step.

The fallen devil's heart was as nervous as a drum, the sapphire lamp illuminates the grandmother's face, and she feels very kind, and she is not sure how old she is, anyway, she is old to the point where she is only skinny--

"Old lady, who are you..." The Fallen Devil God continued to back away.

The Fallen Devil God always understands that there are no good things in the Extreme Underworld, absolutely not! Those who fall here will end up miserably. They will either be plundered, beheaded and killed, or they will endure unimaginable pain and suffering--

"Girl, this person is not saved. Come with me." The old grandmother's wrinkled face carried a little ‘kindly’ smile.

"No, he is Ye Di, very powerful, how could he be hopeless--" The Fallen Demon God shook her head constantly, and she wondered about the identity of the old woman.

and also.

When the fallen devil looked at that kind face, she noticed the back of the old grandma's shoulder...

When she saw it, the fallen devil slumped to the ground in shock.

Two little ghosts, this kind old woman who appeared mysteriously, raised two little ghosts!

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