My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2681: Kill the top three!

An instant shock-

In this scene, Wan Lai was silent. On the dark earth, the golden Buddha lotus seemed to purify all sins. The blood evaporated into nothingness without falling to the ground. The head of King Hunyuan Axe had two bloodstains of Shenren in his eyes. The spirit was wiped out just now.

In the world, there is no Hunyuan Axe King!


The old Bacchus seemed to be awakened by the terrible scene. His whole body was so cold that he was stunned. He almost didn't even think about it. He just put away the wine jar, retracted the wine character banner, and turned around.

"Run! Run away!" The voice of the Red Eye King also spread to the old Bacchus. He did the same way as the old Bacchus. This old friend who was usually ridiculed by him as a drunkard, was afraid that he was the same as him. In the rest of my life, I will be in a daze in front of a divine realm!

There is no way at all.

The one who should be offended has been completely offended. With Su Jin's ability to instantly kill King Hunyuan Axe, the Red Eye King and the Old Bacchus can no longer defeat them, and even the restrictions are difficult to achieve. There is no other way but to escape!

The two plunged into the void almost simultaneously in two directions--

"Escape? Can you escape? There is a saying in my hometown that you should come out and pay back..." Su Jin's body shook slightly.

The two bright **** chains shook directly into the void in two directions. That was the direction from which the Red Eye King and the Old Bacchus fled!

Although the strength of the two can reach extremely deep space in an instant, how can Su Jin's strength be comparable to that of the two now?


The two candle dragon chains plunged straight into the deep space, and then visible to the naked eye, the two chains in different directions began to tremble!

"Ye Di! Do you know who the two of me are? Do you dare to kill me, your family, and anyone related to you will disappear, completely disappear! You--" The direction where the Red Eyed King fled, in the north !

At this moment, the huge figure of the Red Eye King was dragged out in the distant deep space. As he spoke, his tongue was swaying around. It was caused by the terrible candle dragon poison.

"Ye Di! I, I did not do much harm to you. It was Hunyuan Axe who cut you, and the red eyed King who spoke against you was the King of Red Eyes. Let me go, Ye Di!!" Old Bacchus eyes It emits a bright red color like poisoning. At that moment, his Dao Xin almost wanted to collapse, and he was already scared!

When seeing this scene, Tongguan City was repaired with 50 million yuan, and almost at the same time inhaled an air-conditioning——

The Red Eye King and the old Bacchus couldn't even escape, and they were captured by Ye Di Shengsheng with the shackles of the gods. This kind of strength, I am afraid that it will be difficult to see in the world!

Take one enemy three, destroy one person instantly, catch two alive!

"How could it be possible that the Nine Gates of Divine Dao are so strong! Unexpectedly, they caught people back..." In Tongguan City, I don't know how many people were shocked and said dumbly.

"Yedi is too strong. I guess it is difficult for the masters of the Extreme Realm to be able to restrain him from all dispatching. His nine great avenues achieve the divine Dao, and it is estimated that he has the ability to destroy our Extreme Realm!"

"He who defends the sky, on the contrary, is stronger. The heavenly order established by the gods is afraid that it will be broken by the night emperor. In the future, when he marches to the heavens, how strong will he be? I appreciate him now—"

"Yedi is invincible! It is really fortunate for Sansheng to witness the birth of such a prominent powerhouse!"

"Ye Di! Ye Di!"


The style of painting has changed so quickly, some conceited monks are always reluctant to say one-sided words. On the contrary, this kind of people look at those monks who turn their heads with very contempt, and they are really horrible! Didn’t you just clamor for Zhan Ye Di? !

The nine blooming divine lotus gradually disappeared, and even Su Jin even put away the golden body. He was very satisfied with the current state. When he just broke through, even his eyebrows and eyes could be perfectly opened and recovered!

The two chains of the gods loosen the old drunkard and the red pupil king, and the chains disappear into the void——

The Red Eye King and the old drunkard were startled, wondering why Su Jin let them go like this.

"Forget it, count your acquaintances——" Hongtong Wang found that the root of his tongue was like a stone, and even his words became vague, and he immediately realized that it was not good.

The old drunkard's face changed wildly, he touched his face lightly, and became frightened in his heart. His face was as cold as a stone in his hand, as if it was not like his own!

"We are poisoned! What a terrible poison is this, this is! My divine body can't even feel the pain!" The old drunkard couldn't say anything, so he could only transmit the voice to the red pupil king.

"Candle Dragon! The most vicious king of all poisons, Candle Dragon is very poisonous!" The Red Eyed King was in a panic, he looked at his huge barbaric body, a burst of **** smoke was floating——

"Ye Di, you must not die! The path of your heaven-defying person will never work, you are destined to perish, ahhhhh! I curse you—" The voice of the old Bacchus spread all over the world, it was made by the soul The declaration, as if to bless this vicious curse on Su Jin.

"When you step to the heavens, it is your death period. You Ye Di will not live long, you are about to die, you are about to die—" The Red Eye King trembled. Although he could not speak, he could transmit the voice of Yuan Shen!

The huge barbaric body was undergoing terrible changes as the blood mist floated up, like a giant jelly, slowly melting!

The old Bacchus was also corroded by the poisonous poison, and the flesh and skin began to bloom and melt...

Chi Chi -

The two panicked little spirits floated from the terrible poison, and wanted to escape again, but the two spirits also seemed to float up in smoke, disappearing every inch~~~

In the end, there was no sound.

Three strong, kill!

At this time, the dark land seemed to have completely restored its calm. Just 50 million cultivators who watched the battle felt like they were having a nightmare, but that nightmare was so real.

Su Jinyi hunted, he raised his head and looked at Yuankong——

His journey will be the stars and the heavens, here is just a starting point, a beginning!

Nine layers of Yin and Yang Tongguan, the threat to Su Jin is no longer big, if his Nine Sect Divine Dao does not have a case, it may be a little troublesome, but now he can almost ignore it.

Soon, Su Jin opened his eyebrows! The three magnificent temples of the Buddha are actually shining in the deep space five million miles away!

During the entire Yin-Yang-Tong Pass, there were seven sounds when the three temples appeared! This means that the remaining seven levels are broken at the same time!

Great Leiyin Temple.

Daxiong Hall.

Sumi Bodhi Hall!

Among them, the Daxiong Hall is in the center, and there are five million li Buddha steps below, appearing in front of Su Jin——

The King Kong Master who exiled me in the extreme real world, Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect! My Yedi went out immediately, have you figured out how to die? When Su Jin thought about it, his heart was extremely calm, but his eyes were extremely sharp and handsome!

Tongguan Giant City, West Gate.

The big beautiful eyes of the Nine True Princesses blinked, and the mist in them was like crystal waves. This kind of enchanting powerhouse who fell in love with her at first sight is about to go, and it will be difficult to encounter in this life——

"Helian Jiuzhen, how dare you be your father?! After today, you will be revoked from your princess status, and you are not allowed to step into my Tongguan!" He Lianxiong suddenly became angry, and his voice resounded through five. Mill your ears.

Dongfang Goose and Nine True Princesses were stunned in an instant.

At that time, the two women understood, this was intentional.

My father is interested, but—

For a time, this Tongguan No. 1 Beauty, had no idea and didn't know what to do.

"Father, he, don't want me..." Princess Jiuzhen trembled, transmitting to He Lianxiong.

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