My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2663: Yin Yang Tongguan

In the Extreme Realm, there is still such a huge city?

The Fallen Devil's eyes widened, and when she looked sideways to look at Su Jin, she saw his dignified face. Obviously, it was not a human being below. She was not stupid. She knew that Su Jin used the power of the Demon King to cover her. It's a bit mysterious.

In the giant city——

The buildings don't look like retro shapes. Some buildings are extremely wild, and they are made of twinkling spar. This spar is very eye-catching under the lights, in which there are constant figures and occasional noise.

Some of these ‘people’ are pure spirit bodies, some are evil spirit bodies, and there are no truly pure people at all. If you don’t discern them carefully, you can hardly find them.

Falling on the green and yellow spar road, Su Jin was covered by black fog. After seeing no one noticed, he nodded in relief and said, "This is Yin Yang Tongguan."

"Big Brother Ye, Ye Di, how do you know?" The Fallen Devil Goddess didn't know how to call it, but after thinking about it, this name is more appropriate, so she asked.

"I found that there is a city behind, and I saw it with my **** pupil, and these four characters were written on the tower—" Su Jin explained.

"Oh." The Fallen Devil God turned her face away, the two blushes on her cheeks were very conspicuous.

"Don't leave me too far, the dead old woman is still following..." Su Jin was a little helpless, knowing that the blood of himself and the fallen devil goddess could feed the two little ghosts, but he felt that if the golden flower ghost mother knew that she was As for the ghost king, he would definitely not dare to feed it with the ghost king's blood, but the blood of the fallen devil goddess is fine.

The fallen devil goddess was really scared, afraid that the Golden Flower Ghost Mother would catch her, she instinctively moved closer to Su Jin, and even grabbed Su Jin's arm with her hand.

Next to him, there were people coming from outside the city constantly, mostly in a hurry--

Evil spirits are constantly growing around these people, and there are some half-human and half-spirit monks who look good.

"Where are they going?" The Fallen Devil became curious looking at the swift cultivator who was constantly running on the spacious spar road.

"I don't know, I will ask."

Su Jin immediately stopped a young half-spirited monk and asked, "Xiongtai, where are everyone going?"

"Don't you know?" The half-spirit monk squinted his eyes and took two steps back gently. In the Extreme Realm, who would dare to be so close to each other? What should I do if I am caught off guard and directly use the insidious trick to be swallowed?

"Just arrived—" Su Jin said lightly.

"The most beautiful Jiuzhen princess in Tongguan has recruited her for three years. Who doesn't want to try her skills in the past three years? What if she is favored? Actually, it has been so lively every day for three years." The semi-spiritual monk saw that Su Jin was not malicious. , I was surprisingly willing to talk a few words.

"It's been three years, but no one wants it?" Su Jin was really surprised.

"Hush... don't kill?" The half-spirited monk widened his eyes. "This is Yin Yang Tongguan. Before saying this, you must consider your own head. In fact, Princess Jiuzhen has too high a vision and set too many demands. Horror, nothing has been done by one person in three years."

"What's the requirement?" Su Jin said more.

"Three requirements, one of them can be fulfilled. The first is to throw hydrangea. On the nine-story demon building of Tongguan Mansion, you can catch hydrangea that the princess of Jiuzhen fancy, but for three years, the princess has not shot."

"Well, this can basically be ruled out. She doesn't make a move and no one can receive it. Naturally, this request cannot be fulfilled. What about the other?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"The second requirement is to recruit relatives by martial arts competition. The young strongest of the year, after maintaining a complete victory, the nine true princesses will personally take the shot, but in the past three years, the nine true princesses have made a total of three shots and killed three—" The spiritual monk sighed.

It takes a year?

The Fallen Devil God originally looked at Su Jin with an expression that you can try, but this year is too long, Su Jin can’t do it——

"It's difficult." Su Jin laughed.

"It's difficult, but there are still many people squeezing their heads. Even if they get all the firsts in a year, they will die under the hands of Princess Nine Realms!"

"What about the third?" Su Jin asked.

"The third is more difficult! Do you know why it is called Yin Yang Tongguan?" The half-spirit monk knew that Su Jin had come from a different place, and asked, pretending to be mysterious.

"Does it mean something else?" Su Jin smiled.

"Yin and Yang Tongguan, one yin and yang and one hurdle, one hurdle is more dangerous than one! Outside the Xicheng gate is the terrible Tongguan Jedi. There are nine yin and yang in the yin and yang Tongguan. Only three people have succeeded in the past ten thousand years, and they are all highly respected predecessors. ——"

The semi-spirit monk nodded and said: "Everyone else is dead. When you walk into the Tongguan Jedi, life and death are no longer yours. I heard that the ninth pass can return to Yin and Yang, and there is a way to leave the real world of the deep world——"

In the depths of Su Jin's eyes, a powerful look suddenly burst out!

Sure enough, there is no one in the world!

I got this big news by accident!

The fallen devil goddess also became nervous, and only succeeded in three in ten thousand years. That would be so enchanting to do it. The Nine True Princesses are too insincere. With three requirements, the first seems easier—

But the hydrangea has not been thrown once in three years~~~

Su Jin handed over and thanked the half-spirited monk, who seemed to be going to the theater, so he didn't have time to talk to Su Jin anymore and left in a hurry.


"Do you believe me?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"What do you mean?" The Fallen Devil Heavenly Maiden suddenly understood, and lost her voice: "Are you going to break through the Nine Layers of Yin and Yang Tongguan?"

"Yes, I have a treasure that can cut off fate. I will load you into it before I pass the barrier. If I succeed, I can take you out of that path, but if I fail, I die. Would you like it? "Su Jin stared at the fallen devil goddess and asked.

"Aren't you waiting for your mother and the others?" The Fallen Devil Goddess still had some hope, but when she mentioned this topic, even her voice fell a lot.

"Recruitment? This idea of ​​yours has some extravagant hopes. Your mother and the King Kong master are going to destroy me, and the killing techniques that both of them imposed on me were destroyed by me. Where did you get it?" Su Jin Asked rhetorically.

"I..." The Fallen Devil God suddenly raised her head, "I believe you."

There is only one way to go.

No one came to take the lead, and it was difficult to survive in this Extreme Underworld Realm. Now that Golden Flower Ghost Mother is still waiting for an opportunity, the identities of her and Su Jin may be exposed at any time.

"Go--" Su Jin's black mist thickened again, and the two quickly rushed towards the lively spar square.

The spacious, full-square-foot spar square is full of voices! There are no less than a million evil monks, and dozens of martial arts platforms are making noises of war.

And on the edge of Jinshi Square, around a nine-story demon building, there are nearly 10,000 monks...

"The maid of Princess Jiuzhen has appeared!" I don't know who it is, she screamed after watching a beautiful maid appear on the highest floor.

The beautiful handmaid held the tray with a beautiful hydrangea inlaid with top gems!

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