My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2676: Terrorist

Bang bang bang--

Su Jin condensed his power to the extreme, and the emptiness around him quickly collapsed. The power visible to the naked eye was even like a reckless fish swimming across the river, making people look at it!

The black red-eyed giant, holding two ancient temples in his hands, the giant city on the ground has only reached the height of its knees, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

"The Emperor against the sky, I will come here by decree, and I will incarnate your soul in this place. You blame yourself for being too arrogant, and if you are allowed to practice safely for another thousand years, who can check and balance? You! Give up resistance, today is your time to die!" The giant red pupil opened his mouth, and every word he said made a sonic boom—

"Come by decree? By whose decree? Don't fart, no one who prevents me from living today! Kill!"

After that, Su Jin didn't even think about it, his body shook slightly, and he disappeared into the void. He actually wanted to take the lead in attacking the black red-eyed giant with the human body!

"It's so arrogant! Well, well, my Red Eye King is an ancient god-given barbaric body, I want to ask for advice on how you can do it!" The Red Eye King gave a slight shock, standing on the ground in front of the giant city, waiting for Su Jin Come on offense.

The terrible confrontational force, which has not yet been hand-to-hand, has caused a turbulence in the void. When Su Jin rushed, his arms were already raised, and the fist was bright, and when he was near, he suddenly slammed on the King of Red Eyes——


This? !

Like a sacred mountain, the towering and motionless King of Red Eyes, his brutal body only trembled slightly, but Su Jin felt a terrible counter-shock force appearing along his fist. He suddenly overturned his body and flew out to unload. Go to the counter-shock force enough to hurt him--

So strong

Su Jin was astonished in his heart. With his strength, of course he knew how strong he was now, even if it was a very ordinary punch, it was an extraordinary evildoer that could take it.

Not only did the other party catch it, but he didn't even get hurt at all! What kind of physique is that black brute body! The defense is so amazing!

In this case, Su Jin didn't encounter much. Under normal circumstances, the opponent stood still. It should be his masterpiece, but now, he can't hurt the opponent with brute force!

"Huh?" Seeing this situation in the giant city of Tongguan, a tsunami-like exclamation suddenly appeared——

Dongfang Goose and Princess Jiuzhen were frightened at the sight, and their faces were pale. Even Su Jin himself hadn't expected this kind of thing to happen, let alone these spectators?

"Emperor Ye’s previous performance was definitely at the ruling level. As a result, this blow hit the red pupil king without leaving even a fist mark. Instead, he was shocked into the air--" the hustle and bustle of the giant city of Tongguan People were excited again and again, as if they were anxious to see Yedi being bullied.

"Great, someone will finally take care of this evil spirit, and there are still three people, everyone is stronger than Ye Di, I want to appreciate and appreciate it today, watching Ye Di's head is taken away." There are others gloating. Laughing.

"Get rid of the night emperor! After he goes out, he will definitely harm one party, and if he continues to practice in the future, he must not let the world's creatures be charred!"

"There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world! The emperor has low eyes and low hands, and he is invincible. Now that he is suffering from such a powerful enemy that can crush him, he is too high-profile.

"Kill the emperor night, destroy the nine cultivators! Restore the order of the heavens, and the rules can't be messed up by him alone—"


At this moment, more than 50 million monks had gathered in the giant city of Tongguan, and many big figures felt the terrible throbbing because of this, and appeared——

Outside the West Gate.

Dongfang Yanjiao's body trembled lightly, and tilted his head over——

In the direction of the two people's right hand, there are two voids fluctuating, and the nine true princesses saw that the maid Dongfang Yan did not choose to look, and she knew who the person was.

There are two people here, two middle-aged people! A black robe enveloped the entire body. This middle-aged man looked younger, and the other was wearing a golden robe with a golden dragon embroidered on the robe. This person was a very familiar existence from Princess Jiuzhen!

Helianxiong, the lord of Tongguan! The father of the Nine True Princesses!

"Father -" Princess Jiuzhen looked embarrassed, and two red clouds floated on her cheeks.

"My uncle Dongfang and I felt shocked when we were in retreat. I already know the situation and don't need to explain." The middle-aged man in golden dragon robe, with a solemn face, looked at the second stage!

"Yan'er, you still can't forgive me--" The black-robed middle-aged man sighed. Over the years, he has blamed himself extremely! The once distinguished Eastern leader did a great thing that shocked the real world of the extremely deep world, and it was also a big mistake, and his daughter can hardly forgive it so far.

Dongfang Goose didn’t answer, ignore, or look at him——

By the side of Princess Jiuzhen, Dongfang Goose, who was a maid, naturally knew that the maid was a slave. Although the princess had never treated her like that, and even treated her like a sister, she practiced herself in this way, most of which was hatred for her father. , Out of revenge.

"Brother Dongfang, look! This kid is not in the realm of the gods, why can he produce a feeling that makes us very jealous?" With a wave of the sleeve of the dragon robe, He Lianxiong showed a surprised face.

On the other hand, the Eastern leader retracted his gaze from his daughter, and when he looked at Su Jin, his face was also amazed and uncertain.

"Such aura, coupled with the escaping power, is indeed true of God. If he hides his realm, it is absolutely impossible to hide it at this time. He doesn't have any longevity aura." The Eastern Master said solemnly.

"Uncle Dongfang, Father..." When Princess Jiuzhen said, she didn't know whether she should say it or not.

"Jiuzhen--" He Lianxiong looked at his daughter and motioned for her to continue.

"His name is Yedi, the orthodox human bloodline, he should have been exiled to our extremely deep real world, he is a god, and he is towering, and his daughter's hydrangea is also abnormal because of him——" Nine The real princess blushed.

"No matter how enchanting God is, it shouldn't be so towering~~~" He Lianxiong's attitude towards his daughter is simply not too good, like the kind of holding it in the palm of his hand for fear of falling, and holding it in his mouth for fear of melting.

"Father, he, he is Jiu Dao Xiu." When Princess Jiuzhen said the three words'Nine Dao Xiu', she felt unbelievable even now.

Nine Dao Xiu!


He Lianxiong and the Eastern Hierarch directly compared with each other, their eyes stunned--

There were two air-conditioning, appearing from Helianxiong and Dongfang Hierarch~~~

At this moment, Su Jin stabilized his figure, and the counter-shock force just now was perfectly removed by him. As the attacker, he was not injured in that shot.

The red pupil king laughed, the sound of the mountain shook the ground! Holding the ancient temple in its right palm, it seemed to have replaced its fist, and suddenly, it slammed directly at Su Jin!

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