My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2677: Shenlong Hua Kunpeng

Brutal violence

Hongtong Wang grinned, as if seeing the scene of Su Jin being smashed by him, asking him to say that the emperor of the night is so weak, he shouldn't bother to fight!

Holding the ancient temple in his hand, the terrible light of the dark light shines on the ancient temple. This blow is just like an ordinary mortal punching. The method is not without the meaning of contempt, but with this punch, the King of Red Eyes thinks it can easily obliterate Su Jin——

Su Jin stood firmly on the void.

Don't dodge or hide!

With his hand, in front of his cross-arm, the blue and yellow Buddha light all over his body turned into a Buddha wheel behind him, and soon, the **** of life and death, the Buddha himself, rose up against the wind!

Only the arms and palms of the Buddha seem to be able to slash Tianyue horizontally——

Su Jin's Buddha's palm lightly probed, and the sky on one side seemed to be blinded by the Buddha's palm. Each Buddha's finger glowed with Buddha's brilliance, and he pressed the palm of the ancient temple that struck!

Boom boom boom -

The Red Eye King who holds the ancient temple shakes!

"This kid is not right! Old drunkard, Hunyuan Axe! You two will take action soon!" Red pupil king felt the pressure and directly put away the heart of contempt. Su Jin's blow caused its ancient temple to collapse. Thirty percent, even the palms of those who were suppressed had cracks!

If it weren't for the special barbaric body, the undamaged barbaric body of the Red Eye King would really be broken!

Su Jin is also under great pressure! This red pupil king is still acceptable to deal with by himself, but if the other three make a move together, can he still contend?

"Emperor against the sky, eat me a chaotic slash!" The ghost wandering in the void, carrying a double-edged great axe, directly smashed a piece of void, the speed suddenly increased by three times, and it was directly cut. come--

Su Jin’s golden body of King Buddha quickly returned to normal. Standing on that side of the void, a red divine dragon rose from his body. He was the dragon body condensed by the ancestral dragon, which was made for "The Ancestral Book of the Dragon". Turned into an entity.

The scene is simply peerless!

The flesh turned into a real dragon, that real dragon, with dragon eyes staring into the sky, as if it could deter the sky, with six claws facing the ground, as if it could suppress the earth, and its scales trembled, and the sound of ding and ding appeared from time to time.

This real dragon is ninety thousand zhang!

This real dragon trembles the world!

Su Jin’s nine powers, blessing the body of the Ancestral Dragon, and the real body of Hunyuan Axe King, he has also seen him. He is short and fat, with dark skin, carrying the double-edged axe, and that axe mark is the so-called chaos. God cut'!

Qiang Qiang--

Sparks appeared on Su Jin's condensed dragon arm, the entire dragon arm was quickly cut open, and the entire ancestral dragon showed signs of cracking. It was fortunate that he had condensed, otherwise he would be slashed. , It's really hard to say whether it can live

"Comparing speed? I compare with you!" Su Jin knew that to deal with this Hunyuan Axe King, he had to catch up with his terrifying speed, but for speed, Su Jin has never been afraid of anyone!

Whether it is the wordless Tian Mi'shrinking the ground into an inch' or the Great Ascension technique, they are all towering magical magic techniques, but these are necessary for the journey, it is difficult to do killing actions at the same time!

But don’t worry! Su Jin also has the magical technique of the Lord's rapid killing!

The ninety-thousand-foot dragon, quickly raised its head, wandering into the void——

Dark clouds gathered, and thunder and lightning descended on that dark land. The jade as big as a dot was rushing down, and the terrible electric light spread in the sky like the crown of a tree. For a time, there was something that made people feel like they are back to the ancient gods for hegemony. Era!

The ninety-thousand-thousand-foot dragon, the terrible golden light is spreading all over!

That's right!

It is Jinguang——

Before the whole dragon collapsed, those dragon scales seemed to turn into pieces of golden feathers. The golden feathers were extremely obvious during the lightning and thunder, and gradually in the thick black cloud, the lightning and lightning gathered in one place, one wing With the 90-thousand-square-foot Dapeng, Ling Yu pierced the black sky, and when he screamed loudly, Dapeng quickly switched again!

On that black cloud, there seemed to be a kind and dazzling kunfish, jumping out. When the kunfish manifested, even the Hunyuan Axe King, the Red Eye King, and the old wine flag who blessed the gods on the ground , Can't shoot that fish!

Kunpeng Nine Changes!

this is too scary!

In the process of the Kunpeng Nine Transformations, unless the power surpasses Su Jin too much, the power of evolution cannot be interrupted at all, that is to say, when the Kunpeng is constantly changing, it will be invincible for a short time!

One change, two changes, five changes, seven changes——

Constantly compressing, the 90-thousand-square-foot Dapeng is constantly changing between Pengying and Kunying, and the size is shrinking rapidly, and it is still suppressing! At this time, the destructive power that makes people look disillusioned is shining out in the golden light!

In the giant city of Tongguan.

It's quiet!

50 million repairs, who dares to put a word of contempt!

Outside the West City Gate, Princess Jiuzhen, Dongfang Goose, He Lianxiong, and Dongfang Leader were already speechless. They were surprised to see that land of lightning and thunder, wind and rain—

"It's another peerless magical technique. Could this be the legendary Kunpeng technique?" The Eastern leader smiled bitterly and shook his head with emotion. He seemed to be asking himself, and he seemed to be communicating with He Lianxiong.

"The Hunyuan Axe King is mainly the skill of quick slashing. He, the dragon transforming Kunpeng, evolves the real Kunpeng Divine Art, no matter how fast the Hunyuan Axe King is, it will not be faster than Kunpeng——" He Lianxiong said solemnly .

Being able to sit on the giant city of Yin and Yang Tongguan, He Lianxiong's strength is one of the few in the entire Extreme Underworld Realm. It can be imagined that even he is so emotional, how strong Su Jin's current strength should be!

Princess Jiuzhen was in a panic. If it weren't for the presence of Uncle Dongfang and King Father, she would have covered her heart. The power of the night emperor had once again refreshed her knowledge!

"When the princess married him, as a maid, I would marry together. When I became a maid, I don’t know how my father should face it. Will he kill me too?" Dongfang Yan's eyes were red and his face With a trace of hatred, he looked at the Eastern leader.

Hearing this, the Eastern leader clenched his fist unconsciously, which was hidden under the black robe, but now he did not dare to respond.

He Lianxiong looked at the Dongfang brothers, father and daughter, and shook his head secretly. With that night emperor's ability, he said whether he could see our Jiuzhen~~

The giant city of Tongguan is silent!

Everyone is looking up, looking at the dark land, in the sky above, the golden light, carrying the power of destruction, is further compressing——

King Hunyuan Axe appeared beside King Hongtong, and the pressure in his heart was rapidly increasing.

When I came, I only knew that Ye Di was difficult to deal with.

But I didn't expect it to be so difficult to deal with!

"It's okay, let him do it. If the three of us can't cut him off, what face is there to go back? I just noticed his power, and it's hard to cut me off--" The giant body of the red pupil king, face Towards the golden light group slightly smaller than a ping-pong ball, the giant eyes grew scarlet.

"Hope, I feel that his blow should be directed at me." Hunyuan Axe King's short and chubby body directly took off the Hunyuan Divine Axe. When lifting the axe, the difference between the size and the height of the axe is very obvious— —

Kunpeng Nine Changes!

When the cohesion was completed, Su Jin's voice resounded through the world:

"Hunyuan Axe King, die!"

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