My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2661: It is impossible to let go!

Two little ghosts--

Appearance is only a seven-year-old boy, wearing red and green clothes, one on the left and one on the right, a man and a woman lying on the shoulders behind the kindly grandmother.

The fallen devil goddess has seen this situation. The eyes of the two little ghosts are silk red nets. This level of ghosts is simply terrifying. She even feels that these two little ghosts can kill her with a single blow. Drop her!

"Swallowing souls, Youying dare to say second, no one in the world dares to say first, he himself is suffering from the tearing of Dao soul, those torn Dao souls are difficult to heal, and will turn into Dao soul fragments every inch. Was swallowed by a brain."

The kindly old grandmother smiled and nodded: "Come with me, You Ying is insatiable, and you must be next—"

The fallen devil was about to shake her head, as if countless voices echoed in her mind.

Let's go, let's go, let's go~~~

The fallen devil looked at the kind old grandmother, her eyes hard to blink, and soon, the wrinkled old woman, slowly pestering her crutches and holding a light in one hand, began to walk north.

The footsteps of the Fallen Devil God seemed to be no longer under her control, and even her thoughts stayed before, following step by step--

Su Jin yelled to the sky, and the ink was flying!

The whole person is covered with gold! The golden body of Shinto King Buddha appeared!

As the golden body of Wang Buddha was fully plated, dense chains of Buddha patterns began to grow around the golden body. Those chains were like a matrix, gradually enclosing the surrounding area!

"Roar--" The Youying Evil Beast was forced to retreat, and finally a little more surprised in the lifeless white beast eyes.

The red blood marks on Su Jin's face were evaporated and escaped! And his torn Dao soul, after following the blessing of the nine Dao Dao, directly forcibly recovered! Of course, the greatest contribution is due to the original truth of the King of Life and Death!

Black seems to have swallowed everything. To the north, the kind old grandmother paused and looked at the golden chains around her, with the profound Buddhist scriptures glowing with golden light.

"Huh?" The old woman with the stick holding the lamp, carrying two little ghosts on her back, looked at the sky full of Buddhist scriptures curiously——

"At the beginning, my soul was shattered into pieces of tofu. Didn't I survive the same thing? I still want to swallow me with your evil beast? Go to death for me!"

Su Jin had suffered a small loss before, and he dared not to be careless anymore, and roared angrily, and the golden body of Wang Fo directly began to expand!

Go up and up!


Behind the golden body of the Buddha of Su Jin, a circle of Buddha wheels quickly sprang out. At that moment, the “space realm” seemed to be hidden deep in the Buddha wheel. This way, the Buddha power of the sky realm, directly containing thousands of Buddhas. Say it loudly!

The Sanskrit sound is strong and sacred, and the Buddha light makes the black ink-like night sky light up!

"Today I will let your little beast have a long experience and taste the power of my Da Leiyin Temple!" Su Jin's eyebrows were on the heart, and the big wisdom Buddha opened!

In the sky above the ghost beast, three Buddhist temples suddenly rose up and down.

One of them is the famous ‘Da Lei Yin Temple’!


The majestic bells rang in the Great Leiyin Temple, and the entire body surface of the Youying Evil Beast began to tremble, and the columnar Buddha lights came perfectly!

Pieces of black smoke began to float from the Youying Evil Beast, and its entire body was spattered into flesh and skin in an instant!

Su Jin was so angry that he watched the ghostly firefighter beast under the Buddha Ting, faintly electrifying its entire skeleton, without mercy, even if the other party was wailing, whistling, and even begging for mercy. .

Lifting two Buddha palms, Su Jin severely grabbed the ghost beast in the palm of the Buddha——


The cyan blood rain fell along with the stench, and the whole ghost firefly was torn apart alive!

After doing all this, Su Jin gasped lightly, and Wang Fojin began to put away his golden body and returned to his normal state. He was a little afraid to think about it now. If he had not been confident, his self-belief soul would not be swallowed. If you change someone, you've already died!

Su Jin had tasted the pain of tearing the soul a long time ago, and now this ghost beast makes him reminisce about the pain of the original, it is damn!

A round bead with the size of a palm was slowly floating up, and there was a faint cyan brilliance, Su Jin was puzzled, but he raised his hand to grab the round bead and take it over——

After taking a few breaths, Su Jin didn't see the reason for a while, and simply threw it into the bone ring.

Su Jin wiped the sweat from his forehead, as if thinking of something, his face changed abruptly, and he looked down.

What about the fallen devil woman?

Su Jin swept the surrounding area with the eyes of Maha Town, but found nothing! What's the situation?

It seems that the world has evaporated! Su Jin took a deep breath and fell to the place where she had spent time with the Fallen Devil Heavenly Girl before. Seeing the two pairs of footprints, his expression became more solemn.

One pair of footprints is slightly longer than the palm of the hand, and it is considered the fallen devil goddess, while the other pair, Su Jin can hardly call it a "footprint" because there are faint traces of five bone fingers on the ground.

"The breath of ghosts——" Su Jin felt it, and the urgent situation did not allow him to think too much. He superimposed the prison eyes and the golden eyes of Mohe, tracking the two pairs of footprints step by step.

The sooner you find the better! Su Jin felt that after a second, he felt very mysterious.

Regarding the Fallen Devil Goddess, Su Jin didn't really think about it at all. He was just appreciating, and there was no difference between going to a place and admiring a beautiful scenery.

This woman followed to the Extreme Underworld Realm, and Su Jin had a strong feeling of cumbersomeness, and now it really caused him trouble!


All the way north.

Half a stick of incense time passed unconsciously.

Su Jin felt hopeless. Two minutes ago, he was still thinking about finding the Fallen Devil Heavenly Lady, but now, when he saw a pool of blood on the ground, he fell silent.

The footprints are here, and there is no way to trace back—

Su Jin squatted down, stretched out his hand, and wiped the blood on the ground with his fingertips. The night here is very cold, but the blood on the fingertips still leaves a trace of warmth.

After thinking about it, Su Jin felt that something was wrong. He suddenly turned around, found the hidden dragon robe from the bone ring, put it on directly, restrained all his breath, and stared at the pool of blood from a distance...

A scarlet tongue licked on the pool of blood.

"Big sister's blood is delicious—"

"That person just left, right?"

"Grandma won't let us expose our flaws, nor let us hurt our big sister. Her blood is precious. Living human blood can raise us for a long time."

"Grandma let go of one, that person is so strong, I want to drink his blood—"

"Hush, let's go! Grandma asked the blood to stay, in order to make the night emperor give up, thinking that the big sister is dead, um, can't steal it anymore, go—"

Su Jin tilted his head from side to side, adjusted his angle and looked at the two naughty little ghosts. They licked the blood on the ground and were discussing to leave.

Immediately, the corner of Su Jin's mouth raised, revealing a wicked smile, making a shuddering voice:

"It's impossible to let go, you all leave me!"

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