My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2666: Completely suppressed

Sword Qi aspect!

In terms of momentum and suppression, compared with Su Jin's sword-body Shinto, Princess Jiuzhen is not in the same class at all!

Princess Jiuzhen was slightly shocked. She didn't believe that her Phoenix Sword True Art would be worse than Su Jin's, and immediately eight hundred solid swords with different gestures were simultaneously huge swords——


The eight hundred phoenix sword true tactics sword shadows seemed to be connected into a sword domain that obscured the sky. Each sword shadow began to be plated with ice purple lightning, and twists and turns of lightning fell at the same time!

Su Jin slowly rises, stepping on the blooming sword lotus, arms open~~~

The icy purple lightning suddenly gathered, and even connected to him!

"Impossible!" Princess Jiuzhen was incredulous in her eyes. At Su Jin's age, coupled with the realm shown by the other party, it is absolutely impossible to take her blow with her bare hands! She didn't believe it!

On the nine-story demon upstairs, Dongfang Goose, who was not an ordinary maid, had no other thoughts in her mind when she looked at it again and again. In her opinion, Su Jin was not a bit strong!

Dongfang Goose What's more, let alone the other people in Yin Yang Tongguan? !

"Oh my God! The Phoenix Sword of the Nine True Princesses has the power of God Thunder. This kind of thunder can penetrate Dao Heart and shake Dao Ji. If a person with a slightly weaker soul is hit, I am afraid that it will be directly bombed. The appearance and spirit of the person are all gone, this person is soliciting with bare hands!" Someone was shocked and exclaimed.

"In the past three years, the three martial arts stage firsts of the year, all died under the sword of the Nine True Princesses, and the princesses were still crushed by absolute superiority, how is this person now—"

"Strong, no wonder the princess will drop the hydrangea..."

"Forcibly picking up with your hands does not mean that our princess is weak, in case he is struck by the lightning of God~~"



Su Jin's right hand swept lightly towards the sky, and the eight hundred beautiful women's sword shadows gathered by the Fengjian True Art were swept away by his palm. At that moment, the nine true princesses felt Su Jin's horror, and her heart sighed. Ten steps back!

"Princess, I don't think it can be compared. This king still has important things to do with you. I don't have time to spend it with you." Su Jin's voice is extremely calm, clarifying the truth. It is not because of underestimation, but the strength of the nine true princesses. If she had an old man or something, she might be able to fight herself, she was really not an opponent at all.

"Do you despise me?" Princess Jiuzhen trembled with anger. Although Su Jin didn't say it clearly, the implication was very obvious, didn't he mean that he was not his opponent!

"What you said, I didn't say--"

"You're dead." Princess Jiuzhen was about to erect Fengjian in front of her, her lips moved lightly, she didn't know what words she was confiding, but her temperament became more subtle.

Su Jin's face was stunned.

Within a hundred miles of the void, it seemed that an extraordinary wind was blowing. Princess Jiuzhen's eyes were persistent, and a touch of sword rhyme spread out around her.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

A faint sound appeared behind the Jiuzhen Princess, strips of ice-purple sword aura, and began to outline a very special sword picture behind her straight back.


In Su Jin's field of vision, after the sword picture was completed, he saw a phantom fairy shadow faintly in the sword picture. The fairy shadow was obviously female, but it changed between the figure and the sword, and then immediately , There was a scene beyond Su Jin's expectation on the sword map!

The figure seems to have broken through the chaos in the sword picture, and is missing——

There is definitely a terrible heritage in the body of this nine true princess! At least Su Jin currently thinks so!

With Su Jin's current eyesight and wisdom, the figure left and disappeared, and it must have moved towards the heavens! That step was taken strong!

The wind became erratic, and the sword map was completed. Su Jin looked at the void around him. Sword marks with the aura of death were formed one after another. The void became riddled with holes at that moment, in many places. It was chopped up like pieces of tofu.


Su Jin nodded secretly, this nine true princess was not as bad as he thought, but it was useless! With these alone, it is not enough to compete with him!


A sound of the sky!

The melodious Buddha sound, chanting the Sanskrit, Su Jin's body is filled with the golden color of Buddha, the bustling Yin and Yang Tongguan, every corner seems to hear the peaceful and sacred singing, his arms gently swing up and down——

In a trance, the six Buddha arms congealed!

This deity also has two arms, and the sacred power of the eight arms to the Buddha is displayed!

Princess Jiuzhen was startled at first, with a strong surprise and fear deep in her pupils. Who is this Su Jin? He is both Buddha and Kendo, and both of them are quite good. This king and Buddha has a golden body!

do not care! The Nine True Princess gritted her teeth, carrying the sword picture on her back, practicing with the sword marks around in the void, with an invincible aura, that kind of aura, as if she had the powerful courage to march towards the heavens in the sword picture, directly Strangle Xiang Su Jin!

Su Jin's eight arms are connected to the Buddha, the Buddha wheel is shining behind, and the eight Buddha arms shoot one after another, directly blocking the attacking sword marks, and tearing them into an inch of sword light with bare hands!

These sword marks can't get close to him at all, and no trace of Jin's body can be cut out—

Princess Jiuzhen was shocked and finally realized the gap between Su Jin and Su Jin. She stared at Su Jin closely, but when she saw him at ease, she protruded a Buddha palm and plunged into the powerful sword picture behind her——

A stir~~~

The princess Jiuzhen trembled, and the sword picture was distracted. She suddenly looked sad, knowing that she had lost, and she had lost completely.

"If the great power you inherited shows up in person, you might be able to compete with me. At best, you will be in the realm of a deity at best, too weak." Su Jin really didn't want to hit her.

Su Jin is now really confident to take the step of the heavens, but the mundane affairs are still delayed, and he is not really willing to go.

"You, do you have the ability to move to the heavens?" The Nine True Princess felt that Su Jin's words were more than arrogant, because it was impossible and too funny.

"Yes or not, it has nothing to do with you. Don't bother me again today--" Su Jin said lightly. He didn't mean to hurt this woman. Originally this was a beautiful coincidence. He didn't expect to cause the hydrangea to be strange. Otherwise, why should he stay here.

"Since you didn't come here to marry me, why did you show up here--" Princess Jiuzhen felt really hurt, sad and embarrassed. Su Jin didn't like her, and even his strength was far from the opponent.

"This king just heard that Yin and Yang Tongguan is very mysterious. I just came to walk on it. I wish the princess find her favorite horse as soon as possible and say goodbye." Su Jin faced the west gate and walked directly to the void. He didn't expect the others. The face was completely dull.


To break through the Yin and Yang Tongguan!

Dongfang Yan lightly covered his small mouth. While feeling distressed for the princess, he knew in his heart that there was no possibility that Su Jin could get through——

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