My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2678: put all one's eggs in one basket

Hear the words.

The Hunyuan Axe King and the Red Eye King, both had their faces dignified, each stretched out a hand, and the mysterious power condensed. The power of the two seemed to be transformed into two ferocious beasts, and the water around them was not leaking——

Kunpeng is slightly smaller than a ping-pong ball, and when he rushes, the void seems to have been rushed through a double jagged gully, and when it collides with those two forces, the world seems to have only one sound!



There are as many as thousands of dazzling golden lights. When each golden light bursts out, it penetrates the void, and it seems to be able to see the edge of this blow even in the extreme deep space!

The Hunyuan Axe King and the Red Eye King were horrified, and the two of them continued to increase their strengths and solidify, but they were so, and in the end they still backed two steps together to withstand this sharp blow!

"Ancient Kunpeng technique is nothing more than this! Do you have any other tricks, but today our three brothers took it all!" Hunyuan Axe King's chubby little hand, holding the double-edged giant that is extremely inconsistent with its size. Axe, his face became grim.

"Yes, even with this little power, I dare to show off? Once the three of us fought hard for three months with a big demon, and I don’t know how many times we have returned from the dark prison, but we are not the one who wins? You are destined today. Can't run away——" The Red Eyed King smiled, the ancient temple that it had just damaged in its hands was also strangely restored.

When the real body was not far away, Su Jin felt extremely heavy--

The Red Eye King and Hunyuan Axe King resisted his nine Kunpeng changes, and there was also a mysterious old drunkard who didn't make a move.

Today should be suspended-

Su Jin could meet such a tough opponent here, but he never thought that he would be blocked on the way through the barrier!

Su Jin's pupils shrunk slightly. It seems that if he wants to get through this hurdle, he needs to be surprised and cut off one or two of the three, otherwise he will definitely have a hard time living! It just so happened that now these two people have despised themselves, it is not that he has no chance!

"Where is your old drunkard? Call him out, I will fight to death with one enemy and three, so as not to waste time--" Su Jin's face was as calm as ever, no one could see what he was thinking.

"Hehe, just this blow, we have already seen the reality of your Ye Emperor, and the old drunkard still needs to appear? He only needs to guard this land and use the invincible banning technique to prevent you from leaving." Hun Yuan Axe Wang sneered.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, make a quick fight, don't give him any chance to breathe, Hunyuan Axe, you and I will do your best, finish the task as soon as possible and leave here--" King Hongtong saw Su Jin's whole body shining brilliantly. So the recovery ability is different from ordinary people, it is recovering quickly!

"Okay! Look at me in "Hun Yuan Wu Ji", dominate the sky!" Hun Yuan Axe knew Su Jin's "virtual and real", and with the presence of his brothers, he knew that his life was safe, and immediately released his whole spirit. open!

The double-edged axe suddenly burst out like a butterfly. The shadows of the axe are like a butterfly, filling the battlefield, and every shadow of the axe carries a terrible aura of destruction——

Su Jin's eyes condensed, and the whole body was filled with the color of Buddha yellow. He is now difficult to use the Wordless Heaven Secret. If he did not use the gray stone idol in the previous second level, it would be fine at this time.


He can only choose to use the Wangfojin body to carry it hard--

The sacred blue and yellow light of the Buddha seemed to form a ring of wind, enclosing Su Jin's golden body of the Buddha, and the shadow of the axe in the sky kept cutting down on the wind outside, and sparks were constantly splashing out!

Almost every wave of attack frequency, Su Jin Wang Buddha's golden body will tremble once, this Hunyuan Axe King is too strong!

Su Jin even wondered if these three people were from the heavens--

"Blast his golden body, you and I will go away, it is even more beautiful! It will definitely be a great achievement by then!" The red pupil king's eyes lit up, and he softly shouted.

"Good, good! This seems to be a very good idea!" Hunyuan Axe King was equally overjoyed. They only wanted to annihilate Su Jin here, but if they could detain Su Jin's body and soul, take away his golden body, separate body and soul, and let him go. Even if he has the means to reach the sky, it is useless.

Su Jin gritted his teeth, a circle of sacred Buddha light was disappearing quickly, and those shadows of axe kept compressing his living space!

Can’t go on like this!

Su Jin knew that even though his golden body was golden on the outside, the Buddha's blood was flowing inside, but the Buddha bone was not complete, so he immediately felt a sigh of relief--


Immediately, Su Jin used the other eight powers to bless the Buddha's light, and assembled all the nine to begin to defend. At the same time, he took out a stone lotus platform from the bone ring and sat on the stone lotus platform——

At the same time, he flipped his hand and held a piece of jade pig dragon tightly in his palm. He was sitting in a crossed position and placed the'Ming Wang Fu Chi' on his lap to bless the Buddha's body!

At this point, Wang Fojin closed his eyes!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The bones in Su Jin's body that were not Buddhaized were rapidly spreading with a touch of blue.

Yes! blue!

And the stone lotus platform sitting cross-legged below him was slowly rotating at a slow speed, and the golden Buddha body with his eyes closed was also clearly seen by everyone.

The great city of Tongguan, the sound wave after wave, is really amazing! Aside from being against the sky, the battle between Su Jin and King Red Eye and King Hunyuan Axe alone will have a profound impact on the future——

"The night emperor is too enchanting! The three Hunyuan Axe Kings are really shameless, and they don't dare to fight one-on-one. Depending on the situation, I am afraid that it will be a wheel fight! This is the safest method. If it doesn't work, you can One person takes over, the other recovers, and can live and consume powerful enemies!" Someone sighed.

"So big? I think it's a trapped animal fight. Will you wait to die at this time? I can't think of any way he can escape death—"

"Buddha and Tao are so exquisite. If he can walk the world and preach the Dharma, he will definitely be a powerful Buddha and Tao, but it is a pity that God can't even tolerate six ways, let alone nine fellow practitioners?"

"The Hunyuan Axe King is indeed powerful, but this Yedi is obviously going to make a desperate move. I think he has only a half chance of winning."

"You deserve to die against the sky, you can't let such a terrifying talented power live, otherwise we will change the heavens in the extreme real world, killing him is good for any of us—"



Masters fight against each other, no one will break, only fast! Waiting on the spot to admit that an attack is a big taboo, now the King of Red Eyes is full of heart, and directly shouted: "Good opportunity! King Hunyuan Axe, it's time to take him on the road!"

Hunyuan Axe King was naturally happy. He was afraid of Su Jin's power before. Who knew this was a paper tiger, scary to play, and almost embarrassed him, and immediately responded with a negative test:

"No problem! He is not strong, look at me Hun Yuan Wuji, tyrant axe, split his golden body!"

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