My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2665: Princess sword pose


Su Jin's handsome back and the back of his head appeared in everyone's eyes——

The eyes of Princess Jiuzhen shined brightly!

It's him!

It's him!

it's him!

Dongfang Yan looked at that weird back. This situation made everyone, including her, unbelievable. According to common sense, it should be ecstatic to be selected by the hydrangea. How could that person turn his head and leave?

Su Jin felt that he was locked tightly. Just about to walk away, the hydrangea wrapped in ice-colored mist had appeared behind him. He had no choice but to look at him. He leaned back in place, supported by the spar with one arm. On the ground, directly stretched out his right foot, and a free and elegant'upside down golden hook' appeared!


The ice-colored hydrangea was kicked into the void~~

Su Jin turned towards the void, looking at it like a comet, pulling a hydrangea with icy light and rushing towards him, he did not dodge, directly raised his hands and pulled it fiercely.

The Bingmist Hydrangea was in front of him and was controlled by him ——

What kind of hydrangea is this? Why is the power so strong! Su Jin only felt that the hydrangea wanted to hit his arms. If he was picked up by him, wouldn't he stay in this realm of the Underworld, and be a messenger?

Su Jin felt a little frustrated when he thought of this situation, and all the unfortunate things happened!


Su Jin smashed the hydrangea into the air again with a punch, and then he moved dozens of meters horizontally, ran, and faced the hydrangea for a personal show! Rotating fiercely one thousand and eighty degrees, the back of the instep was drawn on the hydrangea——

At this time, many silly people finally understand!

"Hydrangea chose him, but why is he so unwilling? He doesn't want to pick up the hydrangea at all!" Someone felt that things were a little strange, with a strange expression, watching Su Jin's gorgeous operations in the air.

"This kind of good luck is really hard to understand what he thinks. Did he come here really with the attitude of watching a movie? He didn't want to marry this nine true princess at all?"

"It's amazing, Jiuzhen Princess is the most beautiful in Tongguan. Is there anyone who doesn't greedy her face?"

"Others fight for what they want to snatch, but he—"


The noise suddenly seemed to blow up! Even the maid Dongfang Yan on the nine-story demon building was stunned.

Princess Jiuzhen's face covered with white gauze, faintly bulged, cheeks bulged!

"I kick! I kick! I kick and kick—" Su Jin doesn't want to ruin the hydrangea now. What if he catches it? He can't be trapped here forever, never!

"Hey! You're enough!" Princess Jiuzhen couldn't bear it, and immediately uttered a voice, and the scene fell silent.

Su Jin felt that going on like this was not a solution. He once again trapped the hydrangea about one meter in front of him, intending to resolve this matter through dialogue.

"Princess, is this king that you want to choose? You can choose if you want to choose? It's no secret that this king has family members and has a happy life. His wife is still looking forward to it at home. You should choose another spouse! "Su Jin said hard.

Have family members?

Nine true princesses really don't care. Some monks don't know how many beautiful wives and concubines have been in their lives. This idea is not only in the extreme real world, but also in the world of other monks.

"I don't care, I can get along well with my sister--" Princess Jiuzhen was a little annoyed. She couldn't get off the stage at all for Su Jin's actions.

"Don't! Let me put it this way, this king doesn't like you, your legs are not long enough, your body is too thin, and I am not satisfied with your face. Anyway, you should find someone else--" Su Jin had no choice but to resort to it. Killer.

"I, I killed you!" Princess Jiuzhen widened her eyes. Once upon a time, who would dare to comment on her like this?

Besides, Princess Jiuzhen's face was still covered in white veil. How could Su Jin know that she was not good-looking if she didn't look at it! This is clearly an excuse, and there is no sincerity at all.

"The temper is not good!" Su Jin hurriedly added another.

Nine True Princesses:...

At this moment, Princess Jiuzhen is no longer angry, but extremely annoyed. Regardless of her fat or thin body, the ratio of her face to the length of her legs, she is one of the few in the extreme real world, and she did not expect to be so unbearable in this person's heart!

Moreover, this is still said in front of the people of the world——

Dongfang Goose had already had a blank brain. While surprised by Su Jin's words, he looked at the other quiet people below, and he knew that these words had already made a lot of noise and intensified the conflict.

Su Jin sighed heavily in his heart, shook the trapped ice-mist hydrangea, and shook it towards the nine-story demon building, and said: "Princess, I didn't read the almanac when I went out today. I won't pick up the hydrangea. Bye-"


Even this kind of rare thing can be encountered, and Su Jin can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he sees the princess Jiuzhen catching the hydrangea, the hydrangea's strong bounce, and no longer flying towards him.

"Stop—" Princess Jiuzhen's voice fell cold.

"What else can the princess say?" Su Jin felt that it was not the right thing to leave.

"You are so insulting me, today I won't kill you, how should people in the real world look at me? Today, either you killed me or I was killed by me to prove my innocence!" Nine true princesses put away the hydrangea , Flew out of the ninth demon building, stepped into the void, and walked towards Su Jin——

Su Jin was speechless.

Indeed, if you don't marry this nine true princess, once you leave, the other party's reputation will definitely be affected. If you are cut off by her, the world's debate can be calmed down.

But in other words, if he defeated the nine true princesses, that would be his astounding ability, and perhaps others would talk less about the nine true princesses——

"Okay!" Su Jin reached out his hand and made an inviting gesture within this time. Isn't it just a fight? Who did he counsel?

The Nine Realms princess's gauze was fluttering, and her jade arm raised, a phoenix-headed snow-white magic sword appeared in her hand. The magic sword was as cold as snow, and it was obviously a rare treasure.

The charming body Pian Pian, the princess Jiuzhen didn't know what sword technique was used. When the attack came, Pian Pian's trajectory left many afterimages, and the phoenix shadows condensed, and the true meaning of the sword technique seemed to be contained in the void of the battlefield.

Su Jin is now in the Sword Body Divine Dao Realm, walking the real Sword God Avenue, this Nine True Princess is playing swords with him, it is almost silly!

Without dodge or dodge, Su Jin was even lazy to look around, until the nine true princesses were around, condensing the shadow of the eight hundred phoenix swords, he knew that this sword began to show its power!

At this moment, the shadow of the Phoenix Sword True Art was gradually condensed, as if it turned into the same appearance as the nine true princesses, but the sword posture was different. I have to say that Su Jin felt her sword posture very Beautiful~~

Su Jin's right foot was in the void, and he lightly stepped on it, and the sharp sword mark seemed to appear at that instant. Around him, an extremely sharp sword lotus was slowly blooming around~~~

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