My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2680: Destroyed!

This look is terrifying——

Especially Hunyuan Axe King, when he saw Su Jin’s eyes, he only felt that his whole body was cold and cold. It was cold. You must know that he took the opportunity to wound Su Jin when he was enlightened by Su Jin Buddha. !

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, how could this king achieve the nine-door divine realm in such a short time? Now this king gives you a choice, what kind of death method to choose——" Su Jin eight arms Tongfo, showing a dazzling golden light, looked at the two and asked.

Of course, the old drunkard who has been confining here and didn't intend to let Su Jin leave, although he has not yet appeared, Su Jin also included him.

Nine Shinto!

Most of the fifty million repairs were panicked--

Once the six ancestors were unable to become emperors. This is a rule that has been recognized since countless epochs, but now this rule has been broken by Su Jin. He not only cultivated the Nine Paths, but also achieved the Divine Path in every avenue.

How terrifying is the nine-door divine realm?

Earlier, Su Jin had shown terrifying strength, but no one knows how strong he is now!

In the giant city of Tongguan, many people are panicked because of this change——

"Just now, five divine lotuses were condensed one after another, which obviously represents the other five heavenly realms of Ye Di to achieve divine realm. This is troublesome. Before, he was able to compete equally with Hunyuan Axe King, although it was a little bit small. Inferior position, but at least there is no sign of defeat!" In the monk group, there were people who looked at each other, and no one dared to disregard Su Jin!

"Who else has this kind of talent? But Hunyuan Axe and the others are not without the opportunity. Then a great power hanging on the wine flag has not yet made a shot, and the power of the three is enough to fight the night emperor who has achieved the nine-door divine way! "

"Difficult! The current emperor of the night, I am afraid that he has the strength to move towards the heavens, and to march towards the heavens with the gods, there is no one in the past!"

"No wonder he can't look down on the strength of Helian Jiuzhen, Yedi, even if City Lord Helian is angry with Yedi, with the current cultivation base of Yedi, it is enough to crush City Lord Helian——"

"What should I do, the night emperor is such a wicked evildoer, let's not stop talking, I feel that if the night emperor shoots us, these fifty million repairs will be wiped out with a single palm--"


Voices with various emotions continued to appear everywhere in Tongguan City. Some monks who practiced too weakly trembled at the sight of that distant, and even sat down on the ground crying——

At this moment, King Hunyuan Axe and King Hongtong were in a defensive posture. Although they were shocked after hearing Su Jin's words, they couldn't help but sneer after thinking about it carefully.

No matter how powerful it is, isn't it just Shinto cultivation?

What's the catch!

"Old drunkard! Even if his fellow practitioners have 10,000 Dao, he is only in the realm of the gods. If you don't come out at this moment, we will all die here! The three of us shot together, I really don't believe that he can't be killed!" Hongtong Wang Zhen roared Scream.

As soon as the words fell, Hunyuan Axe King looked at the black formation pattern ground, a little strange.


As if someone was belching a wine, a wine streamer manifested from the tadpole-like pattern. The old Bacchus no longer hung on the wine streamer, but carried the wine streamer and soaked herself. In a large black and gold wine tank.

Wine-red nose, slightly fat upper body, drunk eyes——

"My old Bacchus can kill him alone, you retreat, retreat, and hiccup~" The old Bacchus was drunk, very drunk.

Nima still blowing?

The red pupil king was so angry that he wanted to wake him up with a slap!

Su Jin didn't change his face. The strength of this old Bacchus was not weak. If compared with the other two, he might have their own advantages, but he is now full of strength, and he is not afraid of any of the three!


The entire big wine tank trembles, and the liquor in it almost ripples out, but as the wine tank trembles, the wine character flag is suddenly driven by inexplicable power, and it continues to grow bigger in the void, and it dances one by one. , Even dispelled the turbulence of the void storm——

"Shoot!" The King of Red Eye roared, his arms like mountains shook fiercely, and the two huge ancient halls were out of the palm of his hand, carrying a terrifying aura, the two ancient halls suppressed Su Jin!

At the same time, King Hunyuan Axe turned the giant double-edged axe into a plumb-throwing posture, fiercely swirling in the standing void, and his surroundings seemed to turn into an axe-blade vortex, sharp. It's hard to move your eyes.

Outside the West City Gate, four people were worried!

The Jiuzhen princess and Dongfang Yanjiao trembled as they watched intently. The two women's hearts seemed to be attached to Su Jin. These three powerhouses made their best effort. Can Su Jin's Nine Dao Divine Dao Realm contend?

The result is unknown!

The city lord Helianxiong and the Eastern leader are now deeply shocked. The two of them are considered to be the highest-level superpowers in the extreme real world, but now they have been hit by a Shinto monk.


Su Jin's eight arms are connected to the Buddha's image, and each of the eight Buddha's hands is floating with a **** lotus, and the surrounding is filled with a huge Buddha lotus. There are a total of nine **** lotus, and the petals of the lotus are intertwined with shinto shackles!

The Hunyuan Axe King, who has two brothers, is obviously faster than the others, and directly kills Su Jin!

Su Jin put his eight arms through the lotus on the Buddha's hand, floating on top of his head, the deity's arms lightly pat forward——



The two ancient temples that the Red Eye King suppressed were shocked into dust in a flash! And almost at that moment, the terrifying axe blade vortex, even the void swept into a black hole, Su Jin was able to deal with it freely, and stretched his arm towards the vortex formed by Hunyuan Axe King!


Countless sparks appeared on the Buddha's arm!

King Red Eye and King Hunyuan Axe were shocked almost at the same time!

How could Ye Di be so strong!

Although the two ancient temples can be reunited, this is a means of killing the King Red Eyes condensed with a powerful force, and the result is instantly destroyed, and King Hunyuan Axe’s blow is even more extraordinary, but it is still two short While breathing, the vortex of the axe and blade was dispersed!

There is no trace of the huge bergamot!

Hunyuan Axe King is very square----

Very square!

When the axe-blade vortex was being dispersed, Hunyuan Axe’s double-edged divine axe was lightly hit by that horrible Buddha finger——


The magic axe cracked into thousands of pieces!

Hunyuan Axe looked terrifying, regressed crazily, and wanted to leave! But no matter how fast he is, when the magnificent Buddha palm grabs him, it seems to be a unique suppression, he can't escape the palm of Ye Di!

"Old drunkard! King Red Eye! Save me!" Hun Yuan Axe was extremely regretful. If he was allowed to make a choice, he would never want to go on a business trip today. What kind of grace does he have , Screamed for help directly.

"Dare you!" The Red Eye King roared, and immediately after the huge body, a bow body, the entire barbaric body jumped up, and the terrifying arm blasted towards Su Jin!

On Su Jinfo's palm, his thumb and index finger gently twisted——

Hunyuan Axe’s head was caught in his fingers~~~

A head left from the body of King Axe, faintly with a bright color, gushing like a column~~~

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