My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2664: Nine True Princesses

In the dark night, the spar road, spar palace, and nine-story demon building in the giant city were a little dreamlike under the light of the lights, and at this moment, with the appearance of the maid of the nine true princesses, the scene was once about to be moved. Happening!

The maid seemed to be only sixteen years old, Qiong Nose had a small mouth, and she couldn't find any flaws in every place, she couldn't describe it as "Peugeot"--

"Ah, even the maid is so beautiful. As the first beauty in Tongguan, how beautiful is Princess Jiuzhen?" Someone sighed from the bottom of the heart.

"Nine true princesses, there are no comparable female cultivators in the entire Extreme Underworld Realm, but don’t panic, fellow daoists, ordinary maids will appear, but the princess has to decide whether to throw the hydrangea. In the past three years, Never dropped it once."

"It's nice to see this maid, hey, don't squeeze me..."

"I wish I could throw the hydrangea down, in case it hit me!"


In the huge spar square, the nine-story demon building is very glamorous in the bright lights. Su Jin and the Fallen Demon Goddess stopped outside the crowd and looked up to the highest floor——

The maid above, even with this seemingly ‘lowly’ identity, but because she is the celebrity next to Princess Jiuzhen, she has a feeling of being elevated.

Dongfang Yan looked at the black and crushed people below, holding a tray of hydrangea, her face did not fluctuate, she had to carry the incense here for half of the time. There are usually eight maids and sisters to take over, but the past three In 2015, hydrangea never fluctuated, and maybe it is the same today.

As soon as the thought passed, Dongfang Goose straightened its delicate and slender body, dressed in white and pink gauze, quietly waiting for the passage of time.


The pretty face of the Eastern Goose changed slightly, and the entire tray sank quietly. On the beautiful hydrangea, the gems began to flash, and masses of ice-colored mist filled the hydrangea——

Could this be~~~

The Dongfang Goose then gave a light ‘ah’, and immediately transmitted the sound secretly to Tongguan Mansion!

In Tongguan Mansion, the underground fairy mist evaporates on the pond, and there is a faint jade arm that is whiter than snow, and the small hand is meticulous and slender. After the person in the pond receives the news, the lotus comes out of the water and when he walks out of the fairy mist, wonderful Yingshang has straightened his clothes, but he can’t see his face clearly—

The hydrangea, surrounded by ice and mist, bounced continuously on the tray, almost flying, and the onlookers really exclaimed.

The fallen devil said with a smile: "Should we wait? What if the nine true princesses appear?"

"What does it have to do with me if she doesn't show up?" Su Jin shook his head and said, "Wasting time, let's go to Xichengmen from here, go through the barriers early and find a way out of the extreme realm."

"Tongguan is the first beauty, you don't want to see it?" The Fallen Devil Heavenly Girl was unexpectedly Su Jin's rhetoric.

"Hehe, it's not rare."

Su Jin's answer is definitely from the heart, no matter how beautiful, but his wife, it is a waste to stay here for a moment, the key is that the nine layers of Yin and Yang Tongguan will take time. With this time, it is better to go and see. It depends on the situation.

At this moment, there was a loud uproar at the scene——

On the nine-story demon upstairs, Dongfang Yan's complexion was two more blushes, and her own power was also suppressing the hydrangea, because the princess did not get an accurate answer, this should have been counted by the nine true princesses herself.

But now, the Dongfang Goose can't suppress it anymore. When I feel anxious, the whole demon upstairs is filled with immortal energy, and the surroundings seem to be blooming. On the highest floor, the Dongfang Goose is beside the Dongfang Goose. , Is a pair of breathtaking eyes——

Princess Jiuzhen, with a white gauze on her face, her dazzling eyes with her unique eye-catching gaze. She is not too concerned about throwing hydrangea. Anyway, she has to pass through her test of force. This is created by a unique method. The hydrangea, for the first time in three years, appeared strange! Lead her to come.

No matter, just throw it away!

The beautiful icy mist wrapped the entire hydrangea, and was directly thrown down by the nine true princesses——

"Ah, throw it away!" The people below all blushed, following the trajectory of the hydrangea. Some people even left the ground and jumped towards the direction of the hydrangea, wanting to seize this unimaginable opportunity!

"Mine! Get out of me--" There was a young man, holding a fan of the gods, and slammed the fan. The nine sharp fan bones turned out to be like nine godswords, and directly pushed back dozens of people.


The hydrangea wrapped in ice mist was stopped by this young man holding a divine treasure fan. When faced with the hydrangea close at hand, the young man laughed happily, but the next moment, a terrible vibration appeared on the hydrangea!


The youth was hit by the ice fog hydrangea in the abdomen, and was directly hit and flew. At that moment, blood flew violently, and the youth's divine bones were broken!

Everyone was shocked. What happened to this hydrangea? It's like a divine treasure specially refined by others, can't be accepted by non-selective people?

"There is a problem, everyone, look! The dozens of powerful players on the martial arts stage have all been dispatched. I don't know who this hydrangea will fall into!" Someone retreated.

In fact, people who have this idea are definitely in the majority. After all, the people chosen by the Nine True Princesses are definitely not the people who wait for a moment.

Hundreds of young strong men who have been on the competition stage for a week or a month are about to compete for this hydrangea. The ice-mist hydrangea shuttles among the dense crowd, transforming into a touch of ice trajectory after another!

Bang bang bang~~

More than a dozen young geniuses were hit by the hydrangea, not to mention picking them up with bare hands. Someone hadn't even met each other. They were shocked by a terrifying force in the air, and even more people were seriously injured!

"The Fallen Devil!" Su Jin drank softly in the ear of the Fallen Devil.

"Ah? What do you want me to do?" The Fallen Devil Goddess was watching the fierce ball-taking battle, and when she turned her head, she immediately watched Su Jin take out a purple-gold gourd and aimed at her.

A mysterious fateful rhyme hovered around her, and the fallen devil goddess felt that she was caught in a whirlpool in an instant, and her whole person seemed to be shrinking rapidly.

"At the time of the turmoil, I stepped onto the Yin Yang Tong Pass without knowing it, striving to successfully break through the level as soon as possible and find a way to survive—" Su Jin's words were in the ears of the fallen devil goddess. When the words fell, she had been taken in by Fate Gourd among them.

Su Jin looked west, planning to walk out of the West Gate!

However, a trace of ice cloud bloomed around the densely packed hydrangea with hundreds of people, and the ice color glow radiated out, and immediately more than two hundred people were shaken away in the sky for a distance of kilometers!

At that moment, Su Jin's face was shocked, he turned his head, his eyes were very clear, he saw the hydrangea wrapped in ice mist, smashing towards him quickly~~~

Upstairs on the nine-story demon, the maid Dongfang Yan, and the nine true princesses are all looking for people who are sensitive to hydrangea. Before the dust settles, even the princess doesn’t know who she is going to marry—




Sugent turned around and left--

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